ISO/TC 211 WG4 Geospatial services WG4-report to the ISO/TC 211 in Beijing Morten Borrebæk - Convenor WG4 Work items: Positioning services Portrayal of geographic information Encoding Services
ISO/TC 211 WG4 Portrayal WDDate of deliverableWG4 doc-nr N N N N N082 CD N091 CD-date according to work-program98-03
ISO/TC 211 WG4 editing committee meeting Portrayal oBased on documents N 533, N 567 and N 571 oA total of 241 oplus annexes from France, Switzerland and Norway oBased on documents N 533, N 567 and N 571 oA total of 241 oplus annexes from France, Switzerland and Norway
ISO/TC 211 WG4 editing committee meeting Portrayal oType of comment oDuplicates ofrom 241 to 112 oType of comment oDuplicates ofrom 241 to 112
ISO/TC 211 WG4 Unresolved comments for editing management committee. oMetadata as placeholder for portrayal rules. oCharacter set (should be the same for the whole family of standards) oDiagram technique. UML is not suitable for all kind of figures, and the diagram techniques might be harmonized. oFunctional languages. There is a need for standardizing a functional language (or to more precise an action language) for several standards, and avoid a mixed set of Gopher, SQL, ++,. OCL is not the correct choice for actions, but an extension of UML is under construction (UML-action language). oTerminology. All comments on terms not specific to Portrayal will be handled to the terminology team.
ISO/TC 211 WG4 editing committee Beijing Input from Switzerland and Canada on Annexes New version distributed to EC-members for comment Comments from members of EC Submitt revised CD to ISO/TC 211 secretariat Secretariat preparation 1 week CD - period 3 months for DIS-voting Preparation by secretariat 1 week 2’nd editing committee meeting on Portrayal in Wienna ? Result from unresolved issues reported to editing management committee
WI19 Services WD Date of deliverable WG4 doc-nr N N N N100 CD-date according to work-program98-10
WI19 Services Imp. Spec COM/MIDL Imp. Spec CORBA/IIDL Imp. Spec ODBC/SQL SQL3/MM Imp. Spec SDAI/EXPRESS Imp. Spec ODMG/ODL Abstract Service Spec (UML w/precision) (Common Imp.spec) Direct C++/Java Portability/Interop Interface Spatial sub schema OGC Meta data Coord Ref. Sys Quality sub schema Spatial sub schema Feature rel.ship 2- Conformance 4) Portability/Interoperability interface possible 3. Reverse mapping for Portability and Interoperability 1. Conformance General Feature Model Rules for Application Schema
ISO/TC 211 and OpenGIS Reference Models Harmonized
Harmonizing ISO/TC 211 and OpenGIS Service Architecture and identified services The Geospatial Domain Services describes the various services identified in the OpenGIS service architecture These services have been mapped into the ISO/TC211 service categories.
WI19 Services oIdentification of services: Completed (30 services) oNormative: How to write abstract service specifications and conforming implementation specifications (one-way and two-way) - by oApply service specification approach to Positioning service (from part X) and Feature access, query and update (from OGC + SQL-3/MM) - by oPropose new work items: Catalogue Service, Coordinate Transformation Service, Imagery/Gridded Data/Coverage access, query and update oCD by (to incorporate work on Feature access, query and update)
WI16 Positioning WD Date of deliverable WG4 doc-nr N N N N097 CD-date according to work-program98-09
WI16 Positioning Joint sessions during the Beijing - meeting WI5 Conformance and testing. The work on conformance clause in WI16 aligns well with the principles in WI5, but needs further improvement. WI11 Spatial referencing by coordinates. Discussions on terminology and concepts like stability. The concepts on coordinate reference system in WI11 is changed, and WI16 must be restructured according to this. REM Later discussions with PT11 has clarified that this was resolved during the Victoria meeting. WI13 Quality principles. Should WI13 be the placeholder of a quality element on positional stability, or as an annex in WI16.
WI16 Positioning Unresolved issues UML The UML description is started, but needs to be completed. Conformance clause The conformance clause needs to be verified in accordance with WI5 Terminology There were several comments on positioning services terms discussed in Beijing, half of them are still unresolved. Coordinate reference system The draft needs to be restructured according to the new structure in WI11 REM Later discussions with PT11 has clarified that there has been no restructuring since Victoria.
WI16 Positioning Date for CD submission…. oOne more meeting is needed to handle the unresolved issues. (Estimated to October) oUML modelling assistance is required. oThe Services WD (WI19) will have a normative part on “How to write abstract service specifications and conforming implementation specifications (one-way and two-way)”. A proposal for this is estimated to be finalised by To ensure that Positioning services is written according to this guidelines, a delay is required. oProposal
WI18 Encoding WD Date of deliverable WG4 doc-nr N N N N099 CD - date according to work-program 98-12
WI18 Encoding > I data Declaration conversion rules Instance conversion rules Encoding Service DTD I XML file UML model
WI18 Encoding Joint sessions during the Beijing - meeting oWG1 - CSL. oEditing committee on Portrayal. oWG2 on Spatial schema regarding modelling and encoding oWG3 assistance on modelling oWI5 conformance on encoding oWG5 joint meeting. Requirements from the joint sessions on Tuesday has been discussed with WG’s.
WI18 Encoding Character set oThis standard adopts the following international character set standards: 4ISO/IEC ISO/IEC , UCS-2, UTF-8, UTF-16 4ISO/IEC , UCS-4 oThese standards define an international recognised repertoire of characters and their encoding. oAdditional requirements 4Composite characters deprecated 4Language tags
WI18 Encoding XML in Japanese ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2
WI18 Encoding oXML - 3 alternatives must be reduced to 1. Will be discussed with XML-experts. oUML. Modelling requirements must be inserted in modelling guidelines and used in WD/CD’s to enable encoding oConformance clause / falsification clause oEncoding services Unresolved issues in addition to character sets: Several issues remains unresolved. The most important are: Proposed date of CD