ESA-EU Regions Partnership Towards the implementation of a Space Policy fostering growth and innovation Francesco Emma: Partnership development office.


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Presentation transcript:

ESA-EU Regions Partnership Towards the implementation of a Space Policy fostering growth and innovation Francesco Emma: Partnership development office Matera 8 June 2012

PPC-PM | Slide 2 Presentation outline 1.ESA’s mandate in the European context 2.Agenda The role of Regions 4.Innovation a.The Technology Transfer Programme b.Open Innovation Centres for growth 5.Conclusions

PPC-PM | Slide 3 ESA’s mandate in the European context 1.Mandate: “Foster the co-operation among its Member States and support the competitiveness of the European Space Industry worldwide” 2.Space Policy foundations: Member States o Their needs and views o Their funding capacity EU o Shaping with ESA the European Space Policy o On the forefront as promoter of major space programs benefiting EU citizens (i.e. Galileo, EGNOS, GMES) International partners o Essential components for a sustainable development of space programs

PPC-PM | Slide 4 Activities All space domains: o Space Science o Human Spaceflight & Exploration o Earth Observation o Launchers o Navigation o Telecommunication o Technology o Operations

PPC-PM | Slide 5 Expanding ESA’s role Applications support Regions Member States Infrastructures

PPC-PM | Slide 6 Agenda 2015 The Agency recognises the importance of space as a vector to foster GROWTH and INNOVATION The development of new services and applications has an increasingly dominant role in the EU economies: o Downstream sectors accounted for two thirds of employment and GDP already in the early 2000s. Innovative activities are increasing, with services accounting for a greater share of overall R&D, patenting. It is key that the full potential of space assets (data, technologies and products) is made more accessible to potential service innovators

PPC-PM | Slide 7 The role of Regions Growth opportunities and innovation rely heavily on the participation of new actors in space related activities Less opportunities in the upstream sector due to the concentration of activities in a few big holdings Entering in dialogue with EU regions directly and/or through existing networking organisations like NEREUS is considered important to: o Exploit, to the full extent possible, the benefits of space activities in “non-space” domains (spin- out) o Leverage on “non-space” sectors to promote innovation in space “spin-in”


PPC-PM | Slide 9 Areas of Activity of the TTPO Transfer of Space Industry Technology Business Incubation Investment Support Valorisation of ESA Intellectual Property

PPC-PM | Slide 10 Technology Transfer Programme 1.The main mission of the ESA Technology Transfer Programme (TTP) is to facilitate the use of space technology, systems and applications for non-space use to further demonstrate the benefit of the European Space Programme to the European citizens and to strengthen the competitiveness of European Industry. 2.The Technology Transfer Programme Office (TTPO) is responsible for defining the overall approach and strategy for the transfer of space technologies and systems, including the incubation of start up companies and its funding. 3.The TTPO has transferred over 260 technology since the programmed start and is supporting direct and indirect around 100 new start-ups a year.

PPC-PM | Slide 11 Pag. 11 ESA Business Incubation Centres: > ESTEC, Noordwijk, Netherlands> ESRIN, Rome, Italy> ESOC, Darmstadt, Germany > DLR, Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany> Harwell, Oxford, UK> Redu, Transinne, B Partnership with the European Business and Innovation Network (ESINET)

PPC-PM | Slide 12 Beyond the Business Incubation Centres: the open Innovation Centres The Technology Transfer Programme is a successful programme, however its expansion is limited by: o The constant mandatory budget made available o The fact that it is mainly limited to transfer technology from space to “non-space” domain Building on the potential of the service industrial sector, the Agency intends to expand the exploitation of space assets (date, technologies and products) by promoting, o An enhanced cooperation with ESA Member States and Regions o Fostering the creation of “open innovation centres” through the cooperation with: −Local authorities and entrepreneurs −Universities and Research centres

PPC-PM | Slide 13 Key success factors for “Open Innovation Centres” Partnership with Regions: o Bottom up approach starting from: −Existing infrastructures and capabilities o Building on regional policy requirements and needs o Plugging in ESA technical and managerial skills o Harmonising efforts done locally with the wider European context (look at who is doing what, avoid replicas of existing capacity) Liaise with the existing network of Regions which, through NEREUS, are committed to promote the exploitation of space infrastructures and product at European level

PPC-PM | Slide 14 Conclusions The Agency mandate and Policy foundations have been presented Elements of ESA policy towards innovation introduced: o Applications development o Support to partnership with Regions Expansion of concept of innovation o The “Open Innovation Centres”