7.1 Attribute Rules Objective: To reinforce sorting attribute blocks according to the attribute rules. Key Vocabulary: triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon circle, attribute
We will follow these instructions with the attribute blocks: 1. Children who have a circle, stand where the teacher says. 2. Children who have a triangle, stand where directed. 3. Children who have a rectangle, stand where directed. 4. Children who have a square, stand where directed. 5. Children who remain, what shape do you have? In each group: What do the blocks have in common? Are they all the same color in each group? Are they all the same size? Listen to your teacher's directions for more sorts. TG 623
Attributes of these blocks: shape color size Music has attributes such as loud, soft, high, and low. Stand up if your attribute block is: a red square not yellow a small rectangle a large circle a small, blue hexagon not red and not large
We will collect the attribute blocks according to attributes. large, red blocks small, blue blocks rectangular, yellow blocks all yellow circles Students, what are your ideas about collecting the blocks?
Beat the Calculator Materials: a calculator; a random-number generator Number of Players: 3 BrainCalculatorCaller Graphics licensed through:
7.2 Exploring Attributes, Designs, and Fact Platters Objectives: To reinforce sorting by attribute rules; to facilitate the learning of addition facts. Math Master, Home Link page 200 Math Journal 2, page 139 Game Masters: Pages 357 and 358 Teaching Masters, Math Masters pages 197 and 198, 199, 201 My Reference Book, pages Attribute Blocks Fact Triangle, slate Set of classroom objects that can be sorted by attributes, such as crayons, books, and paper
Lesson 7.2 Math Message Pick up one block to use today. What shape is it? What color is it? Is it large or small? HOME LINK from yesterday 7.1 Which facts do you think you should know? Be ready to write the fact family for the numbers on your slate for the fact triangle
Fact Platter
Which shape is largest of each set?
Exploration A Playing the Attribute Train Game Directions: 1. The blocks are placed in the center of the playing surface. 2. The first player takes a block and puts it down to start a train. 3. The second player chooses a block that is different in only one way from the first block. 4. Players continue taking turns until no more blocks can be played. Exploration B Making Attribute-Block Designs Teaching Masters: Page 197 Page 198 Use these words to describe your design: above below next to in front of behind If time, rearrange your blocks to form a new design. Use only the blocks you used in the first design. Exploration C Using a Fact Platter Fact Generator Work in partnerships One partner writes the fact generator in the center of the platter. The other partner writes the sums around the edge of the Fact Platter. Take turns as you make more Fact Platters. Challenge: Write a two-digit number in the center of the Fact Platter.
Play Time Match Math Masters, pages 357 and 358 My Reference Book Pages 152 and 153
Math Boxes 7.2 Part of this lesson is to collect 2-dimensional shapes at home. We will use the shapes to organize and label objects.
Sorting Classroom Objects by Attributes Partners will sort classroom objects provided by the teacher. How did you sort the objects?
Solving an Attribute-Train Puzzle, Math Masters 201
Math Master, page 199 Practicing Addition and Subtraction
7.3 Pattern-Block and Template Shapes Objectives: To guide the identification of plane shapes; and to facilitate investigating some of their characteristics. Math Master, Home Link page 203 Math Journal 2, pages 140 and 141 and 142 Math Masters 202 and 204 Teaching Aid Masters page 305 Pattern-Block Template pattern blocks slate pattern-block shape posters (optional) Round is a Mooncake by Roseanne Thong
Lesson 7.3 Math Message Take a pattern block. Find another person who has the same pattern-block shape. HOME LINK from yesterday 7.2 Do you have an object to share for the Shapes Museum?
triangle square hexagon trapezoid fat rhombus skinny rhombus
triangle square hexagon trapezoid fat rhombus skinny rhombus Match the words and shapes. Move the shapes.
We will follow these instructions with the pattern blocks: 1. Children who have a triangle, stand where the teacher says. 2. Children who have a square, stand where directed. 3. Children who have a trapezoid, stand where directed. 4. Children who have a hexagon, stand where directed. 5. Children who remain, what shape do you have? A skinny or a fat rhombus. In each group: What do the blocks have in common? Are they all the same color in each group? Are they all the same size?
Math Journal 2, page 140 Pattern-Block Template squarelarge trianglesmall hexagon trapezoidsmall trianglefat rhombus large circleskinny rhombuslarge hexagon
The word: polygon comes from the Greek language: poly- means "many" and -gon means "angle"
Pattern-Block Template Shapes, continued Math Journal 2, page 141 Draw shapes that have exactly 4 sides and 4 corners. Write their names. square trapezoid rhombus
Math Masters, page 202 Fact Triangles and Fact Dominoes
Math Journal, page 142
Math Masters, page 203 Home Link Polygons
Math Masters, page 204 Shapes Bar Graph Use your pattern-block template to record a design on a piece of paper. Then graph how many of each shape is in the picture.
Writing and Reasoning What is a rectangle?
7.4 Pattern-Block and Template Shapes Objective: To extend children's familiarity with polygons. Math Master, Home Link 7.4, Page 207 Math Journal 2, pages 143, 144 Math Masters page 205, 206, 329, 208, 209 Teaching Aid Masters page for each per child: 8" straws, 6" straws, and 4" straws 15 twist ties per child pennies Class Data Pad poster-sized sheets of paper catalogs to cut apart glue or tape, scissors
Lesson 7.4 Math Message Take 3 straws from each box. Take 15 twist-ties. Don't make anything yet. Look for as may different shapes as you can see in the room. Be ready to talk about what you see.
triangle square hexagon trapezoid fat rhombus skinny rhombus HOME LINK from yesterday, 7.3 Review the names of the pattern blocks. Hold up the correct block when it is named.
triangle square hexagon trapezoid fat rhombus skinny rhombus Match the words and shapes. Move the shapes.
Constructing Straw Polygons What do we know about polygons, so far? The sides of the polygon are all straight. Polygons have corners, where two sides meet. Sides meet only at their ends. The sides are connected---there aren't any gaps. After making polygons, tell how each shape is alike and different. new words: concave polygons, open figures, closed figures
Math Masters, page 205
Coin Flips Class graph on the next page. Flip a penny 10 times while your partner records how many times it landed head-side up and tail side up. Partnerships will report how many times in all their pennies landed head-side up.
Math Masters, page 329 Investigating Flipping Pennies. Class data pad needed. Penny Flips Partners with this total Times Head Up
Name Collection Boxes, Math Masters, page
Math Journal 2, page 144
Math Masters, page 208 Comparing Shapes 1
Math Masters, page 209 Comparing Shapes 2
Math Master, page 207 Home Link 7.4
Finding 2-Dimensional Shapes Activity Cut out pictures from magazines to match polygons specified on the tops of the poster paper. Drawings of shapes, colored and cut out, are also fine.
7.5 Spheres, Cylinders, and Rectangular Prisms Objectives: To guide the identification of spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms; and to facilitate the investigation of their characteristics. Math Journal 2, pages 145 Math Masters pages 210, 212 Math Master, Home Link 7.5, Page 211 My Reference Book, pages 128 and 129 base-10 blocks (longs and cubes) slate ball, can, and box 3" x 5" index cards items for the Shapes Museum 3-D shapes rectangular prism, cylinder paper tool-kit coins 2 dice per partnership
Write the number. Circle the number in the ten's place. Write the number. Circle the number in the one's place. Mental Math and Reflexes, TG 645 Write the value of each set on your slate.
Lesson 7.5 Math Message Which of these objects can roll? Home Link 7.4 Follow-Up What is necessary for a shape to be a polygon?
Describe the characteristics of spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms. sphere cylinder rectangular prism
corner flat face curved face
Starting a Shapes Museum with a Display of 3-Dimensional Objects Let's sort our 3-D shapes into our Shapes Museum.
Playing Coin Exchange My Reference Book, pages 128 and 129 Materials: 20 pennies 10 nickels 10 dimes 2 quarters 2 six-sided dice 1 sheet of paper labeled Bank 2 players My Reference Book
Writing and Reasoning What is a polygon?
Math Journal 2, page 145
Math Masters, page 211 Home Link 7.5
Math Masters, page 212 Sorting Shapes by Their Faces
Describing 3-Dimensional Shapes Activity Look at items in the Shapes Museum and describe some of the shapes. Try to use these words: sidecornercircle flat facetrianglesquare spherecylinderrectangular prism
7.6 Pyramids, Cones, and Cubes Objectives: To guide the identification of pyramids, cones, and cubes; and to facilitate the investigation of their characteristics. Math Journal 2, pages 146, 147, and 148 Math Masters pages 210, 305, 214 Math Master, Home Link 7.6, Page 213 Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres by Tana Hoban slate 3-D models of a pyramid, a cone, and a cubes 3" X 5" index cards items for Shapes Museum Minute Math page 59 attribute blocks several paper bags each filled with a different 3-dimensional shape, per small group
Lesson 7.6 Math Message Name an object that s shaped like a cone. Home Link 7.5 Follow-Up Which facts have you just learned? Do you know your +1, +0, and doubles facts?
Describe the characteristics of pyramids, cones, and cubes. pyramid cubes cones
vertex flat face curved face
Math Journal 2, page 146 Words to know and use: base, face, edge
Starting a Shapes Museum with a Display of 3-Dimensional Objects Identify the shapes of the objects shown on journal page 147. Record their names.
Math Journal 2, page 148
Writing and Reasoning What patterns do you see on the number grid?
Minute Math, page 59 Practice identifying plane shapes and solid figures.
Identifying shapes using touch. Each group has one bag. Without looking in the bag, each student reaches in and feels the object. When everyone has had a turn, take the object out and compare it to shapes pictured on journal page 146. Comparing Prisms and Pyramids Venn Diagram, next slide
Comparing Prisms and Pyramids Math Masters, page 214 Venn Diagram
Reading about geometry.. Cubes, Cones, Cylinders, & Spheres by Tana Hoan Exit slip: Draw something shaped like a cube that is in the classroom.
Math Masters, page 212 Sorting Shapes by Their Faces
Math Masters, page 213 Home Link 7.6
Describing 3-Dimensional Shapes Ac tivity Look at items in the Shapes Museum and describe some of the shapes. Try to use these words: sidecornercircle flat facetrianglesquare spherecylinderrectangular prism
Art Link Work in small groups to construct creatures out of boxes and paper-towel tubes.
7.7 Symmetry Objective: To facilitate the exploration of symmetrical shapes. Math Journal 2, pages 149 Teaching Math Masters pages 215 Math Master, Home Link 7.7, Page 216 My Reference Book, pages 122 and 123 slate number grid 4" X 6" index cards (or 6" X 8") Minute Math page 14, 21, and 37 number cards 0-9 (four of each) half-sheets of paper glue or tape; scissors magazines to cut up small mirrors pattern blocks folder
Lesson 7.7 Math Message Take a sheet of paper with a picture of a heart. Carefully but out the paper heart. Home Link 7.6 Follow-Up What shapes did you find? Where did you find them? A fabulous online, free math video about symmetry. It is short. Each segment of the video pauses for visual practice problems for the class to solve.
symmetrical not symmetrical
What is the difference between the two groups of shapes?
Addition Top-It: Who won?
Math Journal 2, page 149
Math Masters, Home Link, 7.7 Finding Symmetry in Nature
How would you divide this shape in half?
1. Look over the symmetry cards made by the teacher. 2.Try to complete the picture of what is on the card by placing it on paper. Draw and color. 3. Create your own symmetry cards. Use mirrors to see the line of symmetry.
Drawing time! Materials: 1. A piece of paper and your Pattern-Block Template 2. Divide the paper in half. 3. Draw two sets of shapes: each set of shapes should go together in some way 4. Show your drawings to a classmate, and have the classmate guess how each set of shapes is different.
Minute Math+ Pages 14, 21, and 37 More practice with place value and measurements.