Southwest Texas Junior College Core Curriculum Dr. Cheryl Sanchez, Dr. Mark Underwood, Dr. Renee Zimmerman, and Bobby Ayala Southwest Texas Junior College Spring 2015 Convocation
Presentation Objectives Provide a history of the Core and Core revision process Discuss new Core Objectives Identify some unresolved issues
Background Texas Core Curriculum - Each institution of higher education that offers an undergraduate academic degree program shall develop its core curriculum by using the Board-approved purpose, core objectives, and foundational component areas of the Texas Core Curriculum.
Old Core Established in 1997 ▫42-46 SCH ▫37 EEOs Why change the core? ▫THECB wants the core to help students build real world skills and capabilities
Philosophical Shift Old Core Accumulate credits Across a wide academic background EEOs were unique to a discipline New Core Master six key skills In a variety of academic disciplines Core objectives are shared across the institution
Purposes of the Core Students will gain ▫Knowledge of human cultures and physical and natural world ▫Principles of personal and social responsibility ▫Intellectual and practical skills
Workforce Report Interviewed ▫400+ employers ▫Expectations and experiences with High School Graduates Jr College Graduates University Graduates
Workforce Report Skills Basic Knowledge ▫English ▫Reading/writing ▫Math ▫Science ▫Art ▫Social Studies Applied Skills ▫Critical Thinking ▫Communication ▫Quantitative Reasoning ▫Teamwork ▫Personal and Social Responsibility
Foundational Component Area Core Objectives CommunicationMathematicsLife and Physical SciencesLanguage, Philosophy, & CultureCreative ArtsAmerican HistoryGovernment/Political ScienceSocial and Behavioral SciencesInstitutional OptionCritical ThinkingCommunicationEmpirical and Quantitative SkillsTeamworkPersonal ResponsibilitySocial Responsibility
Critical Thinking Includes ▫Creative thinking and innovation ▫Inquiry ▫Analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information Addressed in ALL core courses
Communication Effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas Includes ▫Written communication ▫Oral communication ▫Visual communication Addressed in ALL core courses
Empirical and Quantitative Includes ▫Manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts ▫Create informed conclusions Addressed in Math, Science, and Social sciences
Teamwork Includes ▫Ability to consider different points of view ▫Ability to work with others towards a shared goal Addressed in Communication, Sciences, and Fine Arts
Personal Responsibility Ability to connect personal choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision making Addressed in Communication, Language/Philosophy/Culture, History, Government
Social Responsibility Includes ▫Intercultural competence ▫Civic responsibility ▫Ability to engage in regional, national, and global communities Addressed in Language/Philosophy/Culture, Fine Arts, History, Government, Social Sciences
SWTJC Core Curriculum Committee began meeting Spring 2012 ▫Matrices establishedMatrices Began Implementing Courses Fall 2012 ▫Guidelines also established for implementation New core will be implemented Fall 2014
Component II The assessment of the Core Curriculum is an evaluation of attainment of the Core Objectives. ▫A. Describe the institution’s process to determine the appropriate level of attainment of each Core Objective. ▫B. Describe the institution’s plan for assessment of each Core Objective. Include the following components of the institution’s assessment plan:
▫Assessment methods explain the methodology (institutional portfolios, embedded assessment, etc.), describe the measures (must include at least one direct measure), outline the frequency and timeline of assessment; ▫Criteria/Targets explain the criteria and targets for the level of attainment of each Core Objective, include references to externally informed benchmarks; ▫Analysis explain how the results of the assessment will be evaluated; and ▫Actions and Follow-up explain the process for improving student learning based on the assessment results.
Momentum Points Based on FY 2010 Data MathRead/ Write 1 st Math 15 Credits 30 Credits TransfAssoc.CoreCert.Total Points SWTJC ,9541, ,798 State31,06232,08489,244240,167143,08241,07946,23413,93220,200778,791 22
Artifact Submission Common Naming system
Links THECB submission Process: DF?CFID= &CFTOKEN= DF?CFID= &CFTOKEN= Quick Reference: F?CFID= &CFTOKEN= F?CFID= &CFTOKEN= Core curriculum assessment guidelines: 4D2FE55-C9B7-419A-4D65413B13CD44ED 4D2FE55-C9B7-419A-4D65413B13CD44ED ▫(resources for assessments can also be found at the above site; Liberal Education and America's Promise (LEAP) and Valid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education (VALUE) )Liberal Education and America's PromiseValid Assessment of Learning in Undergraduate Education