Rising Menace of Juvenile Crime in Punjab, Pakistan Manan Aslam, Shafqat Rasool & Zaryab Ali
Introduction Juvenile delinquency refers to criminal acts committed by children or teenagers. Though the causes of juvenile delinquency are debated and controversial as well. Parents may defined delinquent behavior as; Disobedience fighting with siblings, damaging property, stealing money from family members or threatening parents with violence. School staff members often regard delinquent behavior as; Interruption or disturbance of classrooms violates the school code of conduct and threatens the safety of faculty and students. Mental health view about juvenile delinquency
Introduction Juvenile delinquency is at the forefront of social challenges worldwide. Several determinants of juvenile criminal involvement Biological factors Family Background factors Social factors In order to prevent the juvenile delinquency it is the need of the hour to establish social reforms. The children of the fatherless families show more signs of delinquency due to the absence of the proper moral conduct.
Introduction Problems which are being faced by the Pakistani families such as; mass un-employment, load shedding, absence of the provision of the basic needs, other factors related to their problems should be avoided Traditional factors like money, land, women (sex), illiteracy, ghairat (hanor),old enmity,drugs The juvenile delinquency in our society has gained deep roots due to the wide-spread poverty and social disorder
OBJECTIVE The study in hand was designed to identify the impact of major factors affecting the Juvenile Crime in Punjab, Pakistan
METHODOLOGY Due to accessibility and feasibility reasons the study was limited to only two prisons. The Present study was conducted at Faisalabad and Bahawalpur Districts in Punjab Province, where two Borstal Institutions and Juvenile Jails are located for juvenile’s rehabilitation. A representative sample of 140 respondents (70 from each jail) were selected by using simple random sampling technique
METHODOLOGY TESTING OF HYPOTHESES Hypothesis 1: Family structure will influence the juvenile delinquency Hypothesis 2: Family behavior will influence the juvenile delinquency Hypothesis 3: Family environment will influence the juvenile delinquency Hypothesis 4: Peer group will influence the juvenile delinquency
METHODOLOGY Chi-square test was applied to examine relationship between independent and dependent variables. O = Observed values E = Expected values The value of Gamma showed the strength and direction of the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Calculations were made by using the following formula Ns = Same order pair Nd = Different order pair
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 1 Distribution of the Respondents according to their Opinion about the Impact of Family Structure on Juvenile Delinquency
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 2 Distribution of the Respondents according to their Opinion about the Impact of Family Behavior on Juvenile Delinquency
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 5 Chi-square = 18.85 d.f. = 4 Significance = .006** Gamma = -.396 **= Highly-Significant
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 6 Chi-square = 1.97 d.f. = 4 Significance = .741NS Gamma = .057 NS = Non-Significant
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 6 Chi-square = 1.12 d.f. = 4 Significance = .890NS Gamma = -.076 NS = Non-Significant
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table 6 Chi-square = 31.02 d.f. = 4 Significance = .000** Gamma = .604 **= Highly-Significant
CONCLUDING REMARKS The conflict between parents is a strong variable for juvenile delinquency. Therefore, parents should avoid conflicting attitude in front of their offspring’s. There is also a need of social therapy for such parents through media, counseling and peer pressure. The study revealed that electronic and print media also have negative impact on child’s behavior. Television through cable network show obscene films, horror movies, action movies showing murder, looting and fighting which has deleterious impact on young mind. Here again the role of parents, civil society and the government is necessary to avoid such programs by controlling media.