Presentation by: Carla Ventura, VP of Development Volunteer Recruitment
PAEI 2009 Board and Officers
What we do.. Provide regulatory trade compliance education Foster the role of the Import/Export professional Enhance industries' participation in import/export control issues and policies Promote networking events Collaborate with other trade organizations.
How you can assist…. Become an active member Contribute As easy as writing a newsletter article Serve Become an officer or committee chairperson Volunteer Assist with event co-ordination We need your talent and ideas!
Benefits of participating Expand your knowledge base Benchmarking Career Growth
Testimonials PAEI has given me opportunities for professional growth and networking that are invaluable. Tansie Iwafuchi, PAEI Director PAEI has provided me ongoing educational opportunities to stay current with the ever-changing regulations. Marcia Davis, PAEI Director PAEI has empowered me to help provide top-notch trade compliance education to the global trade community and to reach beyond my corporate boundaries for high-powered networking opportunities. Laura Putnam, PAEI Director
Testimonials Serving on the PAEI Board of Directors has opened many doors for me within my profession and, in addition, I have obtained a large network of fellow colleagues, business associates and have helped served in educating the Trade community. Loree Stevens, PAEI Director PAEI has given me the opportunity to network with fellow trade professionals. It’s allowed me to grow in my profession by providing essential training in regulatory compliance. Gieselle Perez, PAEI Director
Testimonials My experience as a PAEI volunteer has always been very positive and provided an excellent opportunity to be at the forefront of regulatory changes. Peggy Williams, PAEI Secretary PAEI has provided me the opportunity to meet other trade professionals and contribute to my growth in the trade compliance field. Carla Ventura, PAEI VP of Development
Testimonials I have met lots of great people including Board members, Officers, PAEI members, and event speakers. I have learned a lot about the challenges and educational needs of those in international trade jobs. Being a Director and Officer for over the last 15 years has provided me with additional educational opportunities and an appreciation for volunteering in non-profit organizations. Dan Kromat, PAEI Director I have the great privilege to serve as PAEI's current President and am grateful for the opportunity to have access to BIS and CBP Senior Management to learn about and discuss new programs and laws that affect national security and industry's business. Jo-Anne Daniels, PAEI President
Upcoming events BIS Seminars How to Effectively Manage Deemed Exports & Safeguard Controlled Technology Back to Basics – Import/Export