Robust: Adjective- Strong and healthy Vigorous Robust men and women fight for our country everyday.
Wary: Adjective- Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems Cautious, careful, alert… Zebras must be constantly wary of predators such as lions.
Pending: Adjective- Awaiting decision or settlement Unresolved, Undecided, incomplete In December he put in a request to remove the bee hive but it is still pending approval.
Lavish: Adjective- Rich, elaborate, or luxurious Costly, grand, posh… She threw many lavish parties throughout the year.
Anonymous: Adjective- (of a person) not identified by name; of an unknown name Nameless, incognito, unidentified… The anonymous donor saved the kids life
Maternal: Adjective- Of or relating to a mother, especially during pregnancy or shortly after childbirth. Motherly, protector, caregiver… Her maternal instincts told her something was wrong.
Dismal: Adjective- Depressing; dreary Dim, careless, gloomy… The show was a dismal failure.
Emblem: Noun- A heraldic device or symbol object as a distinctive badge for a nation, organization, or family. Symbol, token, representation… The emblem for The United States of America is a Bald Eagle.
Momentum: Noun- The quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity. Boost, stimulant… The boat started to lose momentum towards the end.
Haggle: Verb- Dispute or bargain persistently, especially over the cost of something Negotiate, barter, wrangle… The man had to haggle to get his friend to sell his guitar for $50.
Gratified: Verb- To make (someone) happy or satisfied Please, gladden, delight… He gratified her deepest desires by proposing.
Adjacent: Adjective- Next to or adjoining something else. Proximate, joining, neighboring The motel was adjacent to the highway.
Hilarious: Adjective- Extremely amusing Hysterical, rollicking, riotous The conversation she had with her friends was so hilarious she started to cry.
Mortified: Verb- Cause (someone) to feel embarrassed, ashamed, or humiliated. Embarrassed, discomfort, shame… She was mortified as her mother showed her baby pictures.
Corrupt: Adjective- Having for showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. Dishonorable, unethical, venal… Many of our politicians are corrupt by greed.