NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO SRR Project Management
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Project Organization Current LRO GSFC Manpower Summary XX Civil Servants XX Support Service Contractors
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO WBS
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Project Procedures & Guidelines Flow Down NASA Procedural Requirements Including NPR NASA Program and Project Management Processes and Requirements GSFC Procedural Requirements and Technical Rules Including GPR NASA Program and Project Management Processes and Requirements RLEP Program Plan 430-PLAN Goddard Directive Management System NASA On-Line Directive Information System LRO Requirements ESMD-RQMT-0010 LRO Systems Engineering Management Plan 431-PLAN LRO Mission Verification Plan 431-PLAN RLEP Mission Assurance Requirements 430-RQMT LRO Configuration Management Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx RLEP Continuous Risk Management Plan 430-PLAN LRO Integrated Independent Review Plan 431-PLAN LRO Mission Requirements Document 431-RQMT LRO Work Breakdown Structure& Dictionary 431-WBS LRO Project Plan 431-PLAN LRO Safety Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx LRO Reliability Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx LRO Instrument & Subsystem Performance Assurance Implementation Plans (7) LRO Risk Management Implementation Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx LRO Integration & Test Plan 431-PLAN-xxxxxx Sibling Mission Level 2 Requirements Documents (13) Status Key Released In CCB Baseline Review Draft in Development Review Instrument Contracts & In-House System Implementation Plans
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Project Control & Reporting Monthly Cycle Instrument Monthly Reporting Contract 533 Reports – Cost Plan, Act & Var. Schedule Status Cost & Workforce variance Analysis Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances Technical Progress& Problems Technical Resource margins Top Risks and Ranking Spacecraft Subsystems & Ground System Monthly Reporting SSC 533 Reports – Cost Plan, Act & Var. H/W Procurement Cost & Performance Schedule Status Cost & Workforce Variance Analysis Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances Requested Technical Progress& Problems Risks Reported thru Systems Meetings Project Analysis & Synthesis Cost Variance & Analysis Work Force variance & Analysis Performance Milestone Status Reserve Status Schedule Slack Technical Resource margins Risk Identification & Ranking Mission Systems Technical Risk Review, Analysis, & Tracking Technical Resource Margins Integration & Test plan/schedule Technical Progress & Problems Report RLEP Pre-MSR (400) MSR/QSR (GSFC PMC w/ESMD Attend) LRO generates legacy GSFC reporting products At Phase C Project level EVM products will be added.
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Project Risk Reporting Technical Performance Risks Project Control & Implementation Risks Trade-off Safety Risks System Safety, Payload Safety, & Launch Site Safety Industrial Safety, Ground Safety, Facility Safety, & OSHA Hazard Analysis – PHA, SHA, & OSHA Mission Assurance Assessment/Risk Assessment – Matrix, FTA, & PRA (as needed) Residual Risks and Ranking Unresolved Safety Risks Risk Management Board Performance/Design Requirements Mission Success Assessments/Reliability & Risk Assessment Technical Performance Margins & Variance Technical Risk Review, Analysis, & Tracking Residual Risks and Ranking Unresolved Technical & Operations Risks Constraints Cost Plan, Act & Var. Cost & Workforce Variance Analysis Integration & Test Progress & Problems Budget Reserve Liens/Encumbrances Requested Residual Risks and Ranking Unresolved Programmatic Risks Risks Reported thru Systems Meetings LRO Project Risk Management Flow
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Risk Management Tracking, Ranking, & Reporting Example LRO Risk # LROP-22 (in database) as reported 6/30/05 LRO Manages Risk Continuously RM Board is comprised of core systems team and senior project management. Meets monthly. Process is guided by Risk Management Coordinator on Project Staff. Identification of Risks accomplished by both grassroots risk identification at instrument/subsystem level and top down by management/systems identification of mission risks. Specialized techniques applied by systems team for reliability and safety assessments. Both reliability engineer and safety engineer are part of systems team. LRO will develop PRAs for critical mission events Example
NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center LRO Lifecycle Cost Estimate Development LRO LCC estimate is in process. Initial Guiding Boundary Conditions 2008 launch Delta II class LV Accommodate Investigations sought by ORDT/AO $400M cost target put forth in FAD Conceptual Cost Estimates Parametric estimate based on historical data for recent mission with similarities Application of simple CERs by Project Initial Grassroots Estimates Done at subsystem level - Subsystem estimates experience based - Instruments per AO LCC estimate for Confirmation Process Results from reconciliation of Grassroots & RAO estimates. Reviewed by GSFC PMC Refined Grassroots Estimates Done at subsystem level - Subsystem estimates prelim. design based - Instruments per proposals, C/D/E contracts In Progress GSFC RAO Cost Modeling Mission input data defined/delivered by Project In Progress POP 04-1 (FY06) POP 05-1 (FY07)