Rail Safety Induction
3 3 Site rules Pre-start meeting every day No radios or I pod type Devices Correct PPE/PPC must be worn at all times when on site Rail Protection Officer (RPO) and or Site Protector (SP) MUST authorize all work Every incident must be Reported Move to a position of safety before answering your cellphone
4 4 Pre-start meetings Include the RPO and/or SP in your daily pre-start safety briefings this will ensure everyone understands the track safety rules on your worksite Ensure all staff and the RPO and/or SP are made aware of any changes made to the site operation during the day
5 5 Hazards; Trains Trains are heavy and quiet Trains can’t stop quickly Trains can do a lot of damage Trains can come at ANY time Trains can come from any direction
Hazards; Remember the overhead lines If your work will encroach or has the potential to encroach within MADs you require an EF201
7 7 Personal Protective Clothing/ Personal Protective Equipment When working in the rail corridor the MINIMUM PPC/PPE you must wear is: Orange hi-visibility clothing Ankle to elbow coverage Safety glasses Hard hat (not red or green) when working around plant Steel capped lace-up boots
8 8 The Rail Protection Officer or Site Protector The is there to keep you safe from trains The RPO and/or SP is there to keep you safe from trains Actively - warn you of trains Actively - warn you of trains Actively - give you the all clear Actively - give you the all clear Listen and follow their instructions Listen and follow their instructions Yellow vests are only to used in the Auckland Metro Area Yellow vests are only to used in the Auckland Metro Area
9 9 The Safety Protector Its your responsibility to have a before you start work. Its your responsibility to have a RPO and/or SP before you start work. Do not start work without your safety protector being present Do not start work without your safety protector being present No crossing the track without permission from the No crossing the track without permission from the RPO and/or SP
10 Keeping safe from trains Rail line – trains at any time from any direction 5m 3M Safety Fence Safety Barrier only required if stated in permit to enter No Closer than maximum reach Exclusion
11 Keeping safe from trains RPO and/ or SP Rail line – trains at any time from any direction Vortox Fencing When required Track Protection Intermediate
12 Keeping safe from trains RPO and/or SP Rail line-trains controlled by RPO Compulsory Stop protection
13 Stopping work and resuming after trains NEVER assume you can return to working on or near the track without getting a clearance from the RPO and/or SP. The method used to advise this MUST be discussed with the RPO and/or SP and documented at your pre-start meeting. Your RPO and/or SP will advise when it is safe to return to work
14 Keeping safe from trains Mis 60 Track and Time permit Rail line – Blocked to normal Service
15 Follow the rail safety rules Keep off the railway track unless authorised by the RPO and/or SP. Stay outside barriers or fences No iPods/cell phones or devices that may distract you from hearing trains How do you stay safe around trains?
16 How do you stay safe around trains? Keep all of your machines well clear of the track, > 4m No excavator to work in a position where it is possible to reach over the safety barrier or fence People to be at least 2m away from track Remember: trains extend beyond the track
17 Remain outside the barriers Always follow safety instructions Identify & report the hazards Look for trains Stay outside the MADs