The Dance of the Golden Snake Performed by San Antonio Chinese Orchestra Conductor: Bruce Gilkes 《金蛇狂舞》演奏:圣城华乐乐团 ,指挥 Bruce Gilkes.


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Presentation transcript:

The Dance of the Golden Snake Performed by San Antonio Chinese Orchestra Conductor: Bruce Gilkes 《金蛇狂舞》演奏:圣城华乐乐团 ,指挥 Bruce Gilkes

Reed Flower Love Song Performed by San Antonio Chinese Orchestra Conductor: Bruce Gilkes 《拔根芦柴花》演奏:圣城华乐乐团 ,指挥 Bruce Gilkes

Our Song Performed by Confucius Institute Chinese School and Feng Dong Instructor: Lina Cunningham 《同一首歌》演出:孔子学院中文学校,领唱:董峰,指导:陈 丽娜

Shaolin Gongfu Performed by Xinghao Shi et al 《少林武术》表演者:释行浩等

Rainy Lane in a Small Town Performed by San Antonio Chinese Folk Dance Group Anita Zhang and Huirong Wang et al 舞蹈《小城雨巷》 - 圣城华艺舞蹈团 余濮忻,王慧蓉等

Giving Thanks to My Loved Ones Performed by Lina Cunningham and Jason Zhao 《感谢亲人》 演唱:陈丽娜、赵明 Thanks father The wrinkles to write the generous Thanks to mother Black hair turned white Thanks to siblings Helping without rewards Thanks to lover Stay together without complaint Thanks to classmate…

Facial expressions change to reflect your mood. In Chinese Sichuan opera, Face Mask Changing is a 300 year old art that reflects changes. A face changing performer usually wears many layers of masks which will be pulled off one by one with lightning speed. The technique is considered China’s national treasure. Face Changing Magic Performed by Mary Chen 《变脸》演出:陈连红

Martial Art: Blue Sword Performed by Ming Xie , Yunyao Bai and Ruixin Zhang Instructor : Ruixin Zhang 《蓝剑》表演:解鸣、白允瑶、张瑞鑫等 指导教练;张瑞鑫

Mushroom Picking Girl Performed by Confucius Institute Chinese School Dance Group Instructor: Yinan Chen 《采蘑菇的小姑娘》表演者:孔子学院中文学 校舞蹈团 指导老师:陈忆南

Sending Best Wishes to You Performed by Chuli Lei, Huirong Wang, Yan Pan and Wenjun Zhou 《送给你》演唱:雷楚丽、王慧蓉、潘燕、周文俊

Bring you lucky Bring you happy Bring you healthy Bring you wealthy

Devotions Performed by Gaoxia Ni, Liwei Bai and Yu Li 《奉献》演唱:倪高霞、白栗微 、李玉 Long way dedicated to distance. Rose dedicated to love What shall I dedicate to you my lover Clouds are dedicated to pasture. Rivers are dedicated to the ocean. What shall I dedicate to you my friend

Girl from Daban City Performed by Jianxin Shi and Anita Zhang 《达坂城的姑娘》演唱、伴舞:石建新、余濮忻 Watermelons in Daban city are big and sweet The girl in Daban City has a long pigtail and pretty eyes If you want to get married, do not marry with others Bring your sister and drive your wagon and come to marry me

Sleepless Tonight Performed by Sharon Roberts, Feng Dong, Jinqi Li et al 《今夜有约》表演者:杨迎宪、董峰、李锦琦等 Having a date tonight It will be sleepless tonight Come on dear friends Come on dear couples Let us toast best wishes to our date

Waiting for You Performed by Huirong Wang, Yan Pan et al 《等你来》表演者:王慧蓉、潘燕等 The mountains here are waiting for you The water here is waiting for you The girls are here waiting for you The boys here are waiting for you

Spring is in the Air Performed by Confucius Institute Chinese School Dance Group Instructor: Zhaorong Ma 《春满人间》演出:孔子学院中文学校舞蹈团,指导:马兆榕

Shaolin Gongfu Performed by Xinghao Shi et al 《少林武术》表演者:释行浩等

Little Packbasket Performed by Lina Cunningham and Yinan Chen 《小背篓》表演者:陈丽娜、陈忆楠

Little packbasket is faltering Mom carry me down the stilt building and I am laughing First time tasting wild fruit in the mountains First time washing little hands in clear stream water First time seeing the big world in the mountains First time I watched dragon boat races I can not foget mom’s little packbasket in my childhood With love…

Tai Chi Performed by : Dereck May, Yvette Lozano et al

Belly Dance: Forest Awakening Performed by: Mary Chen 《森林的复苏》表演者:陈连红

《 Over The Rainbow 》 Performed by San Antonio Chinese Choir Conductor: Jason Zhao Pionist: Jessie Lee 《美丽的亚美利加》演唱:华声歌唱艺术团, 指挥:赵明 钢琴伴奏:李玅隽

Lift Your Veil Performed by San Antonio Chinese Choir Conductor: Jason Zhao Pionist: Jessie Lee 《掀起你的盖头来》演唱:华声歌唱艺术团, 指挥:赵明 钢琴伴奏:李玅隽

Lift Your Veil Let me see your eyebrows Your eyebrows thin and long Like the crescent moon on the treetop Lift Your Veil Let me see your eyes Your eyes bright and shine Like the water waves leer Lift Your Veil Let me see your face Your face is red and round Like apple in autumn