1 UNDP’s Trade Work OVERVIEW Inclusive Globalisation Context UNDP response – Regional programmes – Global programmes – Geneva Trade and HD Unit David Luke Senior Adviser and Coordinator Trade and Human Development Unit
Inclusive Globalisation - Context Experience of last few decades – –Technological progress, economic and financial globalisation, higher productivity – –But increasing income inequality across and within countries with significant differentiation in development outcomes; risk of missing MDGs – –Supply side constraints HD concerns including current financial, energy, food crisis and Doha Round unresolved issues recent despite strong growth
UNDP response Stronger anlytical and substantive role since the late 1990s Book, Making Global Trade Work for People (2002) Globalisation benefitting the poor service line MYFF in context also of MDG achievement scale-up Geneva THDU established 2004 CB/HD mandate and on-the-ground presence – –Capacity to compete internationally by overcoming supply side bottlenecks – –Capacity to negotiate, inteprete and implement trade agreements and prioritize HD concerns – –Capacity to incorporate pro-poor development centred trade policies in national development /poverty reduction strategies Confirmed in new Strategic Plan
UNDP response: regional trade programmes – Asia-Pacific Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment Initiative (APTII) - three phases : substantive linkages between trade and HD : support to MDG achievement through analytical and policy advisory services, training and knowledge products – investment policy, competitiveness and trade agreements : focus on competitiveness, employment and gender sensitive policies, pro-poor regional cooperation and integration
UNDP response: regional trade programmes - Africa Trade Capacity Development for Sub-Saharan Africa (next phase under formulation) with extensive partnerships and focus on effective linkages between trade and poverty reduction initiatives, reinforcing negotiating capacities Regional Integration support project launched in 2007 focusing on research, anlysis and policy advice
UNDP response:regional trade programmes Eastern Europe and Central Asia Focus on HDIA of trade policy since 2003 CB needs assessment Mainstreaming trade in national transition/poverty reduction/and development strategies
UNDP response: regional trade programmes – Middle-East Arab Initiative on Trade, Human Development and Economic Governance since 2007 Aimed at CB for trade policy analyis in response to global and regional challenges
UNDP response: global programmes Integrated Framework/Enhanced IF 1.Diagnostics/updates 2.Coordination for in-country activities 3.Upstream policy and capacity building support 4.Mainstreaming 5.Programmatic approach to aid delivery and coordination – evolving CEB cluster role 6.Manual on EIF modus operandi 7.Ongoing IFTF function until 2011
UNDP response: global programmes Aid for Trade Diagnostics e.g. BRC Central Asia/ SACU Mainstreaming Programmatic approach to aid delivery and coordination – evolving CEB cluster role WTO Advisory Group OECD TWG AfT Guidebook in two versions UNDP‘s own AfT portfolio estimated at $110m in three of six AfT categories: TP&R, TD, BPSC
10 UNDP response: Geneva THDU UNDP corporate resource on trade and HD Knowledge hub and services – current examples Coordination with CEB Trade and Productive Capacity Cluster Support to the global programmes for trade capacity development – Aid for trade (AfT) –(Enhanced) Integrated Framework (IF)
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