Youth & Family Services Great Oaks Village Transition Plan Update July 2, 2013
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
ForeFront Study GOV has a strong reputation; licensed, quality, program services and is accredited (Council On Accreditation)
ForeFront Study Current GOV operation is out of phase with residential group home trends General Revenue support has increased over the years Training, staff shift schedule, revenue generation and community partnerships need reviewing
ForeFront Study BCC decision was to re-engineer GOV financing, structure and services Reduce County general revenue contribution Re-purpose resources to align with community needs Strengthen and integrate a fuller continuum of child welfare services Maintain or amend current contract with Department of Children & Families (DCF) Subcontract for services and subleasing facility is being considered Maximize revenue; balance budget; reduce operational costs
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
Transition Team Transition Team formed to lead new operating activities Dr. Tracy Salem, Youth and Family Services Randy Lewis, Medical Clinic Myra Richardson, Great Oaks Village Julian Robb, Oaks Community Intervention Program Along with ForeFront’s support, the transition team reviewed all aspects of GOV operations Intake referrals Training Expansion of behavior management system (Trauma Informed Care)
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
GOV Performance Contract for fiscal year ’12 -’13 was the beginning of our “new way forward” Contract covered 40 beds on the GOV campus, plus 3 beds in the respite shelter Compensation per bed increased to $140.00 per bed Began to receive a more complex client Provided funding to the lead agency in order to help address deep end client needs in our county
Performance New leadership – Dr. Tracy Salem, Acting Manager New organization structure – eliminated and/or realigned positions Improved shift schedule – alternating 12 hr 3 and 4 day work weeks Flexibility with short term placements Trauma Informed Care becomes our primary behavior management system- Improved dialogue with the lead agency and Department of Children & Families (DCF)
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
Fiscal ‘13- ‘14 contract Contract proposal utilized all of the state allocation - $2.6M 46 beds at GOV and the Youth Shelter at $140.00 a day (FY 11/12 the contract was $115 a day at GOV and $130 a day at the YS) 90% occupancy rate is a realistic goal that will draw down $158,757 a month 6 beds at the new “Welcome Center” which will care for children ages 0 – 17 who are awaiting permanent placement The Welcome Center will earn $306,600 for the year Intake criteria better defined
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
New Funding Opportunities Independent Living Services contract will come out for bid this summer Re- Activate Medicaid number Behavioral Health Overlay Services (BHOS) allows GOV to bill for the services they currently provide Therapeutic Behavioral On-Site Services (TBOS) will offer therapeutic services to the youth, these services are currently provided by Devereux Other Family Services programs and DJJ have potential for new partnerships and funding
Presentation Outline ForeFront evaluation and recommendations Transition Team and activities Performance Adjustments and new contract Pursuing new funding opportunities Summary
Summary GOV transition process is near completion Improved performance and communication with partners Implementation of best practices in our behavior management system New organizational structure and leadership is in place New contract maximizes revenue potential
Youth & Family Services Great Oaks Village Transition Plan Update July 2, 2013