Bahasa Inggris 1 Disusun oleh: Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto, M.Hum Fihrin Zuhrufillah, M.Pd Yuningsih, S.S Prodi D3 Manajemen Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Terapan Universitas Telkom
Basic Competency : The students are able to develop their ability of understanding the reading skills in English text Topic : Reading Strategies Sub topic : Summarizing Text Meeting: 14 th
Competencies and Indicators BasicIntermediateAdvance able to understand the main ideas of each paragraph and logical and make the affixation of five words from the text correctly able to show the main ideas of each paragraph and the passage but not logical and make affixation more than five words from the text correctly but their word class categorization is not correct able to show the main ideas of each paragraph and the passage and logical and make affixation more than five words from the text and categorize their word class correctly
Quick Reading Text Prepare yourself Set the time length that you will read for Collect all your materials Find a comfortable place to read Relax and focus on what you need to accomplish Overview Look at titles, subtitles, and headings to find what information is there Look at charts and pictures and relate them to subtitles Ask what you are going to get from the reading
Quick Reading Text Read During Daylight Hours Studies show people are most efficient readers during the day time A person will read a passage in half the time if they read in the daylight Read during breaks in you day to allot for relaxation during the night when you need rest. Avoid Distractions Keep a notebook near you to write down things that come to mind (other assignments, people to call, etc) so you can them later Read in place where there is nothing to distract you Turn off TV, music, face book, and anything else that will break your concentration
Quick Reading Text Take a Break Studies show that reading becomes less efficient if you do not take a break to refresh your mind A 5 minute break is recommended for every hour of reading Do something well defined so it does not drag on and you do not become distracted. Read Often Reading often helps build your reading skills Reading at the same time everyday turns reading into a habit You paid for your textbooks so you might as well read them
References Louis, St Rubena and Pereira, Silvia (2010). Focus on reading. Rubena St. Louis: Venezuela Mikulecky, Beatrice S (1996). More Reading Power. Longman William, E (1984). Reading in the language classroom. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Gunning, Thomas (2010). A step by step program for developing higher level skills in struggling readers. International Reading Association Harmer, Jeremy (2004). Just. Marshall Cavendish Ltd
References – cont…