NRC* Perspective on HDPE Road Maps Eric Focht, Materials Engineer U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research Division of Engineering Component Integrity Branch * The views of the author do not necessarily reflect those of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. NESCC Meeting March 28, 2013 Washington, D.C.
NRC HDPE Activities Present ASME approved Code Case N-755 in 2007 –NRC concerns included in balloting process for N-755 Promulgated NRC concerns regarding Code Case N-755 to ASME SWG on PP in 2008 NRC approved two relief requests in 2008 –Callaway and Catawba NRC staff have been very active in the numerous ASME HDPE piping groups since 2007 Supported various ASME-EPRI workshops Attended fusion operator training 2
NRC HDPE Activities 2006 – Present (cont.) Conducted confirmatory research on HDPE piping materials: –SCG testing of parent and fusion joints –Assessed volumetric examination techniques –Technical assistance with proposed ASME Code rules 3
Progress! Working together NRC Concerns –Many of the original NRC concerns have been addressed Design –Several keys concerns still need to be addressed Fusion Volumetric examination Design –Most concerns regarding design have been addressed –Some remain open (e.g. thermal gradient stress, modulus) Fusion –SC IX Code rules help but do not address all NRC concerns They need to go into a Code Case along with additional NRC requirements NDE –SC III, V & XI rules being developed Code Case N-808 (SC XI) and N-755 (SC III) 4
Code Cases and Road Maps Code Cases ASME has approved N-755, but the NRC has not due to unresolved concerns. NRC was informally requested to consider conditionally approving N-755 to help provide a stable regulatory path for implementation. A conditionally approved N-755: –Three main areas: Design Fusion NDE –NRC reluctant to condition N-755 earlier due to the number of unresolved concerns Design –Furthest along in terms of NRC concerns being addressed –May be the “easiest” to condition Fusion –SC IX rules in addition to E. Reichelt comments need to be incorporated into Code Case N-755. –More conditions may still need to included NDE (volumetric examination) –Volumetric examination requires the most work. –Code Case N-808: No Code rules exist, but ASME is working on N-808 to develop them (also in TGs). 5
Code Cases and Road Maps Road Maps The ASME and NESCC road maps, together, present a good plan for addressing NRC concerns. Combining into a single road map will help with implementation. If implemented, the road map should help address items that may lead to: –A conditionally approved Code Case(s) for HDPE piping in the short term. –Eliminate conditions on Code Case(s) 6