cesg-1 04 November 2009 CCSDS Engineering Steering Group: Report to the CCSDS Management Council ESTEC, Noordwijk, NL 04 November 2009
cesg-2 CCSDS Overview 53+ Standards 420+ missions 04 November 2009
cesg-3 CCSDS Working Groups Onboard Subnet. Services Onboard Application Services Wireless WG Onboard Plug-n-Play RF & Modulation Space Link Coding & Sync. Multi/Hyper Data Compress. Space Link Protocols Ranging High Rate Uplink Space Link Security Long Erasure Codes Planetary Surface Comm. Optical Modulation/Coding CS Service Management CS Transfer Services Cross Support Architecture Space Packet Protocol Asynch Messaging IP-over-CCSDS Links Motion Imagery & Apps Delay Tolerant Networking Voice Data Archive Ingestion Navigation Info. Pack. & Registries Spacecraft Monitor & Control Digital Repository Audit/Certification ESA-PUS Systems Architecture Security Information Architecture Space Addressing and Naming Delta-DOR Time Code Formats XML Registries/Repositories ARCHIVE & APPLS MCC Cross Support Services Systems Engineering Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Mission Ops & Info. Mgt. Services Space Internetworking Services Space Link Services Cross Support Services Systems Engineering Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Mission Ops & Info. Mgt. Services Space Internetworking Services Space Link Services 37 Working Groups, 104 Projects = forming 04 November 2009
cesg-4 04 November 2009 CESG REPORT OUTLINE By Area: A.CURRENTLY ACTIVE WGs, SIGs and BOFs B.MEETING DEMOGRAPHICS C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS OF EACH WG & BOF D.CROSS-AREA MEETINGS E.SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services (SOIS) Area Space Link Services (SLS) Area Cross Support Services (CSS) Area Space Internetworking Services (SIS) Area Mission Operations and Information Management Services (MOIMS) Area Systems Engineering Area (SEA) Meeting Statistics, CESG Resolutions
cesg-5 04 November 2009 Chris Taylor (AD) Stuart Fowell (DAD) SPACECRAFT ONBOARD INTERFACES SERVICES (SOIS) AREA
cesg-6 04 November Application Support Services WG (including Plug & Play) 2. Subnetwork Services WG (work terminating) 3. Wireless WG A. CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN AREA Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg-7 04 November 2009 B. MEETING DEMOGRAPHICS SOIS PlenaryWireless WG APPs support WGPlenary ASI BNSC121 CNES CSA FSA DLR ESA10365 RSA222 JAXA USA554 Total Meeting Duratio n Agency Diversit y 4344 Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg-8 04 November Application Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Application support layer services and associated protocols if required Working Group Summary progress: Three Red books under prep for final Agency review Three Red Books under WG update One Red book related to plug & play blocked until decision on how to proceed First ESA prototype completed, 2 nd initiated, Liaison with external groups (ECSS and SpaceWire WG, SAVIOR) Problems and Issues: Need to agree a way forward on Plug and Play Working Group Summary Situation: Some resource limitations status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Prototyping ongoing P&P C. SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg-9 04 November 2009 Application Services Working Group Plug and Play Dedicated session held on P&P came to the following main conclusions: P&P is of high interest and is also being worked by a number of external groups but scope is extremely wide and not all Agencies are at the same level of progress, or have the same immediate objectives The full scope of P&P affects not only SOIS but other CCSDS areas (mainly MOIMS) Within the overall context there is common agreement on a subset which is applicable to the present scope of SOIS This focuses on achieving interoperability for discovering devices and their capabilities, using a standardized format based on Electronic Data sheets (EDS) IEEE 1451 TEDS and XTEDS are candidate capability descriptions and are proposed for detailed work To minimise resources it is proposed to slightly extend the charter of the APPS to cover P&P for the enumeration service, Resources: ESA, BNSC OK, commitment required from NASA and other Agencies if possible Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 Application Support WG Working Group Planning: Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report Task/Milestone DescriptionDate Forward TAS to CESG for final check and publication December 09 Update and release MTS and FPSS Red books for 2nd Agency review December 09 Update charter to absorb P&P November 09 Adjust work plan for remaining books according to decisions on plug and play decisions and resources (All but Enumeration service) November 09 Perform EDS analysis and determine end-date for enumeration service April 2010 Continue prototypingEnd 2010 Continue monthly telecons
cesg November Subnetwork Services Working Group Goal: Develop SOIS Subnetwork Services and associated protocols if required Working Group Summary progress: Agency review for all subnetwork red books completed CESG “quality” checks required editorial updates, under update Latest status to be reflected in Green Book ECSS developing compliant protocols for Milbus (available), CanBUS (in progress) and SpaceWire (planned) Working Group Summary Situation: To be terminated when Magenta books are published status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Finished after editorial update Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg November Wireless WG Goals: CCSDS focus group for wireless technologies. Make recommendations pursuant to standardization of applicable wireless protocols Working Group Summary progress: Green book finished and under publication process Magenta Books on schedule for: Asset management (RFID) Magenta book contents baselined Spacecraft (sensor networks) Magenta book contents baselined Evaluation activities initiated for candidate specifications Problems and Issues: The breadth of application of wireless technology, difficult to categorise (same technology has many different uses). Magenta format needs to allow evolution. Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Very Good Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 Wireless WG Working Group Planning: RFID Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report Task/Milestone DescriptionDate RFID-Based I/M MB out for informal internal review15-Jan-2009 Informal RFID-Based I/M MB review period complete01-Mar-2010 MB publication preparation for agency review complete; out for Agency Review 01-May-2010 Agency review complete15-Jun-2010 Disposition of RIDS15-Jul-2010 RFID-Based I/M MB publication and release01-Sep-2010
cesg November 2009 Wireless WG Working Group Planning: Spacecraft Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report Task/Milestone DescriptionDate Drafting of the standard testing methodology and metrics for the MB; document to ensure proper comparisons 15-Jan-2010 Agency testing on , ISA100, WirelessHART complete and technology trade-off 15-Mar-2010 Incorporate supporting test data into Spacecraft MB30-Mar-2010 Spacecraft MB initial draft15-Apr-2010
cesg November 2009 D. Cross Area Meetings Joint SOA BOF Reported elsewhere Introduction of SOA would assist SOIS particularly in area of plug an play where a global architecture is necessary to ensure success of individual developments SOIS App support services will probably be affected and some extensions may be necessary, Close cooperation required Joint SM&C (including PUS BOF) Reported elsewhere May have significant impact on SOIS and vice versa as SOIS services would form part of the onboard architecture Considered positive but more work necessary to assess impact Joint AMS Meeting The AMS subset being used by SOIS is complete and AMS RB has completed Agency review Interoperability testing discussed and technically possible but currently no budget Joint SLS Meeting (Planetary comms SIG/SOIS wireless WG) Reported elsewhere Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD Application Services WG Time Access serviceRed book 2 in prep for final Agency review File and Packet StoreRed book 2 in prep for final Agency review Message Transfer serviceRed book 1 in prep for final Agency review Device Access serviceRed book 2 depends on P&P progress Device Data Pooling serviceRed book 2 depends on P&P progress Device Virtualisation ServiceRed Book 1 depends on P&P progress Enumeration serviceRed Book 1 depends on P&P progress Subnetwork Services WG Packet serviceEditorial update before publication Test ServiceEditorial update before publication Memory Access serviceEditorial update before publication Device Discovery ServiceEditorial update before publication Synchronisation serviceEditorial update before publication Green BookVersion 2 under preparation Wireless Green BookCompleted, in publication process Magenta BooksInitiated Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 Jean-Luc Gerner (AD) Gilles Moury (DAD) SPACE LINK SERVICES (SLS) AREA
cesg-18 4 November 2009 A.CURRENTLY ACTIVE WGs, BOFs & SIGs WITHIN AREA Space Link Services Area Report 1. RFM WGRadio Frequency & Modulation 2. RNG WG Ranging 3. C&S WGCoding & Synchronisation 4. LEC BOFLong Erasure Codes 5. SLP WGSpace Link Protocols 6. NGU WGNext Generation Uplink 7. MHDC WG Multi/Hyperspectral Data Compression 8. SDLS WG Space Data Link Security (Joint with SEA) 9. PlaCom SIG Planetary Communications 10. OCM SIGOptical Coding & Modulation X
cesg-19 4 November 2009 B.STATISTICS Space Link Services Area Report
cesg-20 4 November 2009 Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT 1.RFM WG Goal (deadline October 2009): Initial studies on 8PSK, 16-APSK, 32-APSK and 64-APSK in support of coding and synchronization WG; Review Prox-1 Physical layer (211.1-B-3) book and extract idle pattern sections for C&S layer book; White recommendation on HR telemetry and PN ranging; Red recommendation on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites; White recommendation on comms requirements in emergency; White recommendation on 22 GHz modulation. C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS
cesg-21 4 November 2009 RFM WG SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Working Group Summary Situation (October 2009): Studies on 8PSK, 16-APSK, 32-APSK and 64-APSK in support of coding and synchronization WG completed; Review of Prox-1 Physical layer (211.1-B-3) book completed; revised (white) book - planned for February to remain in WG awaiting other Prox-1 books review; Initial studies on HR telemetry and PN ranging available; Red recommendation on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites technically agreed (requires fixing formatting/editorial problems). SLS REPORT
cesg-22 4 November 2009 RFM WG Working Group identified need for following additions to charter: Revision to HR telecommand rec to support the NGU file upload profile (minor effort); Study and definition of flexible turn-around ratios to support MSPA requirement by NGU (major effort in cooperation with SFCG); Green Book on 2 GHz modulation for missions supported by data relay satellites. Working Group identified need for following revision to charter: Delay HR telemetry and PN ranging milestones (two solutions with many different options under evaluation); Delay 22 GHz and emergency comms milestones (no inputs). SLS REPORT
cesg-23 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT 2.RNG WG Goal (deadline October 2009): Issue Green Book on PN ranging techniques. Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary Progress: Green Book on PN ranging techniques technically agreed (two independent editorial reviews initiated – book planned to be released by end of December). Note: expected to disband WG as soon as GB approved by CMC. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress
cesg-24 4 November C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Working Group Summary progress : See next slides status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:X SLS REPORT
cesg-25 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Revision of CCSDS B-1 TM Synchronization and Channel Coding (LDPC Codes addition & Five Years Review ) Pink Sheets finalized CMC poll for starting Agency Review is ongoing. LDPC Codes Ongoing implementation activities have been presented and discussed. LDPC Codes for Proximity-1 NASA ask to add new coding option to Proximity-1. More input documentation (trade-offs) expected. Agencies to evaluate proposal. SLS REPORT SCCC Standardization Standardization of the modulation items approved by the RFM Working Group. C&S and RFM WGs agreed to keep this specification within a single book including both coding and modulation aspects. RESOLUTION SLS-C&S : The WG resolves to request the SLS Area Director to pass the SCCC to the standardization track and start Agency Review with a proviso of resolution at CESG/CMC of patent issue Outcomes of SLS Plenary: Patent issue closed (see annex) DVB-S2 Standardization CNES proposal: develop a standard for AOS data link protocol over DVB-S2 links; to be submitted to C&S WG by Spring meeting AOB At Plenary, it was concluded that licences on patented technologies shall be available on a fair and non-discriminatory basis
cesg-26 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Revision of CCSDS B-1 TC Synchronization and Channel Coding. Blue Book. (Introduction of TC Repeated Transmission) Proposed changes and resolution approved. Coordinated resolutions in SLP on TC SDLP and COP-1 RESOLUTION SLS-C&S : the WG resolves to request the SLS Area Director to start Agency Review for the Pink Sheets for CCSDS B. Silverization of PLOP-1? (may slightly delay resolution above) NASA proposal to remove PLOP-1 from the book agreed in principle. Modalities of removal under discussion SLS REPORT Turbo Codes Attached Sync Marker rates ¼ and 1/6 Proposal for better performance ASM under investigation (benefits, impacts) Pending above, the WG will decide about follow up activities : Replace the two ASM’s in Blue Book with better ones, or Complement the two ASM’s in Book with better ones applicable to e.g. higher order modulations or low Eb/No scenarios (e.g. deep space) Report issues in Green Book.
cesg-27 4 November 2009 C&S: Coding & Synchronization WG - Working Group Summary progress Channel Coding Green Book(s) update ongoing In relation with BBs updates SLS REPORT Five Years Review CCSDS Recommendation for Proximity-1 Space Link Protocol – Coding and Synchronization Sublayer The activity has been extended to the other 2 books of Proximity-1 to ensure harmonized revision. Activity on going. Long Erasure Codes DLR & NASA/JPL to provide a CCSDS Concept Paper for the creation of a CCSDS Project on Erasure Codes Decision on new CCSDS Project at Spring’10 meeting. Use of Long Erasure Codes over the CCSDS File Delivery Protocol (CFDP) considered promising Action taken by WG chair to forward presentation to SIS SLS AD to organize a joint session with SIS in Spring Interaction with NGU WG NGU requires the C&S WG to investigate a coding scheme for file upload: The C&S WG charter shall be updated accordingly and a new project shall be added in CWE.
cesg-28 4 November SLS-LEC: Long Erasure Codes BOF Goal: Make, if conclusive, a proposal for the creation of a WG on application of long erasure-correction codes. BOF Status : Closed BOF Summary Situation: BOF Summary progress: Completed New project in preparation in C&S WG status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: X SLS REPORT
cesg-29 4 November SLS-SLP WG Goal: Progress TM, AOS Space Data Link Protocol Pink Sheets to Blue (OID frame)* Hold due to FSH/Insert Zone/Security discussion Progress Encapsulation Service Pink Sheets (including SDLP Channel parameter) to Blue Progress Space Packet Protocol Pink Sheets to Blue book for APID defn. *(but locate pink sheets!) Progress the TC, AOS, TM, Prox-1, and SPP CRC pink sheets to Blue book* Hold due to FSH/Insert Zone/Security discussion Progress Space Link Identifiers Pink Sheet ( including deprecation of IPv4) to Blue Book Progress TC Space Data Link Protocol & COP-1 to Blue for Systematic Retransmission parameter Progress TC Space Data Link Protocol for CRC normalization and APID definition* Progress Prox-1 Space Data Link Protocol pink sheets to Agency Review (Source/Dest. Flag clarification) WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-30 4 November WG Summary progress: Encapsulation Service Two Rids overlooked during agency review. Consensus of WG was to add the changes with the previously approved CESG/CMC changes for a new CESG/CMC poll. Space Link Identifiers Removal of IPV4 packet version number was accepted by the WG, since all agencies polled approve of the deprecation. Consensus of WG was to add these changes with previously approved CESG/CMC changes for a new CESG/CMC poll. COP-1 and TC Space Data Link Protocol Consensus of WG to advance to Blue for the systematic retransmission parameter Proximity-1 Data Link Service Source/Destination Flag text updated to reflect the description from both the receive and send side. Pink Sheets to go to Agency Review FSH and Insert Zones Discussion on harmonizing FSH and Insert Zones in AOS, TC, TM, and Prox- 1 occurred. NASA proposed that for at least AOS due to the need on Program Constellation, there is a sufficient need to place security Information into a new FSH for AOS (virtual channel based) and Insert Zone when security is appropriate for the entire Master Channel. SLS REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d)
cesg-31 4 November SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: Several changes have piled up for AOS, TC, TM, SPP, Prox-1 specifications. When we update these documents we need to ensure that all approved updates occur at once. Conflict exists between NASA’s identified need to have a new FSH defined in the AOS Space Data Link Protocol to use for security and range safety data and the terming of this material as “not mature” by ESA. SPP blue and green books do not belong to this WG. Apparently there are SPP pink sheets that no one can locate including the Secretariat. ESA has expressed concern that SPP pink sheets concerning APID definition needs to be expedited to blue. To be coordinated with SIS Request from DTN WG to add 2 PIDs to Space Link Identifiers Blue book received at this meeting. SLS REPORT Planning : Continue to work with SDLS WG on defining where Security will be inserted into the CCSDS Space Data Link Protocols New task assigned by NGU WG to define the data link layer protocol for File Upload application profile – requires Charter update
cesg-32 4 November Resolutions under preparation: 1.TM Space Data Link Protocol - ‘OID’ Frame redefinition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization 2.AOS Space Data Link Protocol - ‘OID’ Frame redefinition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization 3.COP-1 & TC Space Data Link Protocol - Systematic retransmission 4.Proximity-1 Coding & Synchronization Sub-Layer (handled by C&S WG) - CRC-32 implementation harmonization 5.Encapsulation Service 6.Space Link Identifiers 7.Space Packet Protocol Blue Book (to be handled by SIS) - APID Definition - CRC-16 implementation harmonization SLS REPORT SLS-SLP WG (cnt’d)
cesg-33 4 November Next Generation Uplink WG Goal: Develop a Green Book for Next Generation Uplink (NGU) application profiles. Whenever needed and possible incorporate new requirements into existing Blue books supported by the RF & Modulation, Channel Coding & Synchronization, and Link Layer protocol WGs. If incorporation into existing Blue books is not possible, determine if a new Magenta or Blue book needs to be written. WG Status: Active X Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: Good progress. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-34 4 November NGU WG (cnt’d) File Upload Application Profile NGU has handed down requirements to RF&MOD, C&S, and SLP to provide the blue book sections for the File Upload application profile i.e., for data rates > 256 Kbps to 2 Msps. (extending existing TC standard) Action items assigned to RF&Mod, C&S, SLP chairmen during joint meeting MSPA RF&Mod to examine how to specify multiple access to spacecraft (MSPA) from one antenna on the uplink Ground sends commands up to 4 spacecraft on one frequency Spacecraft autonomous uplink acquisition Flexible transponder coherent turnaround ratio used for each spacecraft to separately telemeter, range, and use Doppler. SLS REPORT
cesg-35 4 November NGU WG (cnt’d) Major Findings for File Upload Profile: Need for stronger code (than BCH) (*) No simultaneous ranging and telecommand Major Findings for MSPA (up to a maximum of 4 S/C simultaneously ) Need RF&Mod WG support Need CSS area support CSS Forward CLTU service may be impacted since, with the ground servicing up to 4 S/C within a single beam of an antenna, multiple POCCs may be supplying the telecommand data to uplink. Since the data may be files, ARQ may be returned from all 4 spacecraft affecting the CSS Return services. SLS REPORT (*) NASA is proposing LDPC, other agencies are recommending trade- off analysis (e.g. with Turbo Codes). NASA took action to provide trade-off analysis report.
cesg-36 4 November Other Major Findings Decoupling the frame layer from the coding sublayer for CCSDS Telecommand Migration path identified for ESA to keep the BCH code and simultaneously run the new code in the physical layer. This approach provides up to 8dB gain over the BCH. Only issue to resolve is time correlation. Strong support by NASA Mars Program has been requested of CCSDS – in particular in light of international cross support at Mars for 2016 mission set and beyond. Note possibility for the coding sublayer and physical layer to be coupled SLS REPORT Application profiles have been prioritized by NGU for future requirements definition and assignment to other WGs. Priority of work is: 1) File upload (current), 2) Emergency Comm for unmanned missions, 3) Human Support NGU to relook at CMLP study report to mine it for more potential requirements. NGU WG (cnt’d)
cesg-37 4 November Problems and Issues: None SLS REPORT Planning : File Upload NASA to provide a timeline for when the high rate file upload application profile is needed. Green book descriptive information needs to be gathered for the file upload profile Once the File upload profile is completed, the next profile should be worked on by NGU Next Generation Uplink WG (cnt’d) Resolutions : None at this time.
cesg-38 4 November Multispectral & Hyperspectral Data Compression (MHDC) WG Goals: 1.Review performance and hardware complexity of proposed predictors for lossless compression. 2.Select lossless compression approach for standardization. Working Group Status: Active X Idle ____ Working Group Summary Situation: Selected the NASA proposed predictor for standardization. Draft white book to be delivered to WG prior to next meeting. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:OK progress SLS REPORT
cesg-39 4 November 2009 MHDC WG (con’t) WG Summary progress: Reviewed hardware implementation complexity and lossless compression performance results for proposed predictors under a fixed entropy coder. Reviewed selection criteria. WG ultimately reached consensus that both predictors have low complexity and that compression performance differences, particularly on multispectral images, weighed in favor of the JPL proposed predictor. Reviewed proposed corrigenda to correct minor problem with potentially ambiguous wording in CCSDS 122 Image Data Compression recommendation. Reviewed new lossy compression rate-distortion performance results. Problems and Issues: None SLS REPORT
cesg-40 4 November 2009 MHDC WG (con’t) Planning : Lossless White Book – Spring 2010 Lossless Red Book – Fall 2010 Lossless Reference software & compliance data sets – Spring 2011 Lossless Blue Book – Fall 2011 Lossless Green Book – Fall 2011 Milestone planning for lossy compression – Pending Resolutions : None. SLS REPORT
cesg-41 4 November Space Data Link Security WG (cross-area SEA/SLS) Goals: Develop standard protocol for security at the data link layer. This includes authentication and/or encryption both uplink and downlink. This protocol will be independent from crypto algorithm and compatible with CCSDS TM/TC/AOS data link protocols. WG Status: Active X (5 agencies, 15 participants) Idle ____ WG Summary Situation: User requirements fully reviewed & finalized (URD) Issues linked to the design of the protocol identified, discussed and decided upon (otherwise action items pending). Successful review of RIDs on NASA proposed draft white book. Will become SDLS white book after RIDs dispositions incorporation. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:good progress (URD finalized + white-1 agreed) SLS REPORT
cesg-42 4 November 2009 Space Data Link Security WG Planning : White book v1 for core protocol : December 2009 Red-1 for core protocol : July 2010 Interoperability testing of core protocol : July 2010 – Nov 2010 Red-2 for core protocol : December 2010 Blue book for core protocol : April 2011 Green book for core protocol : Oct 2011 Resolutions : None Action: See WG action items list SLS REPORT
cesg-43 4 November PLACOM SIG Goal: Survey and report on agencies needs and planning for lunar and martian local communications/navigation infrastructure (surface coms/nav and surface-orbit coms/nav) Establish a preliminary coarse inventory of communications/navigation requirements (URD) Identify the way forward, e.g. proposal for the creation of a WG, type of book needed (recommended standard, recommended practice, …) SIG Status: Active X Idle ____ SIG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Good progress SLS REPORT
cesg-44 4 November 2009 PLACOM SIG SIG Summary progress: Reviewed Intergovernmental Agreement for Lunar/Martian Spectrum Coordination Reviewed first inputs from NASA, CNES and ESA on requirements for lunar and Mars in-situ communications Consolidation of requirements planned for next meeting SLS REPORT
cesg-45 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT 10.SLS-OCM: Optical Coding & Modulations (SIG) Goal: Make a proposal for the creation of a WG. SIG Status : In progress SIG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: - Charter consolidation - White paper started
cesg-46 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT SLS-OCM SIG SIG Summary progress: Better identification of targeted scenarios, including Need for cross-support distinction between deep-space, Moon, Lagrange points clarification of up/downlinks More detailed description of user requirements for applications, with quantitative examples. To be included… Data rates, availability Timeline of needs Benefits of optics w.r.t. RF Action on DLR to propose a new version of the charter on the CWE. White paper initiated as support of charter. Completion of White Paper planned for Fall 2010
cesg-47 4 November 2009 RESOLUTIONS TO CESG / CMC Ready for submission to CESG/CMC For Agency Review COP-1 Pink Sheets TC Space Data Link Protocol Pink Sheets SCCC Red Book SLS REPORT
cesg-48 4 November 2009 SLS REPORT E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD 1. RFM WG Red Rec Modulation for Data Relays ready for Red after editorial review 2. RNG WG GB release Dec’09 3. C&S WG TM Sync & Ch. Coding pink sheets (with LDPC) ready for agency review SCCC red book ready for agency review TC Sync & Ch. Coding pink sheets ready Fall’09 4. LEC BOF Closed. New project in C&S WG charter 5. SLP WG TC SDLP pink sheets ready for agency review COP-1 pink sheets ready for agency review 6. NGU WG 2 application profiles consolidated 7. MHDC WG Good progress 8. SDLS WG Good progress 9. PlaCom SIG Good progress 10. OCM SIG Good progress
cesg-49 4 November 2009 QUESTIONS ? SLS REPORT
cesg-50 4 November 2009 ANNEX SLS REPORT SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified ESA Position
cesg-51 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT ESA Position
cesg-52 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT ESA Position
cesg-53 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT ESA Position
cesg-54 4 November 2009 SCCC Standardization – IPR Question Clarified SLS REPORT ESA Position
cesg November 2009 Erik Barkley (AD) Yves Doat (DAD) CROSS SUPPORT SERVICES (CSS) AREA
cesg November Service Management WG 2.Cross Support Transfer Service WG 3.Cross Support Service Architecture WG 4.Super BOF (“SOA for Space”) A.CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN AREA Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg November April 2009 B. MEETING DEMOGRAPHICS Cross Support Services Area Report Opening Plenary Crs Spt Arch Crs Spt Tsfr Svc Svc Mgmt Super BOF File Splinter Session IA-IPR- SM Joint Mtg Interme d Plenary Closing Plenary ASI BNSC CNES CNSA CSA1 DLR ESA FSA111 INPE1 JAXA NASA Total Duration (Days) Agencies
cesg November Service Management WG Goals: Develop Specifications for cross support management for TT+C services Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Cleaning up debris (close-out work re Concept and Prototype Report); Determining re-factored SM approach Service Management Recommendation: Blue Book released August 2009! Concept Book: Minor updates needed Interoperable Prototype Test Report: Very minor updates needed status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM X (Current Deliverables) X (Manpower is light for new WG concept development exercises) C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg November April 2009 ActivityDate Prototype Inter-operation completion, CCSDS Record (Yellow Book) November 2009 Concept Book (Green Book)November 2009 Service Management WG Planning Cross Support Services Area Report New WG Planning Concept Paper for New WGMarch 2010 Draft Charter for New WGApril 2010
cesg November Cross Support Transfer Services (CSTS) WG Goals: Define inter-agency ground domain transfer service framework Define recommendations for specific transfer services based on the framework Working Group Status: Active Working Group Summary Situation: Framework + Concept Books : Ready to be sent to Secretariat; Services : Monitoring nearly Red-1, Tracking service White Book in progress; SLE Pink Sheets : Books ready for publication (Blue Book) F-AOS-CLTU: Ready for publication (Orange) Prototypes: Framework inter-operation test started; Monitoring Service advanced planning Requested New Books : CSTS Reference Model (Magenta – Charter Update), File Transfer (Charter Update – Magenta + Blue), Monitor Data Dictionary (Blue), RAD (Blue) status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM X (Framework, MD-CSTS,TD-CSTS, RUFT, MD-CSTS Prototype, SLE) X (File Transfer, RAD-CSTS, TD-CSTS Prototype, RUFT Prototype) Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg November April 2009 CSTS WG Planning Cross Support Services Area Report Project To Secr. Iss,Prototype User Prototype Provider Fall Meeting Framework R Now0.21NASAESAReviewed Concept G Now0.14N/A Reviewed Guidelines R End N/A Reviewed Monitoring R End NASACNESReviewed Tracking R May TBD Addressed RUFTOct 10TBD Addressed E.F-CLTU (Orange) Oct 090.2N/A Addressed File TxTBD Addressed
cesg November April Cross Support Services Architecture (CSSA) WG Goals: Develop, produce best practices recommendation for cross support services architecture Produce a recommended standard for cross support service catalog Produce a recommended standard for service agreement WG Status: Active WG Summary Situation: Architecture: In progress; 2 nd draft WB reviewed; 3 rd draft in progress Service Catalog: 1 st draft WB in progress Service Agreement : In progress; 2 nd draft WB reviewed; 3 rd draft in progress status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM X Current WBs X SOA For Space impacts not yet analyzed; IOAG SISG ADD effort not planned for Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 CSSA WG Planning Cross Support Services Area Report ActivityDate Cross Support Architecture (MB) R-1, January 2010 Service Catalog (BB) R-1, June 2010 Service Agreements (BB) R-1, June 2010
cesg-64 Joint CSS-CSTS/MOIMS-NAV Meeting TD-CSTS concept reviewed TD-CSTS draft recommendation to be updated accordingly Joint SE, MOIMS, CSS, SOIS (SUPER BOF) (More slides on this coming up) Joint MOIMS–IPR, SE-IA/CSS-SM Meeting (More slides on this coming up) 04 November 2009 D. Cross Area Meetings Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg November 2009 D. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD SMWG Service Management Recommendation --- Blue Book Released CSTS Framework Specification--- Red book 1 Ready for Agency review Framework Concept--- Green Book Ready for final Agency review SLE Books--- Blue-2, Blue-3 Ready for publication Cross Support Services Area Report
cesg-66 Super BOF Background From A. Hooke to CESG: (CSS AD emphasis ) Date: Fri 02 Oct 2009 To: CESG cc: CMC Subject: Proposed way-forward for a "Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Space Missions." “….. The IOAG also asks the CCSDS to study whether the current CCSDS work could be expanded to embrace the production of a “Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for Space Missions… …In response to the IOAG resolution, it is proposed that the CESG will convene a BOF at the October meeting with a view towards chartering a Working Group to create some kind of “SOA for Space Mission Operations” – probably more of a “SOA-like” service architecture framework for CCSDS services on ground and in space. This would essentially be the top-level CCSDS framework for space mission operations into which all of the other CCSDS work would be referenced… …If acceptable to the CESG then the CSS Area Director should convene the BOF during the upcoming CCSDS meeting at ESTEC. It has been suggested that in view of the importance of this activity, the BOF should meet on the morning of Tuesday 27 October…”
cesg-67 Super BOF Meeting Summary SOA for Space was only hinted at; need for CCSDS Model, guidance information at CCSDS-wide level was the primary output of the BOF Discussed only briefly: Formation of SOA for Space WG – really SOA for CCSDS – to address all IT infrastructure issues at CCSDS level Produce recommendations on SOA for CCSDS Re-programming of existing WG How long will does it take to produce the recommendation(s) What do we do with current efforts? Goals for NEW WG as indicated at conclusion of Super-BOF: 1. Exhaustive list of services identifying cross-support services 2. Cross-Support & Interoperability Use cases / Operational scenarios, 3. overlap and gap analysis (identify redundant and missing services) 4. Business cases (based on existing and in-work services), 5. Architecture of existing and in-work services including an information model, 6. Abstract service definitions: rational for a service, content of service specifications, taxonomy 7. CCSDS Reference architecture. Identify impact on existing architecture.
cesg-68 Super BOF Plan of Attack CESG/CMC: Form BOF ASAP Nominees 07 Nov 09 BOF Ground Rules, Initiation 20 Nov 09 BOF: Rapid Identifications re Items (List of Services) (List of Scenarios) 15 Dec 2009 CESG: Vote on Identifications Feedback to BOF 10 Jan 2010 BOF: Draft Concept Paper Points 3 – 7, WG approach, WG Deliverables Identification of Key Trades, fitting SOA to CCSDS 31 January 2010 CESG: Review Draft, Feedback to BOF 15 Feb 2009 BOF: Final Concept Paper 28 Feb 2010 Let’s call this the CCSDS Reference Architecture BOF
cesg-69 Additional Recommendations (Post Super BOF) Initiate parallel activity (in addition to CCSDS Reference Architecture) with goal of producing concept paper for SOA aspect of CCSDS Focused exclusively on information infrastructure services Aligned with current industry SOA approach Identify deliverables relative to related CCSDS activities on information architecture, registries/SANA, directories Due date of 28 Feb 2010 (same as reference architecture BOF concept paper) CESG/CMC makes informed decision for WG initiation at Spring meetings Going forward…Need to seriously consider that CCSDS reference architecture be visited in a structured formal manner at every CCSDS technical meetings (vs. MOUs)
cesg-70 Super BOF Conclusion Agreement that overall CCSDS technical framework (reference architecture) in much need of (re-)definition That SOA for CCSDS itself was not directly addressed (but suggested to draft two concept papers in parallel) Need to seriously consider that CCSDS framework be visited in a structured formal manner at every CCSDS technical meeting (CESG standing action) Concern: BOF members need both excellent domain knowledge and available time
cesg Space Packet Protocol Working Group 2. Asynchronous Message Service Working Group 3. IP Over CCSDS Working Group 4. Motion Imagery and Applications Working Group 5. Delay Tolerant Networking Working Group 6. Voice Working Group Space Internetworking Services Area Report A. CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN AREA 4 November 2009
cesg-73 4 November 2009 *x/y x = registered; y = attended. Space Internetworking Services Area Report B. ATTENDANCE METRICS Space Internetworking Systems (SIS) IPO WGAMS WGVoice WGDTN WGMIA WGPlenary Secretariat 11 BNSC1 11 CNES CSA 1 1 DLR 11 ESA14131 FSA11211 JAXA1 USA Total Meeting Duration.5 day2 days1 day2 days 1 day + cross area.5 day Agency Diversity
cesg-74 4 November Space Packet Protocol WG Goals: Figure out how to go out of business… Working Group Status: Only remaining SIS Work Item: Green book updates lagging Working Group Summary Situation: It just keeps getting better. status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Green Book updates lagging Space Internetworking Services Area Report C. SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS
cesg-75 4 November Asynchronous Message Service WG Goals: Review RIDs from final Agency review of specification, reach consensus on all RID dispositions. Review Green Book and develop plan for completing and publishing it, possibly moving interoperability test results to a separate Yellow Book. Resolve to request publication of the AMS Blue Book. Working Group Status: WG reached consensus on approval of dispositions for all agency review RIDs. RID #4 required additional text, and an additional Green Book section will be added. Stuart Fowell to provide additional PICS pro forma material. No other remaining technical work on the AMS Draft Standard. Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: On schedule. Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg-76 4 November 2009 Space Internetworking Services Area Report The WG agrees that the text of the AMS Draft Recommendation, revised per the consensus disposition of all agency review RIDs, is now final and is ready for publication as a Recommended Standard. The WG has asked the Area Director to issue a resolution to this effect at his convenience. (SIS AD: Done.) The WG agrees to move AMS interoperability test plan and results from the Green Book into a Yellow Book and proceed with publication of both books as soon as possible. The AMS WG once again reiterates its recommendation that, funding permitting, ESA/SciSys – JHU/APL interoperability testing of the SOIS MTS-specified subset of AMS (and Meta- AMS) over SOIS packet service should begin as soon as feasible. AMS WG Findings
cesg-77 4 November IP Over CCSDS WG Goals: Develop a CCSDS recommended best practice document for how to transfer IP datagrams over the 4 CCSDS link layer protocols. New IP Forward Plan BoF – Develop IP in Space Internetworking Magenta and Green books Working Group Status: IP over CCSDS Red-3 including removal of IPV4 reviewed by WG Substantial edits made during the SIS-IPO WG session; document update planned for Dec 15, 2009 Consensus of WG is newly edited book needs to go out for Agency Review No discussion on New Plan Forward for IP BoF took place at this meeting due to lack of time Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Good Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg-78 4 November Motion Imagery and Applications (MIA) WG Goals: Final review of Green Book Draft Joint meetings with SM&C, IPO and SLP WGs as part of Magenta Book development Plan Magenta Book forward work Working Group Status: Participants all actively participating in positive manner Final draft green book review in WG completed Not all planned Joint meetings happened – these are important for Magenta Book progress Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Behind on Green Book Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg-79 4 November 2009 MIA WG (cnt’d) Problems and Issues: No attendees from IPO and SLP WGs at planned joint MIA meeting Inter-area interaction is critical to maintaining schedule for Magenta book – unresolved problem with potential impact Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg Delay Tolerant Networking WG Goals: Review status of ongoing DTN work by agencies (testbeds / simulation work, etc.). Review and disposition IOAG / SISG inputs to Green Book. Review initial drafts of DTN protocol specifications. Working Group Status: Reviewed and dispositioned IOAG / SISG inputs to the Green Book. Incorporation of the results from the meeting into the Green Book has been agreed to by NASA and ESA as constituting completeness of the Green Book. Expect completion of the Green Book by end of CY2009. CCSDS Framework Schedule Need to update status for protocol specs – first draft comments on were due 15 September 2009 (none received). Second draft specs to WG 15 November Green Book was supposed to be final 6/1/2009 – now expect 12/31/2009 as a result of late-breaking IOAG-SISG inputs Working Group Summary Situation: 4 November 2009 status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment: Agreement on Green Book should lead to quick completion. Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg-81 4 November Voice WG Goals: Review suggested updates to Green Book Set schedule for Magenta Book Determine which CCSDS groups to monitor and participate with as it may regard voice communications WG Status: Good participation Set Dec 15 as the Green Book final draft completion date Consensus on current and future direction Terrestrial – immediate need (CC-to-CC, CC-to-remote) Lunar and LEO – 2014 timeframe Deep Space – timeframe TBD WG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM comment:Green Book behind schedule. Space Internetworking Services Area Report
cesg-82 4 November 2009 Space Internetworking Services Area Report SIS-AMS: Joint meeting with SOIS to discuss SOIS-MTS mapping onto AMS. Interoperability testing desired but unresourced. SIS-MIA: Joint meeting with SM&C (reported previously). Meetings with SLS-SLP and SIS-IPO did not occur. SIS-DTN: DTN-on-ISS coordination meeting ESA (Kim Neergard) - METERON (Mars End-to-End Robotics Operations Network) JAXA (Kiyohisa Suzuki) D. Cross Area Meetings
cesg-83 4 November 2009 Space Internetworking Services Area Report Approve AMS Blue Book (soon) Approve Motion Imagery and Applications Green Book (est. December 2009) Approve Voice Green Book (est. December 2009) Charter CFDP Profiles WG (TBD) Forthcoming Resolutions from SIS to CESG
cesg-84 4 November AMS: Technical work on Draft Recommended Standard is complete. Document is ready for final editing and publication as Blue Book. 2.Motion Imagery and Applications: Completed working group review of Draft Green Book; document will soon be ready for final editing and balloting as Green Book. 3.DTN: Achieved consensus on completeness criteria for Green Book. 4.Voice: Completed working group review of Draft Green Book; document will soon be ready for final editing and balloting as Green Book. Space Internetworking Services Area Report E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS, F’09 MEETING
cesg November DAI Working Group 2. IPR Working Group 3. NAV Working Group 4. SM&C Working Group 5. RAC Working Group 6. PUS BOF A. CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN AREA Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November 2009 B. MEETING DEMOGRAPHICS Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November October Data Archive Ingestion (DAI) WG C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM X PAIS A list of issues with the draft Producer Archive Interface Standard (PAIS) White Book-11 were reviewed and several were resolved at meeting. Drafting of RB to follow. Improvement and Consistency of element names, Enumeration of Group Structures, mapping of TOs to Delete, Last TO, etc. One PAIS implementation available based on earlier draft, will be updated in coming year to current draft; Second implementation to be started this year, SIP Builder uses resulting PAIS Structures Schedule (major deliverables only) PAIS RB will be submitted to CMC approval for Agency Review OAIS RM Currently undergoing CCSDS Agency Review. ISO Review to follow. Schedule (major deliverables only) OAIS RM Blue Book 2 will be submitted for CMC Approval PAIMAS WG reconfirmed with no changes. CESG requiring work (and non-existant resources) to change color, change boilerplate, and likely another full review in ISO. Schedule (major deliverables only) PAIMAS Book scheduled into work program Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November October Data Archive Ingestion (DAI) WG Issue 1 OAIS RM Issue 2 should remain a CCSDS Standard (Blue Book ) Issue 2 DAI recommends single registry of all registered items, which is respected by and used by entire community (both CCSDS and ISO outside of CCSDS), Issue 3 CESG requiring adherence to new procedures rather than allowing a reconfirmation when no technical changes are required. This is a waste of scarce agency resources devoted to standards development when no technical changes and no new benefits will be derived from expending those resources. Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Information Packaging and Registries (IPR) Working Group Workshop Goals Finalize XFDU Tutorial Green Book for submission to CESG Draft XML Schema Registry/Repository White Book and Reference Implementation Review IA Registry/Repository Services Reference Model WB and resolve any issues on the compatibility specialization of the Reference Model XFDU Schedule: Green Book Issue 1 for Panel Review1-Dec-2009 XFDU Green Book submitted for CESG / CMC review and approval 1-Jan-2010 XML Schema Registries Schedule: XSD Registry WB and Prototypes Issue 2 for Panel Review 15-Dec-2009 XML Schema Registry Repository RB/GB to Tom Gannett.1-March-2010 XML Schema Red Book Agency Review Begins 1-April-2010 ESA Prototype1-Oct-2010 XFDU Interoperability Test Plan15-Oct-2010 Interoperability Test Report15-Dec-2010 status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM X Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November IPR Cross Area Issues The IPR XML Schema Registry Repository RB will be dependant on the IA Registry Service Architecture WB and IPR documents so the review schedules of the two documents will require synchronization The detailed review of the proposed IA Registry Service Architecture WB identified several areas that needed significant modification to allow the XML Schema Registry Repository interfaces to be a formal specialization of the Registry Services Architecture interfaces. Solutions to these issues were identified and agreed IPR Other Issues and Concerns CCSDS has indicated the high priority of a full SOA architecture/model / activity. The skills of the IA/IPR members make it likely that most of the future efforts of IA/IPR will be focused on the SOA effort The CCSDS XML Schema Registry hosted by NASA/CSC is available for use by any CCSDS member. Installation package and source code is available Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Navigation (NAV) Working Group ODM Confirmed resolution of issues from CESG Poll on ODM V2.0 NDM/XML Completed discussion/disposition of 32 RIDs from Agency Review 2 Initiated preparation of prototyping test plan Green Book Completed discussion of Green Book Version 3 updates Confirmed plan for Green Book Version 4 re-write Spacecraft Perturbations Message Completed discussion of Spacecraft Perturbations Message White Book 1.0 Future Completed discussion of “Pointing Requests Message” Concept Paper (pending submission to AD/CESG for consideration) Completed discussion of a predicted events message abstract Completed discussion of a few other less mature ideas (Attitude Sensor Message, Small Body Shape Model, Maneuver Message) Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report Status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM x
cesg November Navigation (NAV) Working Group CROSS-AREA Meetings & Technical Issues Monitor & Control: Met with SM&C group to discuss their Flight Dynamics Service. Cross Support Transfer Service: Met with CSTS group to discuss their CSTS-TD SLE service. XSG SIG: No meeting. ISO TC20/SC14: Representative participated in meetings as available. Closer relationship and mutual standards development is desirable. Several opportunities exist; some new docs for Nav WG, some achievable with existing Nav WG standards, some better targeted at another CCSDS group. The leadership of TC20/SC13 and TC20/SC14 should consider the organizational structure and ways in which to facilitate closer cooperation and collaboration to avoid duplicate navigation related standardization by the two groups. Administration Updated Charter (added 1 goal... Spacecraft Perturbations Message) Updated Framework Project schedules as applicable Introduced 2 new members to the Working Group Overall Assessment Met all goals for the meeting Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Navigation (NAV) Working Group Resolution 1: The Navigation WG proposes that a new standard based on the “Pointing Request Messages” Concept Paper be added to its Technical Program. Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Spacecraft M&C Working Group (1/3) Attendance: more than 17 people on average from 8 different space agencies Super BOF + The issues raised for a long time by the SM&C WG have been eventually brought at the right level + The Super WG draft charter goes in the right direction - Concerns on the overall timeframe to achieve results - No decision made on immediate needs (e.g. overlaps) Joint Meeting with Motion & Imagery Applications (MIA) Identified need for cooperation between the 2 groups Possible joint prototype JSC-MSFC Potential first [low risk] on-board deployment MO Prototypes JSC-DLR: Good progress. First exchanges planned for Jan 10. No RIDs identified on MAL. JSC/DLR committed to provide C++ Language API MB ESA-CNES: Good progress. Testbed and test specification are ready, test is being carried out (completion by end Feb 10). Some editorial RIDs on the MAL. Testbed could be used by CCSDS in the future as a tool to certify MO compliant implementations CNES MO M&C over SP: Good progress. An update of the book is planned by Feb 10 using the feedbacks coming from the prototype XTCE 2 MBs + 1 pink sheet ready for internal review Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Spacecraft M&C Working Group (2/3) GMSEC Identified need to investigate commonalities with SM&C by NASA (JSC and GSFC). Initial reporting by next CCSDS workshop Use of Commercial SOA Frameworks Deployment of MO services over a commercial SOA framework is possible, but requires a technology mapping for that framework Open questions on “MO Compliance” in the case of private (no CCSDS BB) technology mapping Joint SM&C-NAV Meeting MO Services to focus around the already standardised NAV data types Joint SM&C-SOIS-PUS Meeting Short term: update PUS in CCSDS (BB) with selected lesson learned changes, but keep backward compatibility (CCSDS PUS BOF) Long term: MO Services to leverage PUS concepts and experience (PUS BOF to merge into SM&C WG) and produce the M&C standards for the future SOIS: no inconsistencies identified. Potential gap for emergency HW-level commanding Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report X comment: PROBLEMCAUTIONOKstatus: X comment: PROBLEMCAUTIONOKstatus: X
cesg November Spacecraft M&C Working Group (3/3) Recommendations to MOIMS AD Super-follow the Super BOF!!! Monitor that GB issues are quickly resolved Recommend that CCSDS makes SW libraries/demos implementing standard freely available Recommend that CCSDS identifies means to host ancillary data (e.g. XML Schemas) Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Digital Repository Audit and Certification (RAC) WG Goal Obtain ISO approval of a standard that establishes the criteria that a repository must meet to be designated an ISO Trusted Digital Repository Working Group Summary progress: Reviewed status of the documents on RAC Wiki in weekly telecons of 6-12 people for 90 mins each “Metrics...” document undergoing CCSDS review – awaiting ISO review to start Reviewed and almost finalised Requirements for Bodies Schedule (major deliverables only) “Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories” Red Book, ready for formal review: Nov 2009 It will be submitted for Agency Review. status:CAUTIONPROBLEM comment: OK Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Digital Repository Audit and Certification (RAC) WG Issue 1 Discussions held with ISO liaison about simultaneous CCSDS and ISO review. This is necessary because we expect very many comments from outside CCSDS and sequential reviews would get into a cycle of approvals at CCSDS and ISO level RESOLUTION 1 Submit WB “Requirements for Bodies..” document to CCSDS and ISO by December 2009 for Agency Review Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Packet Utilization Standard (PUS) BOF Goal Benefits of using the PUS & “why having a CCSDS PUS” The key to the success of the PUS has been the highly-prescriptive nature of the Service specification that can be easily tailored to suit the operational needs of individual missions Applying the PUS brings benefits such as: the production and reuse of common space system components for both on- board and ground systems the early definition of high-quality external interfaces within a geographically- distributed space system development environment it encourages the adoption of common operations concepts across many missions e.g. facilitating staff movement between missions Because of the strong interdependencies between PUS and CCSDS documents/activities, issuing the PUS under the CCSDS umbrella is surely beneficial, especially to ensure within CCSDS, a coherent set of standards with adequate scope and interfaces. Benefit would also accrue from the wider acceptance of the standard and especially for issues related to interoperability between Agencies. Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November Packet Utilization Standard (PUS) BOF MOIMS AD will start the formal procedure to require the creation of the PUS WG Main activities Assess and agree the objective and scope of the new PUS working group with respect to other existing working groups (SM&C, SOIS), in order to ensure non-overlapping, overall consistency, etc. Review and assess the status of the existing PUS (ECSS-E-70-41A). Review and assess the European “lessons learned” (including harmonization need with existing CCSDS standards such as CFDP and Encapsulation Service, Space Packet Protocol). Compile “change requests” arising from these reviews, from the need to comply (or modify) with other existing CCSDS standards and from any additional operational concepts. Harmonize with SM&C, SOIS (and potentially others) working groups, the implementation of the collected change requests on the PUS, SM&C, SOIS, etc. documents. Assess the magnitude of the changes to be performed on the existing PUS and produce a roadmap for the generation of the CCSDS PUS Blue Book and any supporting documents (e.g. Green, Magenta) Produce the PUS related books. Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November 2009 DAI WG PAIS RBto be issued for Agency Review in 6 months OAIS RBCCSDS AGENCY Review ends in 2 weeks OAIS Should Remain BB Reaffirmation without technical change should not incur book revision Recommendation of single registry of items across CCSDS/ISO community IPR WG XFDU GBto be issued for CESG review by Jan 2010 XML Schema Registry GB / RBto be issued for Agency Review by April 2010 Dependency of above RB on IA WB requires synchronised review Diversion of resources to high priority SOA activities NAV WG Navigation GBto be reissued March 2010 New “Pointing Request Message” Standard to be added to technical programme E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD (1) Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November 2009 SM&C WG MAL & RMissued for Agency review GBReviewed by CESG will be reissued when ADs agree to proposed changes Open Letter New Super BOF needs to progress rapidly to avoid delay to current work GB Issues need to be quickly resolved RAC WG Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories RB 2 Ready for final Agency review (Nov 09) Simultaneous CCSDS and ISO reviews required – need to initiate ISO review PUS BOF Creation of WG to be requested by AD E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD (2) Mission Operations and Information Management Systems Area Report
cesg November 2009 SYSTEMS ENGINEERING AREA (SEA) Peter Shames (AD) Takahiro Yamada (DAD)
cesg November Information Architecture WG (& joint IPRWG meetings on registries) 2.Security WG 3.Delta-DOR WG 4.SANA WG 5.Timecode WG (Pink Sheets) 6.Time Synchronization & Correlation BoF (formative meeting) 7.XML Standards and Guidelines SIG (no meeting, to be folded into SOA BoF) 8.Space Link Security WG (joint w/ SLS, reported in SLS) SEA Responsibilities Overall architecture for space mission communications, operations, and cross-support Coordinate and collaborate with the other areas about architectural choices and options Support the CESG in evaluating consistency of all area programs of work with the defined architecture Create such working groups and BoFs as are required to progress the work of CCSDS A.CURRENT GROUPS WITHIN THE AREA Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November 2009 B. MEETING DEMOGRAPHICS Systems Engineering Area Report SEA PlenaryIA/IPRD-DOR WGSecTime Corr BoF SANAPlenary ASI BNSC 1 1 CNES 1 1 CSA1 1 DLR 1 1 ESA JAXA1 1 1 NASA Total Meeting Duration Agency Diversity
cesg November Information Architecture WG Goals: Develop a high level Information Architecture Reference Model Define Registry / Repository Reference model & associated registry information model (w/ IPR WG) WG wants to develop integrated Space Information Service (SOA) reference model and services (See later comment) Working Group Status: Finalize Reference Architecture for Space Information Management (RASIM) V1 Green Book, should be published this fall, really Magenta Book material IAWG developed top down registry model & prototypes, info model & services interfaces, IPR WG developed bottom up XML registry & prototypes to be coordinated in joint meetings, White Book in development derived from ebXML Extensive discussion on the Registry-Repository Architecture White Book; preparations for the Red Book Discussion on the registry information model Green Book and XML schema registry White Book Joint discussion between SMWG, IAWG and IPR on SOA and plans for development of a space information services architecture Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Joint IA / IPR working well Good C.SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November Security WG Goals: Develop security overview & threat assessment, and security architecture, framework and related standards Working Group Status: Progress Security Architecture Magenta Book being finalized for review Algorithm document has lots of rationale/explanation that needs to be “moved.” Planning for implementations since doc is now Blue. Mission Planners Guide – 1 more round thru WG and then to Secretariat. Key Management Green Book essentially completed. Decided to produce a KM Blue Book for symmetric KM. Reviewed 1 st draft of Security Glossary. Network layer security – IPSec with Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP), only relevant in near Earth (out to Lunar) operations domain. Working well with Space Link Layer Security WG, reported in SLS Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Good agency support Good Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November Delta-DOR WG Goals: Develop detailed requirements for delta differential one-way ranging (Delta-DOR) service Coordinate work in other WGs (SIS/Ranging, CSS/CSTS, MOIMS/Nav, CSS/SM) Develop integrated vision of service and interoperability points Working Group Status: Magenta Book: completed first Agencies’ review. RIDs were discussed and resolved during the meeting. Delta-DOR Raw Data Exchange Format (DRDEF) Blue Book draft: discussed and remaining issues were resolved. Book to be submitted for Editorial Review in Feb/2010 Raw Data Exchange document similar to TDM Blue Book (CCSDS B-1) Schedule for the Green Book has been pushed into future due to workload on BB and MB Good progress on early & near term, 3 agency, bi-lateral interoperability validation Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Making very good progress Very Good Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November SANA WG Goals: Develop procedure for the Space Assigned Numbers Authority (SANA) Working Group Status: Draft Yellow Book procedure CCSDS Y-0.1 all RIDs resolved, ready for final CESG review Includes delegation, “grandfathers”, initial conditions, and future procedures Request WGs to send new registry topics to SANA Chair now Contract for SANA operator is being finalized, need SANA “home” Propose inclusion in SANA of updated CCSDS Glossary and Space Link Identifiers Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM ESTECSANA to start working off queue Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November Timecode WG Goals: Update timecode formats Explore need for time and synchronization standards Working Group Status: Revised Pink Sheets for Time Code reviewed & RIDs resolved WG ready to disband once Pink Sheets are published WG has done validation prototyping, finalizing interoperability report Working Group Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Ready to completeWaiting on report Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November Time Correlation & Synchronization BoF Goals: Develop outline for White Paper and requirements for time correlation and synchronization standards Develop WG charter once need is demonstrated Working Group Status: Met at ESTEC, three agencies and three NASA centers in attendance (total of 9 attendees) Developed draft set of requirements and vision of possible standards Plan for monthly telecons to pursue maturation of the concepts BoF Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Start-upRequires agency support and follow through Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November XML Standards & Guidelines SIG Goals: Develop a set of common standards and guidelines for XML use across CCSDS Coordinate work in other WGs (MOIMS/Nav, MOIMS/SM&C, CSS/SMWG, SEA/IAWG) Product will be a CCSDS URN namespace and set of guidelines for all CCSDS WGs Working Group Status: URN delayed while IESG revises its procedures Will develop CCSDS internal namespace use rules YB assuming future CCSDS URN approval Intend to develop CCSDS XML Guidelines YB based on current best practice, hopefully draft by mid June 08, not done No meetings last three working sessions, work is to be folded into new SOA BoF SIG Summary Situation: status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Work stalled:No resources, Disband SIG Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg November 2009 D. Cross Area Meetings Joint IA/IPR Meeting Reviewed registry-repository service architectures for compatibility Discussed current general and XML specific prototyping efforts and opportunities for testing with other groups (SM, SANA, SM&C) Discussed relationship of registry-repository standards to Space Information Services Architecture (SOA) reference model and related service architecture Developed a compatible and integrated view, shared by four agencies, but unable to agree to form a single new WG to tackle the effort Joint SM/IA/IPR Meeting Discussed the outcome of the Super-BOF and what the overall map of CCSDS services must cover Discussed what the Space Information Services Architecture (SOA) reference model and service architecture must cover and its relationship to the rest of the CCSDS services Sec WG / SDLS Meeting Joint meeting was productive and work is reported in SLS Some open issues in the area of just how and where the security block is to be inserted in the space link frames, now three different options on the table Will require agency resources for interoperability testing Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg-115 Systems Engineering Area Report Super BoF Reviewed visions of what a “SOA for Space” might be, as presented by CESG chair and MOIMS, SEA and CSS ADs Identified at least four different variants on how “SOA for Space” and “Services” were being interpreted across CCSDS Agreed to initiate a BoF to develop a charter for a CCSDS Reference Architecture (or Model) that would map all CCSDS services and their relationships (see CSS presentation for details) SEA view is that a Space Information Services Architecture (e.g. SOA for Space) is different than the CCSDS Reference Architecture: - Define a reference end-to-end space information service architecture for interoperability and cross support - Common framework and elements - Both flight and ground data system operations - Define standard components and services, including their specifications - Define secure deployment and federation models for information services - Define and leverage common methods for representing information models - Develop best practices for the design of standard data definitions, including XML schemas, data dictionaries, and common registries 04 November 2009 D. Cross Area Meetings, contd
cesg November 2009 IA WG RASIM Reference ModelGreen Book Ready for final CESG review General Registry-Repository White Book in preparation (Feb 2010) XML Registry-Repository White Book in preparation (Mar 2010) Information Services ArchitectureConcept Paper planned (Jan 2010) Information ModelGreen Book in preparation (Apr 2010) Sec WG Security ArchitectureMagenta Book being finalized (Dec 2009) Security AlgorithmsIntegrated Red Book in preparation (Jan 2010) Key ManagementGreen Book in preparation (Dec 2009) Symmetric Key ManagementWhite Book in planning (BB), scope (Dec 2009) Mission Planners Security GuideGreen Book in preparation (Apr 2010) Network Layer SecurityWhite Paper in planning (Feb 2010) Security WG OverviewPresentation for CCSDS WGs (Dec 2009) E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD Systems Engineering Area Report
cesg-117 Systems Engineering Area Report Delta DOR WG D-DOR Reference ModelRed Book 2 (MB) Ready for final Agency review (Feb 2010) D-DOR Data ExchangeWhite Book 1 (BB) being finalized for Agency review (May 2010) D-DOR OverviewGreen Book 1 in preparation for area review (May 2010) SANA WG SANA Yellow Book Ready for final CESG review SANA ProceduresYellow Book to be developed (Feb 2010) Time Code WG Time CodePink Sheets Ready for final CESG review Time Code Test ReportYellow Book in preparation (Dec 2009) Time Synchronization & Correlation BoF Time Sync & CorrelationWhite Paper in discussion Time Sync & CorrelationWG Charter in discussion 04 November 2009 E. SUMMARY: MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND CONCERNS IN LAST REPORTING PERIOD, contd
cesg November 2009 CESG FALL 2009: items brought to attention of the CMC
cesg November 2009 IOAG-13 Communiqués to CCSDS
cesg IOAG Communiqué of 01 October 2009
cesg-121 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE CMC FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE STANDARDS IN THE DOMAIN OF CROSS SUPPORT CORRESPONDING RESOLUTION OF IOAG 13, WITH INDICATION OF THE REQUIRED TARGET DATE FOR COMPLETION, WHEREVER APPLICABLE 1 A ground-based space link monitoring cross- support transfer service standard IOAG resolves to ask the CCSDS to develop a standard for a protocol to transfer space link monitoring data from ground communication assets to their users. The purpose is to exchange a limited set of ground station parameters in cross support operations.The IOAG further resolves that this standard should be available by the end of CY A ground space link control cross-support transfer service standard IOAG resolves that an online service to control the ground space link is not needed for transfers in cross- support operations and that the service provided by the CSSM standard is estimated to be sufficient. 3 A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived Doppler observables and orbiter trajectory and clock information to support landed vehicle position determination IOAG resolves that it recognizes the need to acquire and transfer remote orbiter-derived Doppler observables and orbiter trajectory and clock information to support landed vehicle position determination. The IOAG further resolves that this is of medium priority and that availability of a standard is requested by the end of CY A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived open-loop recording and digitization of Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) signals IOAG resolves that it recognizes the need to acquire and transfer remote orbiter-derived open-loop recording and digitization of Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) signals. The IOAG further resolves C that this is of medium priority and that the availability of a standard is requested by the end of CY A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived orbiter clock calibration and proximity time correlation data to support landed vehicle time correlation IOAG resolves that it recognizes the need to request and transfer remote orbiter-derived orbiter clock calibration and proximity time correlation data to support landed vehicle time correlation. The IOAG further resolves that this topic is of moderate importance and needs further engineering assessment. Availability of a standard before the end of CY2014 is not needed. 6 An end-to-end standard for correlating space vehicle clocks and distributing time synchronization information IOAG recognizes the need to develop a set of standards for correlating space vehicle clocks and distributing time synchronization information. The IOAG resolves that this topic needs further engineering assessment and that various mission scenarios should be identified, possibly with different priority levels for standards development. Availability of a standard before the end of CY 2014 is not needed. 7 A space-based data relay cross- support transfer service standard for monitoring the performance of remote space-space links IOAG resolves to ask the CCSDS to develop a standard for acquiring and transferring space-to-space link monitoring data in order to exchange a limited set of parameters in cross support operations between, typically, rover and orbiter control centers The IOAG further resolves that this is of medium priority and that the availability of a standard is requested by the end of CY A data relay pass planning service for exchanging, e.g.; orbiter geometrical data slant range; off-pointing angle from antenna boresight; relative velocity of orbiter; orbiter elevation seen from the surface element; AOS & LOS times; etc. The IOAG resolves to request the CCSDS to define an interface standard for transferring contact planning information concerning TT&C services to be provided by a relay orbiter to remote landed or descending space vehicles, including the interface protocol and parameters required for the contact planning and contact plan generation.. Availability of a standard before the end of CY2014 is not needed.
cesg The CESG has formed a BOF which has the task of identifying the charter and program of work for a Working Group to develop a top-level CCSDS reference/service architecture The CESG will transmit the MOIMS “Mission Operations Services Concept” Green Book to IOAG as soon as it has been updated to reflect recent RIDs. 2.The LDPC codes have been sent for Agency Red-1 review 3.The CESG is studying how to create the SSI Architecture in time for IOP-3. The CESG understands the intention of the IOAG to produce a layered set of service catalogs and asks the IOAG to confirm that the context of the SSI Architecture is the architecture for Service Catalog-2, as indicated below: CESG Analysis of IOAG-13 Communiqué [1] IOAG Service Catalog 1 CCSDS Cross Support Services Architecture IOAG Service Catalog 2 CCSDS Solar System Internetwork Architecture CCSDS Solar System Internetwork Architecture IOAG Service Catalog 3 CCSDS Mission Operations Service Architecture Point-Point Space Links Space Internetworking Space Mission Operations
cesg With respect to the CSTS Space Link Monitoring Service requested by the IOAG (end CY 2011), this is already in the CCSDS program of work. 5.With respect to the four data relay standards requested by the IOAG, the CESG has concerns that this could result in a very heavy standardization effort for a relatively small (Mars relay) market: A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived Doppler observables and orbiter trajectory and clock information to support landed vehicle position determination (end CY 2012) A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived open-loop recording and digitization of Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) signals (end CY 2012) A space-based data relay cross-support transfer service standard for monitoring the performance of remote space- space links (end CY 2012) A data relay standard for: a) requesting the acquisition of; and, b) transferring remote orbiter-derived orbiter clock calibration and proximity time correlation data to support landed vehicle time correlation (end CY 2014) The initial CESG thought is to standardize just the containers (e.g., the mechanisms for formatting the information) and the transfer mechanisms for passing the information between ground and space (e.g., CFDP, AMS, etc.) but not the semantics of the information being transferred. The semantics might be standardized later by MOIMS as part of Service Catalog-3. The CESG seeks more IOAG guidance on this point. 6.With respect to the time correlation and clock synchronization standard requested by the IOAG (end CY 2014), CCSDS has created a BOF to study this topic. 7.With respect to the data relay pass planning standard requested by the IOAG (end CY 2014), CCSDS proposes to defer this item until the scope of Service Catalog-3 is better understood. CESG Analysis of IOAG-13 Communiqué [2]
cesg-124 IOAG Service Catalog-1 IOAG has adopted the notion of a phased set of services that Agencies will be asked to cross support: Catalog-1: consolidation of space link services (now -2015) Catalog-2: addition of Internetworking services (2015 – 2020) Catalog-3: (possible) addition of Mission Operations services (2020+?) Catalog-1 was agreed at IOAG-13 “Core” (shaded) and “Extended” Standards gaps exist; IOAG is still voting on priorities to send to CCSDS 2. Untransmitted IOAG Communiqué re: Service Catalog 1 “gap fillers”
cesg-125 IOAG Service Group IOAG Service Types Space Link Interface Standards Ground Link Interface Standards Forward Data Delivery Services Forward CLTU Service Radio Frequency and Modulation [RFM] TC Synchronization and Channel Coding [TC-S&C] SLE Forward CLTU Service [CLTU] Forward Space Packet Service Those for “Forward CLTU Service” plus: TC Space Data Link Protocol [TC-DLP] Communications Operation Procedure-1 [TC-COP] SLE Forward Space Packet Service [FSP] Forward AOS Frame Service Radio Frequency and Modulation [RFM] TM Synchronization and Channel Coding [TM- S&C] AOS Space Data Link Protocol [AOS] SLE Forward AOS Frame Service [FAOS] Forward File Service Those for “Forward CLTU Service” and/or “Forward AOS Frame Service” plus: Space Packet Protocol [SPP] Encapsulation Service [ENC] CCSDS File Delivery Protocol [CFDP] CSTS Forward File Service [CFFS], over CSTS Transfer File Service [CFXS] IOAG Service Catalog-1: Forward
cesg-126 IOAG Service Catalog-1: Return IOAG Service Group IOAG Service Types Space Link Interface Standards Ground Link Interface Standards Return Data Delivery Services Return All Frames Service Radio Frequency and Modulation [RFM] TM Synchronization and Channel Coding [TM-S&C] SLE Return All Frames [RAF] Return Channel Frames Service Those for “Return All Frames Service” plus: TM Space Data Link Protocol [TM-DLP] AOS Space Data Link Protocol [AOS] SLE Return Channel Frames [RCF] Return Operational Control Field Service Those for “Return Channel Frames Service” SLE Return Operational Control Field [ROCF] Return Unframed Telemetry Service Those for “Return All Frames Service” CSTS Return Unframed Telemetry [RUTM] Return File Service Those for “Return Channel Frames Service” plus: Space Packet Protocol [SPP] Encapsulation Service [ENC] CCSDS File Delivery Protocol [CFDP] CSTS Return File Service [CRFS] over CSTS Transfer File Service [CFXS]
cesg-127 IOAG Service Catalog-1: Radio Metric IOAG Service Group IOAG Service Types Space Link Interface Standards Ground Link Interface Standards Radio Metric Services Validated Data Radio Metric Service Radio Frequency and Modulation [RFM] Pseudo-Noise (PN) Ranging Systems [PNR] CSTS Offline Radio Metric Service [CORS] over CSTS Transfer File Service [CFXS] Raw Data Radio Metric Service Those for “Validated Data Radio Metric Service” CSTS Real Time Radio Metric Service [CRTRM] Delta DOR Service Radio Frequency and Modulation [RFM] Delta-Differential One Way Ranging (Delta-DOR) Operations [DDORO] CSTS D-DOR Data Service [DDORS] over CSTS Transfer File Service [CFXS]
cesg-128 CSTS File Transfer Service CSTS Forward File Service CSTS Return File Service CSTS Offline Radio Metric Service CSTS Real Time Radio Metric Service CSTS Delta DOR Service CSTS Engineering Data Monitoring Service SLE Forward AOS Frame Service SLE Return Unframed Telemetry Service CSTS File Transfer Service CSTS Forward File Service CSTS Return File Service CSTS Offline Radio Metric Service CSTS Real Time Radio Metric Service CSTS Delta DOR Service CSTS Engineering Data Monitoring Service SLE Forward AOS Frame Service SLE Return Unframed Telemetry Service IOAG Service Catalog-1: Gap Analysis CESG understands that IOAG is still not in agreement on the priorities to assign for CCSDS to develop these standards. CESG interprets the “CSTS File Transfer Service” as some sort of secure terrestrial file transfer which then gateways into CFDP-based “CSTS Forward File Service” and “CSTS Return File Service” as Extended Services for single space/ground link transmission. This appears to be related to IOAG R and subsequent discussions. We will watch the IOAG Service Catalog-2 and SISG activities for further clarification on this point.
cesg-129 Considering that: The CCSDS received the Liaison Statement from IOAG-12, dated 10 September The CCSDS did not respond to this Liaison Statement at its October 2008 meeting in view of the upcoming IOP-2. CCSDS needed to analyze the intent of Resolution R after IOP-2. And recognizing that: Accordingly, CCSDS convened an ad-hoc technical group from April in Colorado Springs in order to analyze and clarify the intent of R Technical consensus was reached by that group and was reported to the CCSDS Management Council The CCSDS Management Council resolves that it interprets the intent of R as follows: For missions that may need to conduct file transfer over a single space/space link, CCSDS is requested to develop a Recommended Practice that defines the profile of CCSDS standards required to operate CFDP over Space Packet over a single Proximity-1 link. For missions that may need to conduct file transfer over a single ground/space link, CCSDS is requested to develop: a) a Recommended Practice that defines the profile of CCSDS standards required to operate CFDP over Space Packet over a single TM/TC/AOS link; b) a cross-support standard for transferring files between ground communications complexes and ground users to support a variety of applications, including emergency commanding CCSDS is requested to initiate the development of an end-to-end networked communications architecture: a) by developing Recommended Standards for the DTN suite and Recommended Practices for its deployment b) by developing a Recommended Practice for the deployment of the IP suite c) by evaluating the potential need for CSTS ground/ground specifications for [forward and return Space Packet] and [forward and return Encapsulation Packet] in the context of this work The CCSDS Management Council further notes that R also defines a need for a space link monitoring cross-support transfer service standard (which has been accepted into the CCSDS Program of work) and for an interagency routine file transfer service (which is addressed above). However, the Resolution also asks for a standard for “time synchronization services” and this is not well- understood by CCSDS. The IOAG is therefore asked to clarify its needs for ancillary data standards. “IOAG 12 Liaison Statement to CCSDS” (dated 10 September 2008) also contained a Resolution R that was unclear to CCSDS. In May 2009 the CCSDS Management Council responded to the IOAG as follows: IOAG R12.9.1[1] – CCSDS Request for Clarification
cesg-130 Illustrative scope of proposed R developments CFDP Space Packet Prox-1 CFDP over Proximity Link Magenta Book A B CFDP Space Packet TM/TC/AOS CFDP over Space Link Magenta Book Cross-Support Ground File Transfer Blue Book A A B Plus existing CSTS Services Return All Frames Return Channel Frames Forward CLTU ( Forward AOS)
cesg-131 The IOAG also confirms its acceptance of the proposed standardization activities, i.e., 1) Best Practice for CFDP over a single space to space link (Prox-1); 2) Best Practice for CFDP over a single ground to space link (TM/TC/AOS); and, 3) Standard for bidirectional ground File Transfer for a variety of applications. However, IOAG understanding of the proposed CCSDS standard on file transfers is that it shall cover all types of file transfers, i.e., for the single ground/space link and for the single space/space link. It shall also cover the file transfers for the single space/space link for the purpose of Emergency Commanding and Essential Telemetry. This understanding is to be confirmed in the CCSDS resolution. The IOAG acknowledges that CCSDS plans to initiate the evaluation and/or the development of best practices and standards for an end-to-end networked communications architecture. Finally, the IOAG agrees to revisit and clarify its requirements for standards on ancillary data and will conduct some inventory and definition work to be presented, tentatively for endorsement, at the upcoming IOAG-13, which is planned for September, R12.9.1[2] – IOAG clarification back to CCSDS In June 2009 the IOAG responded to the CCSDS as follows: Table 2. CCSDS advises the IOAG that the status of this resolution is shown in Table 2.
cesg Magenta Book: “CFDP over TM/TC/AOS” Awaiting draft Working Group charter and commitment of resources from ESA. Need for interoperability testing is under discussion in CCSDS. 2. Magenta Book: “CFDP over Prox-1” Awaiting draft Working Group charter and commitment of resources from ESA. Need for interoperability testing is under discussion in CCSDS 3. Blue Book: “Ground-Ground File Transfer” cross-support transfer service Recommended Practice book (Magenta) on use of Secure FTP (SFTP) to transfer files and framework (syntax) for metadata targeted for Oct 2011 release. However, if standardization of the semantics of the metadata for end-end file transfer and emergency TM/TC cross support is now required by the IOAG then scope of work is unknown and resources need definition. Will form BOF at CCSDS Fall 2009 meeting to discuss. Blue Book: “Space Link Monitoring” cross-support transfer service Red-1/start of Agency reviews anticipated as output from Oct 2009 meetings Blue Book(s) and Magenta Book(s) for the DTN suite Concept papers for (a) Bundle Protocol and (b) LTP, as well as Draft Green Book, are in DTN Working Group review; plan is to issue Red-1 after Fall CCSDS meeting, after requirements update from SISG Magenta Book for the IP Suite Working Group expected to be chartered at Fall 2009 CCSDS meeting, assuming allocation of NASA Constellation program resources Evaluate potential need for CSTS ground/ground specifications for [forward and return Space Packet] and [forward and return Encapsulation Packet] Future study. Ancillary StandardsAwaiting further IOAG input. R12.9.1[3] – current CCSDS status Table 2
cesg-133 IOAG R12.9.1[4] – Current Status CESG notes that the strategies for evolving from IOAG Service Catalog-1 to IOAG Service Catalog-2 are still under discussion in the IOAG Space Internetworking Strategy Group (SISG) A SISG work plan has been developed which corresponds to a bilateral ESA/NASA management recommendation The SISG has agreed in principle on the envisioned Solar System Internetwork (SSI) for 2020 Issues concern the evolution and the implementation/operation of the final SSI Work plan to resolve the issues is established to accomplish: - SSI Operations Concept by 15 May Draft IOAG Service Catalog #2 (Draft 0 by 15 Dec 2009) - SSI Requirements Draft 0 by 23 Oct 2009 (discussed at DTN Working Group meeting) IOAG plans to hand over an agreed SSI Operations Concept to CCSDS in May 2009 for CCSDS to take over the SSI Architecture development Recommendation: allow these evolutionary issues to play-out in the SISG forum until Spring 2010
cesg November 2009 Other Issues and Concerns from the Fall 2009 CESG meeting
cesg-135 CESG would appreciate early publication of the updated CCSDS Procedures Manual. CESG notes that the PAIMAS and OAIS models were originally published as Recommended Standards (Blue Books) but advises the CMC that in view of their technical content they should be moved to the Recommended Practice (Magenta) branch of the Standards Track now that they are being reconfirmed and updated. CESG notes that the “Requirements for Bodies Providing Audit and Certification of Digital Repositories” Red Book is ready for Agency review. The working group wants to get a parallel ISO review in order to get a wider set of comments. This creates a problem because the asynchronous ISO/CCSDS review schedules will hold up the CCSDS work. One possibility is to do one or more CCSDS reviews and then circulate the mature CCSDS Red Book to ISO as an DIS. CESG notes that the SANA Working Group is almost ready to disband and that NASA has secured initial funding to implement the SANA Operator. However, it is not clear where the permanent SANA organizational and funding home will be: IOAG? CCSDS? This is a very important operational function fore future international cross support and it needs a permanent and stable parent. CESG General Issues/Concerns [1]
cesg-136 CESG notes the US patent question concerning the SCCC channel code and believes that until this is resolved the “fair and non-discriminatory” requirement is not met and that this therefore prevents the document from moving forward: ESA believes that the Agency review should go ahead even though there is an unresolved legal taint CESG notes the BOF proposal to move the ECSS “PUS” standards into CCSDS: The PUS standards need updating to reflect the overall updating of the underlying Packet books that has taken place in recent years The proposal is for CCSDS to undertake that updating The CESG notes that a possible eventual end-state of the PUS will be to separate the mission operations services embodied by them from the underlying Space Packet Protocol, in which case those mission operations services may become part of the SM&C suite Elements of the CESG advocate that the ECSS should first update the PUS, then separate the mission operations services and then introduce those services to CCSDS via proposed extension of the SM&C services. Other international agencies should also be encouraged to bring forward their spacecraft monitor and control approaches for potential standardization. This strategy would also allow time for the overall CCSDS service framework to be clarified. Such a move would also have impact on SOIS services, which would require updating. CESG General Issues/Concerns [2]
cesg-137 CESG strongly advocates that CCSDS needs an overall reference architectural framework into which all of its work can be aligned in terms of services and standards, and that it also needs a consistent way to express how those services should be defined and specified. CESG recommends that the CMC should endorse the “way forward” proposal made by the CSS Area: CESG notes that this activity is likely to need temporary redirection of resources from several information architecture-related activities in MOIMS and SEA, including SM&C Current work cannot totally stop Question of where eventual WG would be located? CESG Chair files a “friend of court” brief that – as the major stakeholder in the outcome – SM&C should be given this job CESG General Issues/Concerns [3] Team-1: Services, Scenarios, Framework Team-2: Service Definition Technology 28 Feb 10 WG Concept WG Formed May 09
cesg November 2009
cesg November 2009 CESG FALL 2009 MEETING STATISTICS
cesg November 2009 Fall 2009 Total Attendance Not Yet Available
cesg November 2009 Fall 2009 Attendance By Sponsoring Agency Not Yet Available
cesg November 2009 Fall 2009 Daily Attendance By Area Not Yet Available
cesg November 2009 Fall 2009 Daily Room Utilization RequestedUsed Not Yet Available