International Conference “Internationalisation of Vocational Education and Training”, , St.Petersburg Prof. Olga Oleynikova, Director of the Centre for VET Studies, President of IVETA
г. S. Petersburg2 Conference objectives (1) To discuss and exchange on key aspects of internationalisation in VET in a global context: Content Methodology Institutional arrangements Familiarisation with international practices
г. S. Petersburg3 Conference objectives (2): To form common understanding of the role of international cooperation in such areas as: enhancement of quality and attractiveness of VET recognition of prior learning, competences and qualifications on the basis of learning outcomes fostering competences for modern working life internationalisation of teaching and learning
г. S. Petersburg4 Call of the Time Interaction and collaboration in the format of internationalisation – as a key principle of development in the era of globalisation and building knowledge- based economies
г. S. Petersburg5 Internationalisation An objective process of sustainable interaction of national systems of education and their mutual influence based on common goals and principles addresses the needs of international community reflects developmental trends of the new century
г. S. Petersburg6 Aims of internationalisation (1) To enhance quality of VET by ensuring participation of students and teachers in the international exchange of knowledge and technologies To ensure comparability of diplomas and qualifications To enhance academic and labour mobility To raise revenues by attracting fees for training foreign students
г. S. Petersburg7 Aims of internationalisation (2) To develop common strategies and principles for VET development To gear VET policies to: ensure that VET curricula meet the needs of the economy and society; enhance quality of graduates’ training; strengthen international cooperation and partnerships in VET; ensure coordination of VET schools activities; encourage competition of VET systems.
г. S. Petersburg8 Benefits of Internationalisation Enhanced quality of graduates’ training due to: Quality of training Selection of samples of best practice and methodologies Avoiding mistakes made by others Optimisation of resources Accelerated pace of VET development VET modernisation
г. S. Petersburg9 Common Challenges for VET Systems growing requirements to qualifications an anticipated increase in the share of highly qualified workers in all categories of the employed population development of innovations and enhanced global competition growing uncertainty in the sphere of employment urgent need to develop reliable qualitative and quantitative labour market forecasts/skills anticipation projections growing diversification of VET institutional models rapid outdating of occupational knowledge/skills negative demographic trends that bring to the forefront lifelong learning needs
г. S. Petersburg10 Thank you for attention Centre for VET Studies Phone: + 7(495) , Web-site: