“The 9 BE’s of the CIR” (formerly 7)
B. DAVID ROBERTS Southern Regional Executive Director 20 years experience on the CIR Plays a lead roll for NECA on Panel Two at the May session.
“BE” INVOLVED! Don’t “BE” leaving Chuck Kelly and Bill Triplett alone with the agenda of the Labor Relations Conference Don’t “BE” allowing them to pick your presentation title. And surely don’t “BE” letting them to publish the agenda without one last look to confirm it’s contents (and your presentation title). Or you’ll “BE” ending up with a presentation called the “7 BE’s of the CIR”.
“The 7 BE’s of the CIR” How to BE READY for your next visit to the Council on Industrial Relations.
BE PREPARED Get the administrative stuff right: All required paperwork submitted on time: post marked on or before the 1 st of the month. Signed submission form and 22 copies of the agreement and brief (if filed). Make certain ALL of your issues are on the submission form. Remember: unilateral submissions require a timely letter of invitation to the other party. Rebuttal brief.
BE PREPARED (con’t) BE an expert on your case and know: Your agreement. Your history (bargaining and practice). The people involved. The competition. The economy. Area settlements (yours and others).
BE PREPARED (con’t) Know: Your market (what is it’s makeup?). Your market share and organizing. “Off the record” offers. BE prepared for questions in each of these areas. “I don’t know” is not a helpful answer. Have an Interim Committee meeting. To argue the “arbitrability” of your case.
BE COMPLETE You can be confident that the CIR members are industry veterans, but… Don’t assume they know how business is done in your area. Look at your brief and presentation with the eyes of an outsider. “Bad” decisions may be traced to assumptions or missing information.
BE COMPLETE (con’t) Are all items in your offer contingent upon the acceptance of a “package” proposal? Is your wage offer on the JW rate or is it a “total package” offer (including the “roll ups”)? Why are you requesting the change in language?
BE COMPLETE (con’t) However, refrain from including unnecessary information that can distract or confuse the Council. Remember that the six management members of Council are predisposed to your position, so try and gear your briefs and presentation to persuade the union members.
BE COMPLETE (but… ) Be brief: Concise and organized No longer than necessary and as short as possible. If you can’t hold it with a staple, perhaps it’s too long.
BE SPECIFIC Tell the Council exactly what you want in your negotiations: Dollars and cents (% of what, when, how long?). Want new language, write it (better you than “them” writing it for you). Yes or no. Settle or withdraw “throw away” items before coming to Council. Un-ratified local settlement (recommended?).
BE SPECIFIC (con’t) Grievances: Violation or no violation. Why or why not (history, practice or other proof?) Parties involved. Your requested remedy.
BE OBSERVANT Pay attention to the unions brief. Listen closely to their oral presentation and rebuttal. Do not let incorrect statements go unchallenged. “Silence is assent”. Watch and listen closely to the questions and answers to get a read on the “thinking” of the CIR panel.
BE PROFESSIONAL Address the Council Members as “Mr.” even if you are old friends. Stay on point and don’t ramble. Leave out the “dirty laundry”, unless it bears directly on your case. Watch your body language. Name calling, swearing, sarcasm, insults and etc, make you look like the problem.
BE REALISTIC The CIR was created to prevent strikes. It’s purpose is not to punish one side or the other. Give the Council something to work with. Have reasonable expectations. Settle at home, if possible.
BE(ing) FINISHED This is a very important function of your industry. The CIR web site is: Current and past CIR members.