Take out a sheet of notebook paper to begin WWI Mrs. Neighbors wants talk to you about your test from Monday
1. Get into groups of 3 2. Take out a sheet of notebook paper 3. Write down all the “FACTS” that you know about the Great Tribal War 4. You have 5 to 7 minutes
* Define imperialism and industrialization How did Imperialism and Industrialization play a role in igniting the War? What impact do you think the Berlin Conference of 1884 had on the outbreak of WWI? What are alliances?
In your group Put All group members names on the cartoon Examine the cartoon and explain (in writing) each person and their actions. Explain the why? Don’t tell me they are pointing at each other, I can see that! Which one do you think was right? We will then discuss as a class
M A I N Reasons for going to war!!
Imperialism and Internal Dissent Imperialism: desire for more resources in the industrial world Internal dissent: labor strife with violent strikes = fear of revolutions (could war be the answer?)
Nationalism: belief and pride in one’s country Idea was that it would lead to peace and not competition.. Wrong! Alliance Systems: Triple Alliance: (Gr, A-H and Italy) 1882 Triple Entente: (Fr, GB and Russia) 1907 Balkan Crisis 1908 (A-H annex of Bosnia) and 1913 (Albanian’s and A-H)
Militarism: aggressive preparation for war Conscription: military draft (except US and GB) led to very large armies. European military doubled between 1890 and 1914 Russia: 1.3, Gr and Fr 900,000 Military leaders with too much time on their hands to come up ways to quickly organize Strain or pressure on political leaders to do things right or war!!
- Balkan Peninsula and the Ottoman Empire - Self rule? - A-H and Russia domination of new states/nations - Assassination in Sarajevo (June 28, 1914) - Arch-duke Francis Ferdinand (killed) by Black Hands Serbian terrorist group wanting independence - Reaction?
A-H didn’t care about the who or what, they wanted to but saw way to suppress the Bosnian people…. Feared Russia joining A-H asked Gr to join their fight. Emperor William II of Gr respond with a “blank check.” Czar Nicholas II orders full mobilization of Russian army. Gr considers this an act of war!
2 front war Holding plan vs. Russia and a quick war with France? Why France? (go back a few spots in your notes). Gr went through Belgium which brings in you know who?? (not the US) Why did they want it? Was it really to protect a neutral Belgium?
Think about the following quote and discuss it with a classmate. Then we will discuss it as a class. “Till the world comes to an end the ultimate decision will rest with the sword.” Emperor William II of Germany
On the home front? From other countries?
PROPAGANDA!!! What is propaganda? Make a list of all the propaganda you can think of and why is it propaganda? (brainstorm with a classmate but this is not chit-chat time)..
How might governments use propaganda beneficial in the time of war? Read page 721 in your text book over propaganda. Assignment: you and your partner must design 2 posters of propaganda; Allies and then Central Powers.