Oral homework submission check Feedback on oral homework
written homework due tomorrow special attention on the ordering between when, where and activity
Skype in Chinese any one?
回 ____
高高興興 去 上學
回 ____ 高高興興上班來 平平安安回家去
水電 = ?
大吃大喝 喝多了!
醫生說 shuo- 一天只能 neng/ 喝一杯
我們 __________ 吧 ! ( Cf. 爸) 回家 去看電影 去喝咖啡 去打球 去吃中國菜
呀 ya (exclamation etc.) 誰呀? 好呀! 是我呀! 快來呀! 我的妈呀!
Time + activity I played sports on weekends. I watch sports on Monday nights. She watches TV on Saturday nights.
late time + 才 + activity I did not sleep until 1. I did not return home until 2. I did not have lunch until evening.
媽媽 在 哪兒?
靚 (cant.) = 漂亮
在哪兒 _____ ? 看 Great wall 看 Terra cotta soldiers 看 World expo 2010 看 pandas 吃小吃 / 吃 dim sum 喝 beer 喝茶
time, place, activity I played sports at school on weekends. I read in the library on Monday night. She chatted in a coffee house on Saturday.
time, place, other adverbials, activity I have dinner together with family in a restaurant tomorrow. I watch TV together with friends at home in the evening. She chatted together with classmates in a tea house last night.
MTWThFSaSu 10/11schoolstudyChineseWithclassmates 12:00School Eat lunch w/classmat e School Eat lunch w/classmat e School Eat lunch w/classmat e School Eat lunch w/classmat e School Eat lunch w/classmat e Starbucks Coffee w/friend Restaurant Eat Lunch w/friend 2:00Library Read Coffee House work Library work School Play sports w/friend Coffee House work eveHome Watch sports w/family Home Eat dinner w/family Home Watch tv W/ friend Home Watch Movie w/friend Home Chat w/friend time, place, other adverbial, activity
How many words can you pick out?