РУП «Национальный центр электронных услуг» Опыт применения и тенденции развития технологий электронной цифровой подписи и инфраструктуры открытых ключей в Республике Беларусь Комисаренко Владимир
Certificate Authority Registration Authority PKI Structure A public-key infrastructure(PKI) is a system for the creation, storage, and distribution of digital certificates which is used in digital signature to verify that a particular public key belongs to a certain entity. Server-side software Server Cert share key info. certificate PKI Server Signature Digital reposit reposit Directory Server Certificate Authority Client-side software 그리고, 이것은 PKI 시스템의 간단한 구성도 입니다. PKI 시스템은 전자서명에 사용되는 전자인증서를 생성/저장/배포 및 폐기하는 시스템입니다. 인증기관 CA (certificate authority) 는 (전자)인증서를 생성/저장/배포 및 폐기 합니다. PKI 구조에서 가장 중요한 역할을 맡고 있습니다. 등록기관 RA (Registration Authority)는 사용자의 인증서 신청을 받고 CA에 등록하는 역할을 합니다. PKI 서버와 사용자 PC에서는 이 인증서를 이용하는 application 프로그램이 필요하며, 모든 PKI 시스템의 기록은 디렉토리 서버에 저장이 됩니다. 이러한 PKI 시스템과 사용되는 인증서가 법적인 효력을 가지기 위하여서는 관련 법과 정부의 승인이 필요로 합니다. reposit Requests Service Share Cert. information Client Cert Registration Authority Provides service PKI Client (PC/Phone/PDA)
Interaction between NPKI and GPKI CTL Model in Korea National PKI Government PKI KISA Directory (Root CA) GCC Directory (Root CA) Issues a CTL Issues a CTL KISA(Root CA) GCC(Root CA) CTL (List : KISA) (Singer : GCC) CTL (List : GCC) (Singer : KISA) Accredited CA Sub CA PKI 시스템은 다음과 같이 구별이 가능합니다. National PKI 와 Government PKI 입니다. NPKI 는 일반 국민들을 위한 PKI 시스템 이며, GPKI 는 오직 공무원들을 위한 PKI 시스템 입니다. 또한 이 두 시스템간의 상호 연동도 가능하도록 구성이 되어야 합니다. Subscriber B Subscriber Obtains a CTL Obtains a CTL CTL : Certificate Trust List
Enable tax affairs of Fairness, Clearness Best Practice : National tax service Tax service Electronic tax payment $ The year-end tax adjustment service Online tax civil petition service Cash receipt service Enable tax affairs of Fairness, Clearness
Are Available On ONLINE Best Practice : Online civil petition service Online Printing Online Verification Online Claim About to 150 Services Are Available On ONLINE No more need to WAIT!
Best Practice : Education Service All Education affairs are managed on Internet National Education Information System (NEIS) School Education affairs Management System (SEMS) Student Parents Service Education Information Service (EDUNET) NEIS HELP System (HELPSYS) Education civil service
Best Practice : Internet Banking 19 Banks and Post Office provide internet banking service based on accredited certificate Internet banking users must use the accredited certificate for secure online transaction ('02. 9)
Internet Shopping : Credit Card Best Practice : Internet Shopping Internet Shopping : Credit Card Credit card should be used with accredited certificate to enhance the security of electronic payment process Regarding the transaction of over 300,000 won in Internet shopping, purchasers are required to use accredited certificate ('05. 11)
Best Practice : Mobile Banking Mobile banking service with certificate ('07~) Transferring a certificate from PC to mobile phone Generating electronic signature in mobile phone 디바이스 인증.. Certificate Management S/W in Mobile Phone
Number of Digital Certificates 5 Accredited CAs issued accredited certificates to subscriber around 28 million in total. Major PKI Applications Internet Banking, Online Stock, Internet Shopping, Procurement, e-Government Services As the environment of PKI is developing, more people want to have Digital Certificate to use it for NPKI system. 5 accredited CAs have issued certificate to subscribers around 28 million in total. Internet Banking, Online Stock, Internet Shopping, Procurement and e-Government Services are the major PKI applications which have most issued certificate. Numbers of annual issuance of certificates (2012.09, published by KISA)
ИСТОРИЯ (законодательство, стандартизация) 1999 Стандарты на функцию хэширования, электронную цифровую подпись 2000 Закон «Об электронном документе» 2009 Закон «Об электронном документе и электронной цифровой подписи» Стандарт на синтаксис обмена персональной информацией 2011 Новая функция хэширования, ЭЦП на эллиптических кривых 2012 Формат сертификатов и списка отозванных сертификатов, синтаксис запроса
Стандарт разработан белорусскими криптографами СТБ 1176.1-1999 «Информационная технология. Защита информации. Процедура хэширования» Стандарт разработан белорусскими криптографами
СТБ 1176. 2-1999 «Информационная технология. Защита информации СТБ 1176.2-1999 «Информационная технология. Защита информации. Процедуры выработки и проверки электронной цифровой подписи» Стандарт разработан белорусскими криптографами с использованием схемы Шнора (Schnorr C. P. Efficient Signature Generation by Smart Cards, J. Cryptology, 4(3): 161–174, 1991) Безопасность основана на практической неразрешимости задачи дискретного логарифмирования в конечных полях. Позволяет быстро вырабатывать и проверять подпись. Значение подписи – короткое (посравнению с другими алгоритмами). Включает алгоритм генерации простых чисел как параметров
the main steps of the algorithm signature verification
LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS The Electronic Document January 10, 2000 Electronic document is equivalent to document on paper and have the same legal him force
UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Model Law on Electronic Signatures with Guide to Enactment UNITED NATIONS
NOW 2013
Means of digital signature - software, software and hardware, or technical means by which implements one or more of the following functions: generation of digital signature, digital signature verification, development of the private key and the public key. Means of electronic digital signatures must be certified in the national system of certification
Certificate Authority Certificate Authority Certificate Authority PKI Belarus Banking Belarus Bank Certificate Authority BelSwiss Bank Certificate Authority Belinvest Bank Certificate Authority
PKI Belarus State Mailgov Certificate Authority Custom Tax Certificate Authority Social Protection Found Certificate Authority
LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS The electronic document and electronic digital signature December 28, 2009
PKI Belarus Root CA Banking Certificate Authority Other State Certificate Authority Belarus Bank Registration Authority BelSwiss Bank Registration Authority
ARTICLE 17. THE STRUCTURE OF AN ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT Electronic document consists of two integral parts - general and special. The general part of the electronic document consists of information that forms the content of the document. The special part of the electronic document consists of one or more digital signatures, and may also contain additional data needed to verify digital signatures (digital signatures) and identification of an electronic document, which establishes the technical regulations
ARTICLE 19. ORIGINAL ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT Original electronic document exists only in electronic form. All identical copies of electronic documents are originals and have the same legal effect.
ARTICLE 22. LEGAL VALIDITY OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS Original electronic document equivalent to a paper document, signed by his own hand, and with it has the same legal effect. Electronic document, signed after the revocation public key, is not legally binding. Original electronic document and its copy, corresponding to the requirements specified in Article 20 of this Act, have the same legal force. If, in accordance with the legislation requires that the document be made in writing, the electronic document and its copy are considered relevant to this requirement.
ARTICLE 29. THE STATE SYSTEM OF PUBLIC KEY MANAGEMENT State public-key management system is designed to provide opportunities for all interested organizations and individuals information about the public key and their owners in the Republic of Belarus, is a system of interconnected and accredited in its service providers. The main functions of the State public-key management system are: registration owners of private keys; publication, distribution and storage of public key certificates and certificate revocation lists of public keys; creation and maintenance of databases of current and revocation of public keys; introduction of public key certificates to the database of existing public key certificates; accessibility database of current and revoked public key certificates; a review of public key certificates; reliable confirmation accessories public key specific organization or individual.
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 № 515 "ON SOME ISSUES OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS“ To establish that Operatively Analytical Center under the President shall regulate in the area: operation of the State public keys management systems of verify digital signatures, the Republic of Belarus; cryptographic protection of information that does not contain information classified as state secrets
PRESIDENTIAL DECREE OF NOVEMBER 8, 2011 № 515 "ON SOME ISSUES OF THE INFORMATION SOCIETY IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS“ To establish that the National Center Electronics Services has operated a root certification authorities and other State system of management of public keys
Information technology and security. STB P 34.101.45-2011 Information technology and security. Digital signature and key transport algorithms based on elliptic curves
Standard of the Republic of Belarus International standard The object 1. GOST 28147-89 «Information processing system. Cryptographic Security. Cryptographic transformation algorithm» national encryption 2. STB 1176.2-99 «Information technology. Data security. Procedure and check procedures of electronic digital signature» digital signature 3. STB 1176.1-99 « Information technology. Data security. Hashing function» hashing function 4. STB 34.101.27-2011 «Information technology and security. Security requirements for software cryptographic modules» software cryptographic modules 5. STB P 34.101.45-2011 «Information technology and security. Digital signature algorithms based on elliptic curves» 6. STB 34.101.47-2012 «Information technology and security. Cryptographic algorithms of pseudorandom number generation» number generation 7. STB 34.101.49-2012 «Information technology and security. Public key card format» public key card
Standard of the Republic of Belarus International standard The object 1. STB 34.101.17-2012 «Information technology and security. Certification request syntax» PKCS #10: Certification request syntax standard. Version 1.7. RSA Laboratories, 2000 certification request 2. STB 34.101.18-2009 «Information technology. Personal information exchange syntax» PKCS #12 v1.0:1999 Personal information exchange syntax personal information exchange 3. STB 34.101.19-2012 «Information technology and security. Public key infrastructure certificate and certificate revocation list profile» RFC 5280:2008 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Profile certificate and certificate revocation list 4. STB 34.101.21 – 2009 «Information technology. Cryptographic Token Interface» PKCS #11 v2.20:2004 Cryptographic Token Interface Standard cryptographic token interface 5. STB 34.101.23-2012 «Information technology and security. Cryptographic message syntax» PKCS #7: Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard cryptographic message syntax 6. STB 34.101.26-2012 «Information technology and security. Online certificate status protocol (OCSP)» X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status Protocol - OCSP online certificate status protocol
MEANS 1.Cryptographic software cryptographic software must meet the requirements specified in the standards 2.Hardware secure module The goals of an HSM are: onboard secure generation onboard secure storage use of cryptographic and sensitive data material offloading application servers for complete cryptography operations. HSMs provide both logical and physical protection of these materials from non-authorized use and potential adversaries.
TRUSTED THIRD PARTY Achievement of adequate levels of business confidence in the operation of IT systems is underpinned by the provision of practical and appropriate legal and technical controls. Business must have confidence that IT systems will offer positive advantages and that such systems can be relied upon to sustain business obligations and create business opportunities. An exchange of information between two entities implies an element of trust, e.g. with the recipient assuming that the identity of the sender is in fact the sender, and in turn, the sender assuming that the identity of the recipient is in fact the recipient for whom the information is intended. This "implied element of trust" may not be enough and may require the use of a Trusted Third Party (TTP) to facilitate the trusted exchange of information.
SERVICES PROVIDED BY TTPS: key management, certificate management, identification and authentication support, privilege attribute service, non-repudiation, time stamping services, electronic public notary services
(electronic public notary services) Trusted third party (electronic public notary services) Russia TTPs Russia Belarus TTPs Belarus Kazakhstan TTPs Kazakhstan
RFC 3029 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Data Validation and Certification Server Protocols 4 types of validation and certification services: - Certification of Possession of Data (cpd), - Certification of Claim of Possession of Data (ccpd), - Validation of Digitally Signed Document (vsd), - Validation of Public Key Certificates (vpkc).
RFC 3161 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Time-Stamp Protocol (TSP) The TSA is a TTP that creates time-stamp tokens in order to indicate that a datum existed at a particular point in time.
COMMISSION DECISION of 25 February 2011 establishing minimum requirements for the cross-border processing of documents signed electronically by competent authorities under Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on services in the internal market (notified under document C(2011) 1081) (Text with EEA relevance) (2011/130/EU) Specifications for an XML, CMS or PDF advanced electronic signature to be technically supported by the receiving Member State
for Information Technology Security Evaluation Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation Part 1: Introduction and general model Part 2: Security functional requirements Part 3: Security assurance requirements
РУП «Национальный центр электронных услуг» Опыт применения и тенденции развития технологий электронной цифровой подписи и инфраструктуры открытых ключей в Республике Беларусь Комисаренко Владимир, 229@tut.by