A Story, A Story Unit 5 Lesson 1 Vocabulary Picture Dictionary
Day 1: Word Knowledge Line 1: furious angry enraged What do all these words have in common? They are all synonyms, which are words that mean the same thing.
Line 2: game gold gust gate gopher gutter What do all these words have in common? They all have the /g/ sound. When the letter /g/ is followed by an a, o, or u, it makes the /g/ sound. Line 3: weight vein eight sleigh What do all these words have in common? They are all the long /a/ sound spelled -eigh
Line 4: stronger spun stories sticky slap These are all words from your story this week and they all have consonant blends. Remember in a consonant blend all of the consonant sounds are heard.
Sentence 1: Ananse bowed and answered: “I shall gladly pay the price.” Sentence 2: He kept then in a golden box next to his royal stool. Can you find the words that have synonyms? (gladly- happily, joyfully; kept- guarded, saved) Can you find the word that starts with the /g/ sound? Why does the –g make that sound?
Sentence 3: Mother held the horse’s rein as the horse pulled the sleigh. Can you find the long /a/ words spelled -eigh? Sentence 4: The spider spun a sticky web across the stronger tree. Find the words with consonant blends (spider, sticky, spun, stronger)
Day 2: Daily Oral Language Choose a word from the word lines and only call out its position, for example, “Line 2 word 3,” and select a classmate to read the word you chose. Then, use the word in a sentence.
Line 1: furious angry enraged Line 2: game gold gust gate gopher gutter Line 3: weight vein eight sleigh Line 4: stronger spun stories sticky slap What rhymes with sold and is very shiny yellow? What is an age that rhymes with gate? What is a homophone for wait? What word is a comparative?
Background Information The story “A Story A Story” is an African Folktale. Like many other folktales, the theme is about challenge and achievement. African folktales are often encouraging and tell stories of defenseless people and tiny animals outwitting their stronger enemies, and that wit and wisdom allow the weak to succeed against all odds.
In the story, Ananse achieves his goal by tricking and capturing the creatures that the Sky God has named as his price. There are many folktales that involve characters who trick other characters to achieve the same goal and these are called “trickster” tales.
Preview and Prepare Let’s read the title, author, and illustrator of “A Story A Story”, and browse through the first few pages searching for clues about what the story might reveal about storytelling, problems you might encounter, such as words you do not know, and wonderings about what will happen in the story.
Selection Vocabulary defenseless- Without protection; unguarded; helpless
descendants Children grandchildren, and continuing generations of an original set of parents; those who share the same ancestors
tatter to tear; make ragged; rip
flamboyant Overly colorful, showy appearance or behavior
furious Very angry; violent
Vocabulary Match defenseless descendants tatter flamboyant furious very angry, violent overly colorful, showy appearance people sharing the same ancestors without protection tear, make ragged
Vocabulary Practice “Spider stories” tell how small, __________men or animals outwit others. Grandfather’s__________all came to his birthday party. We need to take down the flag before the strong winds________ it into pieces. Her __________clothes and rainbow colored hair attracted everyone’s attention. The man was________when the passing car splashed mud on his suit.
Other Important Vocabulary Frond- a very large leaf
calabash the shell of a dried gourd, used as a bowl
gourd a melon shaped fruit that can be dried, scooped out, and used as a bowl.
Latex gum a sticky liquid taken from a plant
yams a type of sweet potato
Day 2: Word Analysis Turn to pg 257 LA Handbook Who can tell in 2 simple sentences, 2 things they did this morning starting with “I”? Now let’s combine them using “and” Who can tell in a simple sentence the kind of shoes you are wearing, and then the kind someone else is wearing that are different from yours? Now let’s combine them using “but”. Who can tell in 2 simple sentences what you want to do right after school? Now let’s combine them using “or”.
Do pg Comp. LA Skills Where do the commas belong? Not all sentences will need a comma. Many folktales feature a trickster. (no comma) Firefly cheated Ture but Ture tricked the Prince, Some fairy tales begin with “Once upon a time” or “In a land faraway.” (after time)
Day 3: Word Analysis The spooky spider spun his web. What consonant blend do you notice? “spooky spider spun” is an alliteration, which is the repetition of beginning sounds in a phrase. Do Spelling and Vocab. Pgs
Write a compound sentence to combine the simple sentences using the conjunctions and, but, and or. Aunt Leona uses a cane. She supports herself with it when she walks. The fireworks display had started. We did not go. I left my basketball at Freddie’s house. I left my basketball at the court.