LMS School Rules Respect self, others, all adults and school property Display positive/appropriate citizenship and character Be prepared for school and class
LMS Behavior Consequences Step 1: warning/redirect, conference with teacher Step 2: early morning detention & parent contact Step 3: mini-school isolation & parent contact Step 4: dean referral & parent contact
8th Grade Expectations Be on time. Be prepared. Stay on task. Do not leave until your teacher dismisses you.
Mrs. Manley's Procedures LMS 8-B
How do I enter the classroom? You will have assigned seats. Enter the classroom quietly and sit in your assigned seat. Begin your FOA immediately and silently. FOA is not time for socializing.
When am I tardy? You are considered tardy if you are anywhere besides your assigned seat when the bell rings. The only exception to the above is if you have a signed note from a faculty member.
Am I ready to learn? Ready to learn means you have everything you need for my class when you walk in the door. Check the poster on the door. You will always need pencil and paper for this class.
Student Center The student center is where you will go BEFORE the bell rings for pencils, paper, or erasers. My desk is off limits. You should never take anything off of my desk.
What if I don't have pencil and paper? Go to the student center immediately when you enter the room. You must sign out and return pencils. You need to have all materials and be in your seat before the bell rings.
What if I'm absent? It is your responsibility to come to me for makeup work. I want you all to succeed, but I don't have time to track you down. You have five days to turn in makeup work. This includes making up quizzes and tests.
6th Period Lunch 8B has the last lunch at 12:53. We will leave class at 12:50. We walk in a silent, straight line down the hallway. We all sit at the second table. I will pick you up at lunch and send you to electives.
Instructional Time
When can I get out of my seat? Use wise judgement. You're 8th graders. You should never be out of your seat when I'm teaching. Hold all trash at your desk until the end of class. Use the restroom between classes. Unless it's a true emergency, I will not write a clinic pass until the end of class.
Electronics I should not see or hear any electronics in my classroom. If I see it or hear it, I will take it up. No warnings. You know the school rules.
Gum? Drinks? Snacks? I should not see or hear your gum. Water bottles with water only - no soda, flavor packets, etc. Snacks are okay, as long as they don't cause a distraction. If any of the above becomes a distraction, you will lose privileges.
What is FOA? FOA stands for focus on achievement. FOA may include TCAP questions, writing prompts, and even games. I would like your FOA completed in your composition books. Make sure your book has your first and last name, period, class number, mini-school, and Language Arts.
Will I be graded on my FOA? Yes! FOA will count as a weekly participation grade. If you complete your FOA, you will get a free 10/10 points. If you are absent, it will not count against you. Simply, write absent.
Example You will head each FOA entry with date. Below the date, you will write the day of the week.
Give me five!
Answering Questions
Talking in class... Classrooms run on mutual respect. You should never be talking when I am talking or when your classmate is talking. Voice levels should always be kept at a low level. We never want to disturb the classrooms around us. If I am playing background music, I should never hear your voice over the music.
Will we get to work in groups? As of now, your desks are in pairs. Your behavior over the next few weeks will determine sitting in groups and working in groups. When working in pairs, groups, or as a class, follow all instructions given.
How do I head my paper? Name, first and last Class number, class period followed by number. Date
Where do I turn in assignments? Each class period has an inbox and outbox. They are located on the cabinets beside the sink. Each class period has been assigned a color. After turning in an assignment, please mark it on your class period's poster.
There should never be more than three people turning in assignments at a time. Wait patiently until another classmate is finished. Do not forget to mark the assignment on the poster! The poster is your guide for missing assignments.
Ending Class
Class Dismissal Procedure An alarm will sound when there is 2 minutes left in class. You will have until the music ends to pack up (30 seconds). Once the music ends, whether you are packed up or not, you must "give me five." I will dismiss you when class ends. The bell DOES NOT dismiss you! You will not leave until the room is clean and your chair is pushed in!!!
Let's have a great year!!!