Concluding & Handling questions
Concluding Body Language
How do you like to end your presentations? Does the ending make a big difference to a presentation? How?
Watch video 6.2 and answer the questions in activity 3 on page 34. Then watch the expert view (6.3) and take notes on page 35.
Watch the expert view (video 6.5).
Do the activities 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 on pages on your book.
Body Language
What is body language? What is the importance of body language in life? In presentations?
To present effectively: Overcome nerves Develop stage presence Refine vocal qualities Make eye contact In short, use effective BODY language
Audience make decisions about you by how you look: Dress appropriately Do not distract the audience with your clothes Inspire confidence and respect “If you look your best, you will be more confident; if you are confident, you will look and feel better when you speak.”
Do you know what you are saying?
The way you position your body It can say two different things: 1. “I am not sure what I am talking about.” 2. “Listen to me I know what I am talking about.”
The BEST posture is: An upright posture Back straight Feet slightly apart In such a position, the hands can be freely used to gesture, to handle notes, and deal with any visual aids.
How should you STAND? a. Arms crossed on chest. b. Straight but relaxed. Straight but relaxed.
What should you do with your HANDS? a. Put hands on hips. b. Put one hand in a pocket. c. Keep hands by your side. Keep hands by your side.
Hands, arms, and fingers Clarify and support your words Help you relieve tension Arouse audience attention Function as a visual aid
Effective gestures Natural outgrowth of what you feel and what you have to say Don’t think about them Don’t pre-plan them Try to be as natural as possible
How can you EMPHASIZE sth? a. Point finger at the audience. b. Move or lean forward to show that sth is important. c. Use a pointer to draw attention to important facts. B & C
What should you do when you feel NERVOUS? a. Hold a pen or cards in your hands. b. Walk back and forth. c. Look at the flip chart or screen (not at the audience). AA
Establishes and builds rapport Reduces the speaker’s feeling of isolation Not only initiates communication, but makes others listen Direct eye-contact says: “I am talking to you, I want you to hear this.” It also increases listeners’ confidence in the speaker
A sign of speaker sincerity How do we look at the audience??? Not all of them at once, but.... Look each of them for a couple of seconds Then shift your glance Steady stare at someone is not good
How should you keep EYE CONTACT with audience? a. Make eye contact with each individual often. b. Choose some individuals and look at them as often as possible. c. Spread attention around the audience. A & C
How FAST should you SPEAK? a. About 20% more slowly than normal. b. Just as fast as in a normal conversation. c. Faster than in a normal conversation. About 20% more slowly than normal.
How should you express ENTHUSIASM? a. By raising voice level. b. By waving arms. c. By making hand or arm gestures for important points. A & C
Handling Questions
Some people think that dealing with questions is the hardest part of a presentation. Do you agree? Why? Why not?
Take measures concerning (someone or something), especially with the intention of putting something right: The government had been unable to deal with the economic crisis
To deal with, have responsibility for, or be in charge of: I thought he handled the situation very well.
To make something clear or easier to understand by giving more details or a simpler explanation: Could you clarify the first point please? I don't understand it completely.
Add more detail concerning what has already been said: He would not elaborate on his news.
Say again something one has already said: Billy repeated his question.
Express an opinion or reaction in speech or writing: Teachers commented that children of all abilities would benefit from the new education system.
A written or spoken comment: I decided to ignore his rude remarks.
A matter of interest or importance to someone: Housing is a concern around the world as a great number of people are homeless.
To start to talk about a particular subject: She's always bringing up her health problems.
Give a fuller version or account of: The minister expanded on the government’s proposals.
Do the activities 1,2,3,5,6 pp.42-43
Prepare a presentation by choosing one of the cards on pages of your coursepack. Your concluding should take about 2-3 minutes long. Study the useful phrases on page 38 of your coursebook and try to use them as many as possible.
You have minutes to prepare your presentation
Analysis Use the analysis checklist on page 39 while you watch the presentation of your friend. Self assesment: After you complete your presentation, think about your performance by answering the questions on page 39 about self assessment.