Introductory & Conclusion Paragraphs
How should we organize our ideas? c Introduction Conclusion Body Paragraphs
Formula for Intro Paragraphs Sentence #1: The Attention Grabber Introduces the topic of the thesis (without referring directly to it) Options include: Define the idea or concept that is the topic of the paper. Example: "The word 'punk' no longer just means a form of alternative music." Begin with a startling, unusual, or enlightening fact. Example: "One out of every 500 Americans will not make it home tonight.” Begin with an interesting or dramatic quotation. Example: "Nikes 'just do it' slogan has been applied to much more than running shoes.” Start with a question or challenge (can be misused/used too often). Example: "Why do some people wear a mask when they cut their lawns?"
Formula for Intro Paragraphs Sentence #2: The Information Adder Adds information about the attention grabber Still general and not referring to the thesis Examples of Attention Grabbers + Info Adders working together: "One out of every 200 Americans will not make it home tonight.” This statistic from the American Automobile Association shows the dangerous effects of texting and driving.
Formula for Intro Paragraphs Sentence #3: The Pivot Sentence Pivots or turns the reader toward the thesis The first sentence that hints about our thesis, usually by using a key word from the thesis Examples: "One out of every 200 Americans will not make it home tonight.” This statistic from the American Automobile Association shows the dangerous effects of texting and driving. However, many states are now looking at laws to change these alarming statistics.
Formula for Intro Paragraphs Sentence #4: The Set-Up Sentence Transitions directly to the thesis, connecting the topic or idea of the grabber to the point made by the thesis. Examples: "One out of every 200 Americans will not make it home tonight.” This statistic from the American Automobile Association shows the dangerous effects of texting and driving. However, many states are now looking at laws to change these alarming statistics. In many states, new laws are being considered to curb texting while driving.
Formula for Intro Paragraphs Sentence #5: The Thesis Statement Last sentence of intro paragraph Statement that answers the essay prompt Includes argument that your paper will work to prove
Sample Intro Paragraph "One out of every 200 Americans will not make it home tonight.” This statistic from the American Automobile Association shows the dangerous effects of texting and driving. However, many states are now looking at laws to change these alarming statistics. In many states, new laws are being considered to curb texting while driving. Despite the arguments that texting while driving does not distract drivers, texting and driving is extremely dangerous and states should implement laws banning the use of mobile devices while driving.
Where does it all go? general specific Info Adding Sentence Set-Up Sentence Thesis statement Attention Grabber Pivot Sentence
Conclusion Paragraph Your conclusion paragraph will do the opposite, going from specific general Specific General
Formula for Conclusion Paragraphs 1.Restate Thesis: Reflects the knowledge learned in the essay using new words. 2.TWO Implication Sentences: Reflect on how your topic relates to the world, or give your opinion on how your topic is significant to the world, or connect back to your creative opening. It should relate to all people and thus, be universal. 3.Clincher Sentence: Final sentence of essay that leaves the reader with a powerful thought using strong words. **TIE BACK TO YOUR GRABBER**
Sample Conclusion Laws banning texting and driving should be mandatory in each state. Texting is so commonplace and prevalent that it is up to lawmakers to ensure the safety of drivers on the road. Many people do not realize that texting while driving can be just as dangerous as driving while drunk. It is up to the lawmakers to help protect that one person out of two hundred who does not make it home each night.