Test Preparation
General Test Preparation Learning Take good notes in your class lectures and textbooks Review your notes soon after class/lecture Review notes briefly before the next class Schedule some time at the end of the week for a longer review
Reviewing Take good notes your teacher tells you what will be on the test Organize your notes, texts, and assignments according to what will be on the test Estimate the hours you'll need to review materials Draw up a schedule that blocks units of time and material Test yourself on the material Finish your studying the day before the exam
Mastering One Test Prepare! Learn your material. Then for the test summarize which chapters, vocabulary, formulas etc. you expect will be on the test: Personalize success with good strategies! What one test preparation strategy has worked for you in the past? Organize what you will need to take the test. Avoid the panic of not having your materials: What will you need? (Pen/pencil, calculator, etc.)
Health Exercise can sharpen the mind For this test, what is one "exercise" you can do? A good night's sleep will help. For this test, what time will you go to bed? Eat right; avoid an empty or too-full stomach. Fresh fruits and vegetables can reduce stress. Processed and heavy foods can build stress. For this test, what one food item will you avoid? For this test, what healthy snack will you have before?
Attitude Relax before the exam Avoid students who are not prepared, are negative, cramming, or will distract you. What relaxation technique will help you? Deep breaths? A short walk? A few minutes clearing your mind? Name one: Approach this exam with confidence. View it as an opportunity to demonstrate what you have learned. What is one reward you can provide yourself for your good efforts?
Test day Allow yourself plenty of time before the test, gather what you need and arrive a little early. Choose a comfortable location for taking the test Pick a spot with good lighting and minimal distractions. Avoid thinking you need to cram just before. You've prepared well enough!
Review Tools for a Test Create study checklists Identify all of the material that you will be tested on-- list notes, formulas, ideas, and text assignments you are accountable for. This checklist will enable you to break your studying into organized, manageable chunks, which should allow for a comprehensive review plan with minimal anxiety
Create summary notes and "maps” Briefly map out the important ideas of the course and the relationships of these ideas. Summary notes should display lists and hierarchies of ideas. Creativity and a visual framework will help you recall these ideas.
Record your notes and significant portions of text on audio tapes so you can review material with a walk-man. Having a tape of important information will enable you to study while walking or relaxing in a nonacademic environment Create flashcards for definitions, formulas, or lists that you need to have memorized--put topics on one side of the card, answers on the other. Flashcards will enable you to test your ability to not only recognize important information, but also your ability to retrieve information from scratch
Overcoming Test Anxiety Approach the exam with confidence: Use whatever strategies you can to personalize success: visualization, logic, talking to your self, practice, team work, journaling, etc. View the exam as an opportunity to show how much you've studied and to receive a reward for the studying you've done Be prepared!
Learn your material thoroughly and organize what materials you will need for the test. Use a checklist Choose a comfortable location for taking the test with good lighting and minimal distractions. Allow yourself plenty of time, especially to do things you need to do before the test and still get there a little early
Avoid thinking you need to cram just before Strive for a relaxed state of concentration Avoid speaking with any fellow students who have not prepared, who express negativity, who will distract your preparation
What to Study Every thing is fair game Review all class lectures Review all class presentations Review all assignments
All lectures and presentations are posted on Kim’s website…