Zycko’s data centre proposition The very best products and technologies Focus on what your customers need Turning products into solutions Wide range of services Putting you in pole position
Having the right partners “As a distributor Zycko’s success lies in positioning vendor’s technologies and products to realize the maximum value of their proposition” Eaton Powerware: Manufacturer and developer of a wide range of power quality technologies and products and a big player in the global data centre market Epicenter: A world leader in DC management solutions Usystems: Racking solutions aimed at the most demanding data centre environments Eaton Williams: IT specific cooling solutions; increasing resilience and delivering massive energy savings Redetec: Fire suppression in a box AST Global: Rapidly deployable secure data centre shells Force 10: High density 10Gb switching solutions
Focus on what customers need Zycko’s data centre proposition focuses on a number of key areas….. Operational continuity: maintaining >99.999% availability Scalability: Meeting tomorrow’s requirements while keeping CAP-Ex down Efficiency: Reducing operating costs and carbon footprints Security: Keeping systems safe
Operational continuity….. Data centres and server rooms that optimize the performance of hardware: Clean and reliable power supply Optimal environmental conditions Redundancy Proactive management: Monitoring & alerts Minimising MTBR “Preventing the cessation of processing and communications and the loss of data is the primary function of the data centre and as such at the forefront of concerns for IT managers and directors – if the data centre stops, the business stops”
Scalability…. Data centres need to be able to adapt with the rapidly changing hardware Landscape Modular design for low cost growth The ability to plan resources based on real numbers Rapidly deployable infrastructure “Rising real estate costs are driving businesses to adopt high density deployment strategies; saving floor space but drastically changing the requirements on data centre infrastructure – businesses need the ability to deploy high density infrastructures within existing data centres with minimal cost and minimal disruption”
Efficiency…. Rising energy costs and environmental awareness are driving businesses to reduce the power consumption of critical systems…. UPS efficiency Energy savings in cooling systems Granular visibility of power consumption “In most data centres and server rooms every kW used to power a server requires and additional 1.5kW to distribute that power and remove the resulting heat”
Security The more critical the systems the greater the need is to protect them from threats both within and outside the data centre Restriction of virtual access to hardware Protection from fire Protection from EMI Protection from the human element in the data centre Protecting people within the data centre “50-70% of companies who suffer a critical loss of data go out of business within a year. Of businesses who suffer fire only 28% will recover. What ever the size of the organization IT managers should be looking at ways of minimising these risks”
Turning products into solutions Key to successful distribution in the data centre space is: Adding the maximum value to the product portfolio Positioning the technology where it’s needed Creating generic building blocks for resellers to build unique solutions. Discovering and testing interoperability Educating resellers in new technologies Supporting resellers with pre sales and post sales support Backing up products with a wide range of services Hands on approach to building solutions and closing business
High density solutions >30kW Power per cabinet >30kw Cooling per cabinet Managed cooling N+1 Redundancy Modular design Hardware vendor neutral
Managed services solutions KVM and consol via IP Power metering at device level Environmental monitoring Asset management Alerts Reporting
Energy saving solutions Utilise DC heat in other parts of the building Free air cooling – massive energy savings Highly efficient UPS: 0.97pf Floor void sealing – reduce waste Power usage: metering and reporting
Security solutions Rack based fire suppression Emergency rack power isolation Co-location racking Smart data safe - physical protection of data Monitoring for smoke, liquid, heat & proximity LDAP, AD and Radius secured device access
Data centre audits Power – Identify weaknesses in the power system Cooling – Identify weaknesses and risks to the DC Best practice – Examine management processes Efficiency – Reduce the DC’s carbon footprint Data centre design Suitability – Meeting core requirements Scalability – Designing a data centre that can grow with the business Efficiency – Using technology and innovation to reduce waste Manageability – Integrating management elements into the design Installation Room fabrication – creating a protective outer shell Electrical installation – UPS, generators, distribution plant, cabling Chilled water services installation – Close control units, split systems, chillers/condensers Cabling, racking and management components Shielding Data centre services
Putting you in pole position Zycko relies on it’s resellers as the route to a specific market; key to this working is that it’s resellers position the technologies where it is required – a large number of requirements exist today… Position high density cooling and power solutions along side blade servers and virtualization projects Position managed services technologies with customers who have dispersed sites or with customers who provide co-location services Energy saving: All government departments have very specific carbon foot print targets to hit by 2010 Zycko’s security offering is particularly compelling to small companies whose data is absolutely critical to the life of the business or when their data is subject to storage regulations (eg Solicitors and accountants).