Tidy Towns Competition An Overview Billy Flynn Tidy Towns Adjudicator
What is Tidy Towns? Longest running environmental competition in Ireland Organised by DECLG Main sponsor - Supervalu Has evolved with time & changing env legislation/policies
Why Tidy Towns? Improve local environment Increase no. tourists More attractive place to live Better sense of community spirit/pride Improve local enterprise
Dates for your Diary… Entry Packs now available Entry form has been revised Closing date for applications – 23 rd May Round 1 judging - 1st June to mid July Round 2 judging - late July/early Aug National Awards - September Regional Awards - Oct to Dec
Spread of 450 Marks (+ 50)
Tidy Towns Competition Categories
Community Involvement & Planning Overall Development Approach Increasing from 50 to 60 marks Quality of Entry Form Map/TT Plan Appropriate backup material Local community links/social inclusion Local agency links/support How do you communicate?
Built Environment & Streetscape (was Built Environment) Stays at 50 marks Buildings: Conservation/presentation Preserving char/style Good design shopfronts/civic buildings Derelict/unoccupied sites Access for all
Built Environment /Streetscape (cont’d) Public Spaces Squares, parks, streetscapes, paving, landscaping, street furniture, street, name plates, Access points to amenities use Irish language
Landscaping & Open Spaces was Landscaping Stays at 50 marks Appropriate planning & mgt open spaces Selection & siting native trees/shrubs/flowers for year round effect,
Landscaping & Open Spaces (cont’d) Maintenance of planted areas Presentation of roundabouts & all grass strips
Wildlife, Habitat & Natural Amenities was Wildlife & Natural Amenities Stays at 50 marks Raising awareness/ understanding of natural amenities Any important areas for conservation (e.g. waterway, What do you have? (survey)
Wildlife, Habitat & Natural Amenities (cont’d) Appreciation of how species & habitats should be best protected & managed Maintaining/ enhancing biodiversity Show engagement with expert groups/relevant authorities Access to natural areas Interpretation of key aspects (info boards)
Tidiness & Litter Control Merging categories Increase to 90 marks (plus 10) Litter control (rotas) Litter management plan Recycling litter Litter Awareness Community links
What is Tidiness? Not about litter! Clutter (e.g. blocked footpath) Unsightly wires/electric cables Obsolete signage Weed control Redundant poles Grafitti Shopfront signage
Sustainable Waste & Resource Management Increase by 30 to 50 marks New guidelines 2013 Moving towards efficient use of all resources Prevention or reuse better than recycling Promote best practice Link in with green school/local shop /business Lots of help/handbook Local Authority projects
Approach Roads, Streets, Back Areas was Roads, Streets & Back Areas stays at 50 marks 1st impression Lanes/back areas Street names Road verges/paths Bridges/cycle lanes Inclusive access/peds
Residential Streets & Housing Areas was Residential Areas Increase to 50 marks Res. Assocs Boundaries/gardens Communal (play) areas Landscaping/litter Name stones
General Impression Category deleted in 2014 (was ten marks)
Special Award Categories
General All info in your Entry Pack - read! Must enter separately to general entry form Relevant to current environmental issues Sponsored by relevant org. Enter if doing it anyway Change from year to year – tbc 2014 Prize money available
Climate Change Award DEHLG sponsor Carbon footprint Raise awareness local level, bring positive change 5 Q’s Prize €1,000
Best Bring Bank Award Repak sponsor Community input Litter/landscaping/sign age/tidiness/access etc Send photo, ans 1 Q Prize - €1,000 to each region, €1,000 overall
Tourism Towns Award Fáilte Ireland, 3 rd year Open to top 100 TT groups (‘13) Strong tourism contributes to sustainability of towns/villages & to local economy Best large town - €5,000 Best small town - €5,000
Notice Nature Biodiversity Award NPWS sponsor protect/enhance area new area public awareness ans q’s, send photos Prize - 7 regions €1,000 each, overall €1,000
‘Can It’ Award Sponsor - Alupro Creative way to reuse alum. Packaging e Simple form Send photo Can enter online
Gum Litter Taskforce Award gumlittertaskforce.ie raise awareness - gum litter Community action Cat A €2,000 Cat B € 2,000 Add €1,000 overall prize
EPA Waste Prevention Award Recognise communities making efforts to prevent waste & use resources wisely Reducing waste/ energy/water/ materials Raising awareness Community/schools/business Overall national prize €1,000 2 national runner up prizes €500 ea
Tree Project Award Sponsor - Tree Council of Ireland Right trees in the right place Importance of trees to community Maintenance/planni ng Prize - €1,000
Heritage Award Sponsor - Heritage Co. Raise awareness of local heritage value & impact of actions Conservation Community input Exclusions - check!
Sustainable Development Award Sponsor - Comhar Recognise communities putting sust. dev. into practice Env/Social/Economic balance Benefits to wider community Wide-ranging
Urban & Rural Village Award Sponsor - Irish Planning Institute (IPI) Preservation, maintenance & dynamic reuse of trad. & historical core for community use Creation of attractive village centres with strong emphasis on community Published planning scheme/study managed & prepared by community or where community lead partner