New Consultant Orientation
It’s great to meet you! SDs I-Story Background What I like the most about Mary Kay Objectives I achieved and Dreams for the future BCs I-Story Name Background Why I chose to join Mary Kay
After finishing this class, you will… Know the Company better Realize how to start your own business with Mary Kay
Mary Kay Culture Founder: Mary Kay Ash Mission: Enriching Women’s Lives
Corporate Culture Philosophy (Golden Rule) Priorities Go-Give Spirit Mary Kay Culture
Mary Kay Image Look the Part A first impression is made in the first 3 seconds
Features of MK Products Developed in our own laboratories and manufactured in our factories Provides “Satisfaction Guarantee” Designed for different skin types Against animal testing Contains no fragrance in most products Has a history longer than 40 years, and sold in over 30 countries 12 times Best Selling Brand 12 times awarded the Best Selling Brand in the US
Ways to Order & Transact with MKP In Person/Walk-In By Fax Website
P12,000 and above orders & Starter Kit = deliveries free of charge Shipping Reminders
Month-end Reminders Month-end of Beauty Consultant up to DIQ level is one (1) working day before. Cut-off is 7:00 p.m. Only Sales Directors’ Personal Orders are accepted on the last day of the month. Beauty Centers open at 2 p.m. on the 1 st and 2 nd working day of the month.
Your First Order What to order? Current Season According to the Current Season Age According to the Age of your Customers Skin Type According to the Skin Type of your Customers How much should you order? Make How much do you want to Make? Invest How much can you Invest?
How to make a contact list Family Friends Neighbors Co-workers Schoolmates Sisters in Church Members of the club Teachers of your children Parents of your kid’s classmate Friends and colleagues of your husband Referees Any females around you List all your friends and relatives: Your First Booking
Skills for Phone Booking Script Practice the Script Mirror Prepare a Mirror Where Start Where you are most likely to succeed Support Who Support you the most? Closest Who are Closest to you? Need Who Need your sharing the most?
Booking Tips Use your Contact List Practice Project Mary Kay Image The best place to get bookings is the SKIN CARE CLASS
Perfect Start – Your First Goal Have at least P8,000 retail sales on your first two (2) weeks as an Independent Beauty Consultant Certificate of Achievement from Mary Kay Philippines Featured in Ovation OR Have at least P16,000 retail sales on your first two (2) weeks as an Independent Beauty Consultant Certificate of Achievement from Mary Kay Philippines and a Perfect Start Pin from your Independent Sales Director Featured in Ovation
Skin Care Class Tools For Each Guest Cotton balls, Personal skin profile, Disposable tray, disposable facial cloths, headband or hair clips, facial tissues Product Samplers or Retail-Sized Products From Starter Kit for Demonstrations Business Supplies Retail Product for Sale Miscellaneous (things to consider bringing)
Coaching your Hostess First time: First time: Teach her how to invite her friends to a Skin Care Class Second time: Second time: Do a Skin Analysis for her (and her friends)
Get Ready for Success To successfully play the role of a Beauty Consultant, you need to prepare: 1.Enthusiasm 2.Positive Attitude 3.Professional Image 4.Knowledge and Skills
The Career Path of Mary Kay Sales Director25 members Sales Director Pin Personal Discount, Team Commission, Volume Bonus, Trips, Car, Jewelry Future Sales Director 5 personal recruits & up w/ personal 12k sale 12% team commission 25%-45% discount Team Leader 5 or more personal recruits 8% team commission 25%-45% discount Group Leader3~4 personal recruits 4% team commission 25%-45% discount Red Jacket Senior Consultant1~2 personal recruits 4% team commission 25%-45% discount Beauty ConsultantNewly signed recruit Mary Kay Pin 25%-45% discount
Avenues of Income Product Marketing Teambuilding Leadership
Your Immediate Goal Finish reading the Starter 2 Kit Literature within 2 Weeks: Formula for Beauty Consultants
Formula 3 Bookings a Day 3 Skin Care Classes a Week P30,000 Retail Sales a Month
Educational Tools ESRS Product Knowledge Workshop
Believe in Yourself! Iceberg above the water: the Ability that you are now exercising Iceberg below the water: the Potential that’s still hidden inside your body
You can do it!!!