Wofford Speech, LLC Volunteer Training Presentation
What is Hippotherapy? Hippotherapy (equine assisted therapy) is a treatment strategy used by Speech Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapists, and Physical Therapists that utilizes equine (horse) movement as part of the treatment program. The Hippotherapy Treatment Team- consists of the therapist, consultants, horse handler, side- walkers and of course the HORSE.
What is my role at Wofford Speech, LLC? Graduate level speech interns- will have opportunities to be involved with both traditional speech therapy and equine assisted speech therapy services. Please discuss your desired interaction/opportunities with Terri Wofford prior to your assignment. Volunteers- You are an integral part of the team. All types of volunteers are needed and greatly appreciated. This slide program will provide you with more information about your volunteer options.
Types Volunteer Opportunities Horse Handlers- This person is responsible for leading the horse during sessions and therefore needs to be more experienced with horses. Specific, horse handling training techniques will be provided by Wofford Speech, LLC. Side Walkers- These individuals (often 2 people- one located at each side of the horse) provide the student/rider with physical assistance and help provide safety during the session. Activity Support Individuals- During Camp TALK, these volunteers will provide assistance with activities (puzzles/games/etc) within the barn setting while other students are participating in riding activities in the arena. Types of Volunteer Opportunities include both horse related and non- horse related opportunities. Please let Terri Wofford know your preferred type of volunteer opportunity. Hands On Training will be provided to all volunteers and interns.
Safety Rules & Regulations Volunteer Paperwork must be completed prior to volunteer training & service hours Volunteer forms are located on website Minors must have parent/guardian signatures Volunteers may bring the forms to the onsite training or may mail them prior to the training event to Wofford Speech, LLC 456 Tuscarora Trail, Hartwell, GA 30643
Volunteer/Intern Responsibilities All Volunteers/Interns should arrive at the barn ready to work at least 20 minutes before the scheduled session. Please provide 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend. You are a vital part of the team. Sessions are dependent on your help. We realize that unexpected illness/events may occur but please call Terri Wofford at as soon as possible. Regardless of inclement weather, we will personally call you if we are cancelling a session. As you know, it may be raining at your house and sunny at the facility. Camp TALK will occur rain or shine……with modification to activities as needed due to weather. Dress Code- ALL volunteers/interns must wear closed shoes (ie: sneakers & boots) at all times when they are volunteering &/or present at the center. You may wear jeans/pants & shorts (length-to finger tips when arms are on sides). In addition, please do not wear low cut shirts or shirts that expose your stomach. Please do not wear excessively baggy clothing &/or dangling jewelry (ie: hoop earrings/long necklaces) these items can get pulled or may get caught on tack. Please pay attention to sun exposure. We do not have a covered arena. Please wear sunscreen and re-apply as needed. If you forget sunscreen, notify Wofford Speech staff, as we have a supply to be used as needed. We don’t want uncomfortable sunburns.
Volunteer/Intern Responsibilities Keep hydrated. Water will always be provided at the facility. A refrigerator is available in the tack room area. Drink at least one bottle of water following each session. If you are volunteering for a full day or participating at CAMP TALK sessions, please pack a lunch/snack for the day. Again refrigeration is available, please let us know if additional space in refrigerator is needed. Wofford Speech, LLC is not responsible for any personal items. We ask that personal items (ie: purses, cell phones, etc) be kept in your locked vehicle. We have a drop box for your keys and we can keep them in a secure location as you desire. Please, make sure that Cell Phones are turned OFF or on Silent Mode when volunteering in riding arena or grooming stations. Your total attention must be given to the session- No texting or pictures please. We will provide photo opportunities but we must make sure that we have permission. During riding sessions, make sure that you do not distract the rider or horse. Limit talking and directives to the rider. Many of our students have attention issues and when more than one person is talking it is hard for them to attend to their lesson. Horses are easily distracted by their surroundings too and they have a good sense of smell. Please do not have “horse treats/cookies” in your pockets as this may distract them from their job. Please not running/shouting in/around the arena. No climbing on arena fence. If you are taking a break please watch from the designated area to eliminate distractions. Volunteers/Interns will be assigned a rider/student/activity location. It is imperative that riders/students are supervised by the designated volunteer/interns at all times. If you have a concern PLEASE discuss concern with Terri Wofford; we value you and we want you to feel comfortable and most importantly have FUN in a safe setting.
Volunteers/Interns Volunteer log. Please be sure to fill in the volunteer log for each day/session worked. We will be happy to provide documentation as to your volunteer experiences to schools/organizations as requested. Please remember confidentiality when working with students. We will discuss this at our onsite training. Interns- Please remember to document all sessions as required by your program. Discuss in any concerns/specific areas of interest with Terri Wofford.
THANK YOU for your interest in Wofford Speech, LLC and CAMP TALK. On site Training Sessions Friday, May 30, 2014 at 4pm with a BBQ supper. Tues, June 3, 2014 at 4pm with a BBQ supper. Please contact Terri Wofford at to schedule your training session. If these training sessions do not work for you please contact me and we will arrange an alternative day/time.