Report from MT01 Peter Hauge Madsen Convenor MT01
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Scope of IEC This part of IEC specifies essential design requirements to ensure the engineering integrity of wind turbines. Its purpose is to provide an appropriate level of protection against damage from all hazards during the planned lifetime. This standard is concerned with all subsystems of wind turbines such as control and protection mechanisms, internal electrical systems, mechanical systems and support structures. This standard applies to wind turbines of all sizes. For small wind turbines IEC may be applied. 21-aug-2008Title of the presentation2
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Scope of amendment To prepare an amendment to IEC :2005 that would clarify and provide specific guidance to the following issues: 1.Turbulence model concerns 2.DLC Consequence of failure factor. 4.Load extrapolation methodology 5.Contemporaneous loads 6.Application of safety factors In addition to dealing with these issues, an amendment can provide editorial changes that will improve the clarity and the understanding of the text. 21-aug-2008Title of the presentation3
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Status Since last meeting in TC88 in Beijing (China) on to the Committee draft for Voting was circulated on and Voting result on 88/339/CDV: IEC A1 Ed.3: Amendment 1 to IEC Ed.3: Wind turbines - Part 1: Design requirements was circulated on and closed The CDV was approved. The convenor received the result of voting with the national comments to the CDV on The convenor submitted recommendations and a revised document to circulate as a FDIS on The report on voting on CDV, 88/355/RVC, was circulated The current status is RDIS - Text for FDIS received and registered. IEC have decided to merge the amendment into and publish the result as IEC Ed The convenor has informed the TC88 secretariat and IEC that he intends to submit a proposal at the coming TC88 in USA in March 2010 for a revision of aug-2008Title of the presentation4
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Unresolved technical comments 1.Report on voting on IEC amendment CDV, 88/355/RVC, Proposal of the Japanese National Committee for an amendment to IEC , 3rd edition, 88/363/DC, GL Statement concerning IEC edition 4, Kai Freudenreich, GL Memo, GH Statement concerning IEC edition 4, G.N. McCann, GH Doc 1093/BT/01, aug-2008Title of the presentation5
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Revision of IEC ed. 4? Recommendation from UPWind meeting : Class specification, allow for hurricane/typhone conditions Wind specification for large heights ~100 m Load extrapolation – simplification Integration with construction codes, e.g. Eurocodes Code calibration – procedures for adjusting safety factor in construction codes Site condition assessment – recommended procedures for both offshore and tropical conditions Calibration of wind models e.g. ETM with site data Wake effects shall account for half-wake loads, all konfigurations, fatigue and ultimate loads and for all principal loads Limited validation (wind models at large heights and wakes, design loads and response) 21-aug-2008Title of the presentation6
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Load case considerations Control actions LVRT Potential wind farm control mechanisms to regulate grid 21-aug-2008Title of the presentation7
Risø DTU, Technical University of Denmark Recommended actions: 1.MCR circulated April 2010: Scope Time schedule Call for experts 2.First meeting in MT01 June CD – 24 months 4.CDV – 6 months 5.IS – 12 months 21-aug-2008Title of the presentation8