Provided by: P W HMIS DATA COORDINATOR MEETING September 2013
This meeting is for you, please ask questions. Very open format You are on mute, if you have a question either type in it the Chat Box or select the Raise Hand button. Your feedback on the format and content is important; we want this to be useful and informative to you. The meeting is being recorded and will be posted on Before we get Started
HelpDesk Voic update ART out of date msgs Changing providers in ART New SP consent and ROI Open Discussion Agenda
We recently learned that our Help Desk system was not accepting voic messages. Recent changes to the system caused these messages to be lost. This may have affected voic messages that you or your coworkers left during the past 3 weeks. Help Desk Voic Update
If you have an unresolved issue and have not received a response from us, please contact the Help Desk again by or by phone: ×710. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and appreciate your patience as we resolved this matter. Help Desk Voic Update
Although data entered/updated after 9/15/13 is not currently in ART. Reports can still be run, but data is from 9/15/13. Any password resets that occurred after 9/15/13, will not be recognized by ART until it rebuilds. ART Out of Date Msgs
Friendly reminder, when running reports on a specific program you must change to that provider in ART before you run the report. Even if you already changed providers in ServicePoint, you will always have to change providers in ART also. Changing providers in ART
COMBINED CONSENT/ROI 1.The new Consent/ROI has been activated 2.All agencies will need to have current, returning and new clients sign the document 3.Once signed, agencies will need to create a new ROI in Service Point which will override the current ROI 4.The date range for the new Consent/ROI will need to have a date on or after 9/10/2013 to be valid
Questions or Comments? Open Mic
P HMIS (4647)