1 The Social Graph Meets the Semantic Web Lew Tucker, CTO Radar Networks
2 Power of the social graph Social networks have shown the power of using the graph of inter-personal relationships to virally spread messages, connections, and applications. Jane Person Dave Person Bob Person Sue Person Joe Person Friend Sister of Friend ClassMate
3 What’s being exchanged? News Feed: Kingsley is attending a party Dennis wrote a new blog post “Two word experiment” Sam and Joey are now friends Steve changed his picture HP dropped a web page to Matt Status Updates Joel is twittering to a reporter Geoff is out breath after bowling Requests: 22 Pokes: 3
4 Is there more?
5 Semantic Web: universal way to represent all kinds of information, placed anywhere on the net Computer Security Blog Protein Synthesis Article Jill Person Dave Person Lost TV Show Cell Biology Topic 123.JPG Photo Sue Person Jack Person Dave.com RSS Feed Bookmarked Sister of Depiction of Member of Fan of Read Subscribes to Author of Reads Fan of Read W3C Standards: RDF, OWL, SPARQL Friend of Who knows biology?
6 Build an app to help people organize and share, and discover information Extract meta-data and learn about interests from what people post, collect, subscribe to.. Use the semantic graph to let people track interests and discover new relationships