BLEED a picture that extends beyond the margin of the page, extending off the page This picture bleeds off the top and right margins
CROP Editing out of a background, foreground and sides of a photograph that remove parts that distract from the center of interest. No one is being cut out of the frame Almost half of a body is cut out
DOMINANT PHOT O When a photo attract immediate reader attention. Usually achieved by making a photo or package 2 1/2 -3 x larger than any other element on the spread; also occurs with use of color, isolation and extreme shape or cropping. This picture Is dominant because it is so much bigger than the rest
DPI & RESOLUTION DPI = dots per inch RESOLUTION = how clear the picture will appear Yearbook photos must be at least 300 DPI This picture has a resolution of 300 DPI
FRAMIN G Framing attracts the attention to a specific event or individual This picture bleeds off the top and right margins
PHOTO PACKA GE a grouping of pictures, all covering different aspects of the same topic or event, that are positioned close to one another. The pictures are put together seamlessly and also allowing for room for the text.
RULE OF THIRD S Pictures are the most pleasing when actions occur at the intersections of the tic tac toe lines Her face is at an intersection