| #techUK Local CIO Council – 5 December 2013 | #techUK techUK – our vision Make the UK good for technology companies to locate and grow Make technology good for the UK, ensuring the economic potential across the UK Make technology good for UK people to improve our quality of life techUK is the leading trade association for the technology industry. With over 850 members we are here to: | #techUK techUK Public Sector Programme Central Government Programme Joint work with the Cabinet Office on providing the SME perspective Accreditcamps and information days on G Cloud SME Town halls - Providing industry voice to SME Champions and G Cloud team Healthcare Programme Joint partnership with NHS England to help foster a more vibrant market Pre-procurement engagement with HSCIC on projects including PSNH, NHSmail, Spine2 and GPSoC Leading the debate on digital design for the future of healthcare and the digital patient journey Education Part of the cross stakeholder group working on putting the education industrial strategy from vision to reality Providing feedback and facilitating supplier engagement on the re-fresh of the ICT for schools framework being re-let by DfE Leading a cross stakeholder group looking at how to improve advice and information about technology for education providers | #techUK techUK – Local Government programme Over 150 members are involved in our Local Government programme. Concept Viability – recent examples include the tri-borough and Norfolk Innovation Dens Campaigning on key topics for our members e.g. procurement | #techUK Local Public Service Supplier Forum Established 2004 Purpose of the forum is to bring together Local Government and suppliers to look at current trends, issues and potential future workings. Regular meetings on issues such as PSN, BYOD, Strategic Partnership Joint events on healthcare, transport and education issues Reaching out to the regions – held the first regional breakfast briefing with iNetworks in November 2013 | #techUK techUK Campaigns Developing a world leading approach to Spectrum Management Driving UK tech exports Designing out Cybercrime Inspiring the next generation of tech employees and entrepreneurs
Cisco Confidential © 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 7 Vision - A strong, innovative, information economy sector exporting UK excellence to the world Vision - A strong, innovative, information economy sector exporting UK excellence to the world BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND CONFIDENCE Businesses confidently using technology, able to trade online, seizing technological opportunities and increasing domestic and international revenues. Investors seeing the UK as a good place to invest in digital technology. SKILLS AND CAPABILITY A highly skilled digital workforce (producers and users). Citizens with the capability and confidence to make the most of the digital age. FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES AND INFRASTRUCTURE UK leadership in future technologies and underpinned by world leading digital infrastructure. The framework for security and privacy to support growth, innovation and excellence. |#techUK 1) Business environment and confidence - We are working to improve the business environment for the tech industry and to boost confidence in the products and services it delivers to the wider economy. 2) Skills and capability - We are working to ensure the UK tech industry has the skills base to grow and that all UK people have the capability to make the most of the digital age. 3) Future technologies and world class infrastructure - We are working to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of developing and exploiting emerging technologies and has the world class digital infrastructure to underpin this. A data capability subgroup group has been convened to support the delivery of the data capability strategy. To fulfil our vision the Information Economy Council is focusing on three core areas and three overarching working groups have been established The role of the council is to 1)Support the delivery of the Information Economy Strategy 2) Identify government and/or industry interventions to drive jobs and growth in the information economy
Location quotients of digital economy companies by Travel to Work Area, Source NIESR/ Growth Intelligence