A campaigns’ diary: The edge of litter Wanton litter goddess, with a challenging litter problem before her eyes…..
Campaigning stories of 2009/10
Results 25% reduction in litter in monitored areas £2.8m Coverage – GMTV, Five Live, regional TV, radio & papers Over 30,000 visits to the site in July 8,085 reports to date
42% of adults have seen or heard something recently by KBT proposals to stop vehicle litter Base: 862 Adults in England Q.1 Have you seen or heard anything recently by Keep Britain Tidy, about proposals to stop Vehicle Litter? Research commenced only a few days after the media launch: Media launch9th July Campaign9th July Fieldwork15th – 19th July
Two thirds of adults that have seen or heard the campaign believe the vehicle owner should be fined and receive points on their driving licence Base: 364 Adults in England who have seen or heard something about KBT proposal to stop vehicle litter Q.3 In relation to litter from vehicles, the law as it stands is complicated. Any passenger or driver can be fined for dropping litter. But often it’s difficult to identify the litter-throwing occupant especially if the vehicle is going at speed. Keep Britain Tidy now believes it’s time that the owner of the vehicle should be fined and receive points on their driving licence – unless they provide details of the culprit. How much do you agree or disagree with this? A strong finding to share with the media? PR?
Four fifths believe people should be punished for littering out of vehicles Base: 506 Q. Do you think people should be punished for littering out of their vehicles This is higher than the results from the media launch evaluation where two thirds (67%) agreed to some extent that people caught littering out of their vehicles should be punished
The story continued… Story on front page of Telegraph about Ford drivers Letter sent to all car manufacturers Findings presented to Defra and DFT Meeting with Ford and communication to motorists trade association
How we campaigned on vehicle litter £500k advertising campaign across England in July 09 Bus shelter, billboards, bus backs, radio adverts, on-line Reports to Keep Britain Tidy website Message to litterers that others dislike behaviour Worked with 96 LA’s to capture reports and monitor areas High profile media launch
Battle of the brands 1 (14%) 2 (8%) 3 (8%) 4 (5%) 6 (3%) 5 (5%) 7 (2%) 8 (2%) 9 (2%) 10 (2%)
Dirty secrets /11?
Big Tidy Up – Spring 10 16,500 groups collected 61,000 bags of litter
General litter campaign mid July 10
Litter Segmentation Which of these do you most identify with? Never Litter*Based on respondents that did not identify with any of the litter segments Base: All adults aged 16+ England QuestionnaireSee appendix 2
The audience Life’s too short + Am I Bothered 6%, young male smokers, C2DE, have more important things to worry about, think littering is trivial and don’t care about it, would not feel guilty Task for comms: Make them think it is important Blamers 28%, young male smokers, think it is lazy to litter but blame other factors such as lack of provision of bins Task for comms: Make them take responsibility for their behaviour Justifiers 22%, male smokers <34, think it is lazy to litter, but always have an excuse Task for comms: Remove their excuses Guilty 44%, female smokers < C2DE, know it is wrong but also feel it is inconvenient to carry litter, they believe it’s lazy and inconsiderate to litter so feel guilty and litter furtively Task for comms: Exploit their embarrassment and guilt Deep Challenges Achievable
Why the Guilty segment? We have c£275k to achieve on a national level: 20% decrease in littering in campaign areas 30% decrease in Guilty segment size The Guilty segment are the ‘lowest hanging fruit’ – the most accessible segment to shift in terms of behaviour change They have the least extreme attitude to littering, and a latent sense of guilt and embarrassment for us to leverage in order to instigate this change Female C2DE Pubs/bars/clubs Music channels Play/watch sports Celeb mags
Primary and secondary targets Guilties Justifiers Blamers HALO EFFECT
Chewing Gum – August 10 Application process – deadline Fri 9 th April 4 week campaign from mid August Circa 16 areas £600k advertising campaign
Dog fouling – September 10 Rise in dog bags not being binned 7.3 dogs excreting 1,000 tonnes a day Surveys indicating getting worse – 2% increase Confusion about dog bins Top priority for public along with litter A public communication is needed
Work in progress…
How can you get involved? Become a partner in the Big Tidy Up – y.org y.org Apply to receive chewing gum advertising in your area in August - apply via uk Be part of the general litter campaign in July – y.org to register your interest y.org Partner up on the dog fouling campaign in September and attend the dog poo seminar 2 nd week in May. For more detail y.org y.org Or just contact me –
Questions and discussion