Design Elements in Power Point
6 x 6 Rule Text should not be more than 6 words per line No more than 6 lines of text Key phrases, not sentences
Themes, Colors & Fonts All fonts and font colors MUST BE readable Shouldn’t mix and match within one presentation. Think about lighting in room & with projector
Slide Layout Think about what enhances information Is it a comparison? Is it a list? Does it need a chart and/or picture?
Graphics No more than 2 per slide (if that) Must enhance, not distract from message
Animations Again, must enhance, not distract Allows you to speak without readers “going ahead”. Emphasizes points
Spell Check ~ Always! Located under the review tab in the proofreading group
Include A Conclusion Slide Identifies end of presentation Summarizes 3 to 5 main points Emphasizes important issues Energizes audience toward action
Tips When Presenting Don’t read word for word Utilize notes section for elaboration Notes as memory joggers, not script
Conclusion Don’t overuse effects Don’t overcrowd slides Focus on readability Summarize with conclusion slide Presentation tips