A CADEMIC R EGULATIONS FOR T AUGHT P ROVISION : THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ( WITH APOLOGIES TO A. M. H OMES ) Staff Development Symposium September 2013 Malcolm MacLean Associate Dean, Quality & Standards
S TRUCTURE What’s new? Academic health checks Progression decisions, and the W grade Mitigating Circumstances Alternative Assessment Arrangements Marking and moderation Agreeing assessment briefs
W HAT ’ S NEW ? 7 day hand in ARTP changed so that assessment tasks submitted up to and including 7 days late will be marked to a maximum of 40% (currently up to but not including 7 days) Classifying awards Will now classify all intended/named awards (but not default or exit awards only) Now includes named (that is, named intended awards) PgCert, DipHE, CertHE, University Diploma, Graduate Diploma Assessment pages :
A CADEMIC HEALTH CHECKS Object is to make sure students’ programmes are correct, so check for Amount of credit attained Correct modules taken, including Specific requirements of joint programmes (mainly L6 students) Professional body requirements Pay close attention to fast track and part time profiles and study plans/programmes Also make sure arrangements are made for Unresolved results from previous years (L or R grades mainly)
P ROGRESSION DECISIONS AND THE W GRADE Note progression rules at both UGT & PGT Two types: must withdraw or may only achieve a lesser award Decisions of Award & Progression Boards In cases of extreme mitigation, ABE can agree that failed modules do not count for progression This is the only way student module registration may be deleted after the 14 day transfer period Act only on advice on Mitigating Circumstances Review Group Students for MCRP consideration sent via Senior Tutors sment/Pages/default.aspx
M ITIGATING C IRCUMSTANCES Basic provisions unchanged MC1: 48 hours, self-certificate, one per year MC2: up to 3 weeks, restricted criteria, 3 rd party evidence required, via Helpzone MC3: more than three weeks, 3 rd party evidence required, only via Senior Tutor Check the Mit Circs and assessment tracking boxes in Student Records Online ( ) Crucial at assessment submission and mark submission times; entering the correct mark/grade will make exam board preparation and conduct much more straight forward (and reduce the number of MAFs)
A LTERNATIVE A SSESSMENT A RRANGEMENTS Specific provision apply for times when students are not available for scheduled assessment activities Limited set of circumstances acceptable 3 rd party evidence required Must be arranged through Helpzones Provisions apply for in class tests ( do not make local arrangements)
M ARKING Revised provisions being introduced for marking and moderation (see ) System to be applied to all assessment tasks (class work, exams etc) Goals Provide all students with overview of application of assessment criteria Provide external examiners with clear statement of consistent compliance with and application of assessment criteria Moderator’s comments may contribute to module assessments Exemptions include dissertation-type modules Further training will be made available
A GREEING ASSESSMENT BRIEFS Changing procedures for agreeing assessment briefs away form CL/SGL centred process to more collegial approach System to be introduced from end of this semester Further training will be made available (once we’ve finalised the system)