CPPD Review Marilyn Plant. Health Education South London 1 Who we are? The Project Team Senior Responsible Owner.


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Presentation transcript:

CPPD Review Marilyn Plant

Health Education South London 1 Who we are? The Project Team Senior Responsible Owner – Dr Marilyn Plant HESL Review Lead – Sean Farran Project Manager – Katie Adams Project Support – Nate Hill 1

Health Education South London 2 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards What do we mean by Continuing Personal and Professional Development (CPPD)? The work of LETBs is considered in two categories Future workforce Workforce Development - including CPPD 2

Health Education South London 3 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Why the need for a review? More than 90% of budget spent on Future Workforce Small proportion on developing existing workforce Essential that this resource is used effectively to support strategic priorities Needs to be fit for purpose for both now and the future 3

Health Education South London 4 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards How is CPPD funding currently allocated? Direct allocations Funding given directly to eligible organisations as part of a Learning and Development Agreement (LDA) For non-medical staff for those without professional qualifications (bands 1-4) Trusts can spend it on educational activity and are required to report what they have spent through an on-line system PORTAL 4

Health Education South London 5 5 Indirect allocations Notional sums of money for healthcare providers to commission education and training at various contracted providers across London Contracts currently in place with 9 universities and two trusts as education providers

Health Education South London 6 6 Bidding processes Remainder of CPPD budget Applications accepted for funding or specific programmes/projects Strategic investment fund 2013/14 - £250k reserved at four Higher Education Institutions in south London for CCG/practice use

Health Education South London 7 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Example of direct allocation per Organisation in SL 7

Health Education South London 8 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Example of indirect allocation per organisation in SL Indirect Funding (contract) Bands

Health Education South London 9 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Example of categories by which the organisations in SL currently spend CPPD 9

Health Education South London 10 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Links to the priorities in the HESL Workforce, Skills and Development Strategy… A reminder Chapter 3 - At the Forefront of Change Chapter 4 - Recruitment and Retention Chapter 5 - Life Long Learning 10

Health Education South London 11 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Chapter 3 - At the Forefront of Change To achieve a workforce that:Our focus will be: Works effectively as a key enabler of system change, engaging with local communities and providers of services Maintaining and enhancing multi-professional leadership Developing productive relationships between staff, students and patients Has the ability to manage change and ensure the quality of training is maintained Developing workforce planning systems to reflect the demand on all providers of care Enhancing the quality of supervision and learning for all our learners, and supporting the development of all staff providing NHS funded services in South London Retains and supports its good people during major change programmes, using their skills to empower patients to inform that change Ensuring workforce development programmes enable staff to work effectively within different settings and across organisational boundaries Shows continuous improvement based on contribution to and the application of the most up-to-date clinical evidence, and feels empowered to innovate at all levels and professions Ensuring effective collaboration with our Academic Health Science Network to design and spread innovation 11

Health Education South London 12 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Chapter 4 – Recruitment and Retention To achieve a workforce that:Our focus will be: Enables social mobility, increasing participation from those who might not otherwise consider further education, and is representative of the community it serves Attracting and developing a diverse workforce that reflects the diversity of our population Demonstrates the highest potential to develop and deploy the skills, attributes and behaviours patients need Promoting best practice in recruitment to programmes across our network of members Represents value for money by translating investment in education and training into productive careers representative of the direction of health and social care Targeting the use of CPPD funding to support the workforce’s career planning and development and Lifelong Learning Always has the patient’s interest at heart by acting in line with the NHS Constitution’s values Embedding the NHS’s values in staff from the point of recruitment and throughout their working lives Works in an integrated and supportive environment that values individual and collective contributions Developing clinical and educational trainers and supervisors to ensure high quality learning environments for all staff and learners 12

Health Education South London 13 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Chapter 5 – Life Long Learning To achieve a workforce that:Our focus will be: Has the skills, attributes, values and behaviours to promote wellbeing and to provide high quality care needed by patients Supporting HEIs and employers to embed the NHS Constitution’s values across their organisation Is trained and educated to reflect the way it increasingly operates: in multi- disciplinary, inter-professional teams and in community-based roles encompassing prevention of ill-health, and promotion of re-ablement, recovery and rehabilitation Developing community based education provider networks Fostering placements that provide opportunities for all learners in community and hospital learning environments Is trained and educated through quality- assured outcomes-based learning methods that fit with the way our students, trainees and staff learn best Integrating quality assurance processes across all areas Has clear and visible, values-driven leadership at all levels and in all professions Prioritising leadership development across all domains Creating environments in which opportunities for inter-professional learning are maximised Recognises the importance of, and is equipped to enable, patient education and empowerment Embedding principles of patient empowerment in all programmes of learning 13

Health Education South London 14 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards What have we achieved so far in Phase 1? Scoping exercise Engagement Collated emerging themes 14

Health Education South London 15 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Who have we engaged with to date? Phase 1 – Engagement & scoping exercise CCGs:- Bexley Bromley Croydon Kingston Richmond Sutton Higher Education Institutions Engaged with:- Greenwich St. George's, University of London Kings College London Trusts:- GSTT KCH SLAM St. Georges Bromley Healthcare Work in progress - to be continued…… 15

Health Education South London 16 Values and engagement matrix

Health Education South London 17 Stakeholders identified as priority for future engagement 17

Health Education South London 18 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Members activity Lessons learnt from engagement Table top exercise – 20 minutes  Rank themes  Discuss and answer the 2 questions on the worksheet  Plenary discussion Q&A 18

Health Education South London 19 Health Education England – 13 Local Education and Training Boards Next steps  Phase 2 - establish Task and Finish group 19