The Poke Program Comfort and Distraction Tips for Clinical Staff
INFANTS Helpful Tips for Clinical Staff Because I am learning through my senses, I like my blanket or other items that are familiar to my sense of smell and touch It is helpful to talk softly with me during a poke or procedure Stroking my arm, leg, or head will distract me A pacifier with sucrose on it may provide comfort to me I know my parent’s voice, so involve them in my poke or procedure if you can
TODDLERS Helpful Tips for Clinical Staff Talk to me about comfort holds and how I can help! Choose a distraction: bubbles, wiggle my toes, blow out a candle, or Buzzy Let me watch while you hold a toy that moves, makes noise or is lighted Talk calmly in my ear Reassure me that you’re not leaving! Praise me for a specific behavior like reminding me I’m doing a great job of holding still!
PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN Helpful Tips for Clinical Staff Tell me about comfort holds and how I can help Remind me to take deep breaths: Breathe 1, 2, 3 Hold my hand or give me a stress ball to squeeze Hold a light-up toy or magic wand for me to watch Play simple “I Spy” with me Ask about my favorite things like pets, toys and places Praise me! Remind me I’m doing a great job holding still
Tell me about comfort positions that would make the poke easier for me Hold my hand or give me a stress ball to squeeze Tell me to pretend to blow out birthday candles when you give me the poke Remind me to take DEEP breaths in through my nose & out through my mouth Play “I Spy” with me Ask me about my favorite things, like pets, sports, special places, vacations, etc. Show me how to hold a magic wand for myself and how to use it for distraction Praise me! Remind me I’m doing a great job of holding still like a statue, helping make it go faster & better! SCHOOL-AGE CHILDREN Helpful Tips for Clinical Staff
TEENS Helpful Tips for Clinical Staff Ask me if I have had something to eat today Hold my hand or let me hold yours Remind me to take DEEP breaths: In through my nose and out through my mouth Ask me about my favorite things, like pets, sports, special places, vacations, etc. Let me listen to my favorite music on my I-Pod Praise me for doing a great job of holding still, making it go faster and better!