About National Cooperative Bank 2 NCB delivers banking and financial services complemented by a special focus on cooperative expansion and economic development Organized under the National Consumer Cooperative Bank Act in 1978; privatized in 1981 as a cooperative financial services company National platform with niche approach to cooperative markets including housing, credit unions, commercial ventures and socially responsible enterprises Today owned by 2,600 cooperative customers, participating in NCB’s success Total assets of $1.6 billion; when combined with assets managed for investors, total assets under management of $7.5 billion Housing Cooperatives Business Cooperatives Socially Responsible Organizations
Corporate Structure 3 NCB Capital Impact NCB, FSB (NCB ) NCCB National Consumer Cooperative Bank is the Congressionally chartered, cooperatively owned parent and holding company for subsidiaries NCB, FSB (NCB) is the federally chartered savings bank (Member FDIC) which offers the bank’s deposit and lending services Strategic alliance with NCB Capital Impact, a 501(c)3 created under the same Act of Congress
Commercial Cooperatives Primary commercial sectors: Grocery, hardware and other retailer-owned, wholesale purchasing co-ops NCB has assisted a variety of business co-ops and their members with capital needs – renovation, expansion, acquisition and working capital To date, NCB has provided more than $1 billion to business co-ops including retailer-owned grocery co-ops and consumer-owned natural food co-ops Business Cooperatives
NCB provides full service banking to Alaska Native and Native American Businesses Since 1984, NCB has provided over $500 million to Alaska and Native American Enterprises NCB pioneered the use of Bureau of Indian Affairs funding ( BIA) for Alaska Native Enterprises Alaska Native and Tribal Organizations Commercial Cooperatives
Housing Cooperatives Co-ops come in all shapes and sizes, and are located in urban areas across the country with the majority in New York City, providing homes for families of all income levels NCB has been at the forefront of ensuring housing co-ops have access to mainstream capital sources NCB provides financing for unit owners purchasing a cooperative apartment loan “share loans” In the early 1980’s, NCB pioneered the first sale of co-op building loans to Freddie Mac, and in the 1990’s the first sale of a pool of co-op unit loans (“share” loans) to Fannie Mae NCB has helped low-income residents purchase their rental units from slum landlords using the limited-equity cooperative housing model Cooperative Housing
NCB ensures that at least 35% of the capital it deploys is serving low to moderate income communities In 2012, NCB provided $232 million in loans, investments and grants to serve low to moderate income communities across the United States Areas of focus include affordable housing, healthcare, education, small business, and sustainable enterprises Co-op and Community Development Socially Responsible Organizations
NCB & Credit Unions 8 Given our shared cooperative roots, credit unions and NCB have had a mutually beneficial relationship since NCB’s inception Credit union community represented on NCB’s board and its member-shareholders Approximately 650 credit unions are depositors at NCB Provide correspondent banking services to 97 credit unions Developed unique loan programs and secondary market opportunities Collaborative deposit initiative with the National Credit Union Foundation through Community Investment Fund Participant in National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions nominee deposit program
The Joke
Franklin D. Roosevelt
NCB & Credit Unions 12 Cooperative Roots
Products & Services Correspondent banking services No capital requirements Depository products CDs, Demand, Money Market Custom products Secondary market opportunities Investment opportunities Loan programs & participations Asset sales (single family, TIC, solar, commercial) Socially responsible
Current Collaboration Loan Sales and Participations New Product Development Wholesale Funding Credit Union Leagues & Corporates Foundations & Federations CUSOs & CU Affiliates
No Collaboration… Yet Investing where no one has invested before…
Untapped Opportunities Community development loan programs Business/commercial lending partner SBA preferred lender New opportunities 16
Doing Good By Doing Well Training via webinar and partnerships National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions impact nominee deposit program Collaborative deposit initiative with the NCUF through Community Investment Fund
CIFwithNCB.coop “Promote and improve consumers’ financial independence through credit unions.” –Financial literacy –Wealth building –Cooperative development –Disaster relief
Social Impact Deposits CIFwithNCB.coop Donation Deposit Program Piloted in 2010, the Credit Union Foundation of Maryland & DC expanded the “Millionaire’s Club” concept into four Maryland high schools in 2012 with the help of a NCUF Financial Education grant. The Millionaire’s Club is a high school level after-school financial literacy initiative.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live. - George Bernard Shaw