It is often said that entering into Lent is to start with Christ to the victory of Easter. Today we celebrate the victory of Christ against the.


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Presentation transcript:

It is often said that entering into Lent is to start with Christ to the victory of Easter. Today we celebrate the victory of Christ against the Tempter. It is also our victory against anything that might distract us from God, it is the way of life he offers us.

The thread that connects today’s readings is the closeness of God. He was close to his people when they cried to him in their misery. He is close to us in his Word incarnate, Christ. Finally, God became human in Jesus to the point of His temptation.

God called his people to remember their history before providing His blessings. « You pronounced these words before the Lord your God: My father was a wandering Aramean...» This affirmation made contemporary Israel recall the events of their journey.

We rely on these words that remind us that we are children of Abraham. Our journey towards Easter is rooted in Jesus who lived in the desert. We confidently look forward in hope for the face-to-face, heart-to-heart encounter with God.

Lord, in the wilderness, your people cried out in their distress. You heard and you answered. On the cross, abandoned by all, your Son entrusted His life into your hands. By your power over life, you answered by snatching away death. Lord, when we are tempted to doubt you make us strong in your spirit. Thus, united to Christ, we triumph over evil and every thing that can separate us from you. Amen.