GROUP PRESENTION CHAPTER 10 AND CHAPRER 12 BY Fanny, Sun lei, Sun yibing, Zhang dong-bin BY Fanny, Sun lei, Sun yibing, Zhang dong-bin
Chapter 10: Physical Environment Room arrangement Room size Lighting Extrinsic noise Temperature and air flow
Room arrangement Classroom style: used for small to medium-sized public speaking situations. Theatre style: audience of over 100, not recommended for training situation.
Room arrangement U-shaped: 25 or less for training settings, but distraction. Conference style: small group discussion, interact easily, but distraction.
Room size and shape Size: a small room, crowded with listeners, a large auditorium with a small audience. Shape: long, narrow rooms present a challenge for the speaker.
Lighting: stage lights should illuminate the speaker’s face. Formal situation demand dim house lights, focusing attention on the speaker. Noise: extrinsic noise is distracting and damaging a presentation. Temperature and air flow: 68 degrees, warmer encourage sleeping, cooler distract someone.
Chapter 12: visual aids Various kinds of visual aids How to prepare them The best ways to use them
Kinds of visual aids Objects: clarify or emphasize your points. Models: real item is too large, too small. Speaker: act as a visual aid himself. Photograph and post: help the audience visualize. Slides: easy to read and pleasing, but it becomes the slide.
Kinds of visual aids Transparencies: inexpensive, easy to produce, and user-friendly. Video: work effectively, but complicated and technical difficulties. Flip chart sheets: prepare pages in advance… Computer-generated graphics: software produce beautiful graphics.
Preparing visual aids Prepare in advance: support presentation, not distract from it. Make sure that visual are just visual Keep it simple Use bullet points
Preparing visual aids Use large print Make it meaningful Use color to keep visuals alive
Tips for using support materials Practice, practice, practice. Don’t read. Talk to the audience, not to the prop. Time your visual aids.
Tips for using support materials Keep a clear view. Keep extra copies: in case slides get lost. Think before passing items around the audience. Explain any visual you use.
Thank you for your listening
Zhang for the slide 3,4 Sun lei for the slide 5,6 Sun yibing for the slide 7,8,9 Fanny for the slide Everybody agree?