How To Get Good Grades In Ten Easy Steps Provided by Sowega Tech Prep & School-to-Work Consortia
Why should I improve my grades? Students with failing grades must improve to stay on track for graduation. Students with good grades must improve to be competitive for awards and scholarships.
Step #1: Believe in Yourself Set realistic goals for yourself and believe that you can achieve them.
Step #2: Be Organized If you’re organized, you have what you need, when you need it.
Helpful Hints to Get You Organized Make daily use of your agenda/planner 1. Record your daily assignments 2. Keep track of upcoming tests, due dates for projects
Helpful Hints to Get You Organized (cont.) Use a separate notebook for each course: 3-ring binders work best 1. Easy removal of work that needs to be turned in to your teacher 2. Easy to insert returned papers, handouts and missed class notes
Helpful Hints to Get You Organized (cont.) Find out assignments if you are absent. Keep your locker and book bag neat. Get everything for school organized before you go to bed.
Step #3: Manage Your Time Well Good time management allows you to do the things you must with time left over to do the things you want.
Strategies for Managing Your Time Use your time wisely: take advantage of time given in class to work on assignments or study. Design a daily study plan. Identify those things which could interrupt your study time: have a plan to eliminate or avoid them.
Step #4: Be Successful in the Classroom Demonstrate traits of successful students.
Characteristics of Successful Students Successful students: Are in school, on time, everyday. Learn how to adapt to different teachers. Are prepared for each class and always have their homework done.
Characteristics of Successful Students (cont.) Successful students: Sit in front of the class if possible. Are aware of their body language and nonverbal behavior. Participate in class.
Characteristics of Successful Students (cont.) Successful students: Work well in cooperative groups. Treat others with courtesy and respect. Involve their parents in their academic pursuits.
Step #5: Take Good Notes In order to study and prepare for tests, you must have your own record of the material that was covered in class.
Tips for Taking Good Notes Be an active listener. Taking notes will help you pay attention in class. Recognize important information.
Tips for Taking Good Notes Take notes that are easy for you to read. Get notes from a classmate if you are absent. Review your notes as soon as possible and often.
Step #6: Know How To Read A Textbook Comprehension and retention of the material read are the keys to academic success.
How To Read A Textbook SCAN the required reading. Read the title, subtitles and everything in bold and italic print. Look at the pictures, graphs, and charts. Go over the review questions and read the summaries.
How To Read A Textbook (cont.) READ with a purpose: You’ve just SCANNED through any review questions, as you are reading, look for phrase similar to what you saw in the review questions. Create your own questions from subtitles and answer them following your reading.
How To Read A Textbook (cont.) REVIEW what you’ve just read: For each subtitle state the purpose or point of each section. Look for all words in bold or italic print. Define them or state their significance.
Step #7: Study Smart A good study plan can mean less time studying while getting better grades.
Students Who Study Smart: Get started. Find a good place to study. Know their learning styles. Organize their study time.
Students Who Study Smart (cont.): Know how to study for tests. Use tricks to memorize information. Know how to write a paper. Use tricks when making a presentation or speech.
Step #8: Use Test-Taking Strategies Test-taking strategies will not take the place of studying, but they can further improve your test performance.
Tips for Taking Tests Have everything you need for the test. Have a plan for “attacking” the test. Familiarize yourself with strategies for specific types of tests.
Tips for Taking Tests (cont.) Check your answers. Go over all returned tests.
Step #9: Reduce Test Anxiety A small amount of stress before a test can improve concentration, but excessive worry will lower your test scores.
Step #10: Get Help When You Need It Take advantage of opportunities to receive assistance.
These ten steps may not be an “overnight fix”, but they can, if you use them consistently, improve where you are now academically.