Boat Diving and the Divemaster
Objectives State at least five considerations for the selection of a boat for diving activities. State four recommended procedures for chartering a vessel for diving activities. List four recommended procedures to plan and prepare for boat diving in the local area. List at least four pre-departure procedures for boat diving. List at least five topics that should be included in the pre- departure briefing for a boat dive. List at least three recommended actions to prepare for boat diving activities after arrival at the site. List at least seven topics that should be addressed during the pre- dive briefing for a boat dive.
Objectives continued List three recommended procedures for overseeing boat diving operations. list three recommended procedures of post-diving actions a Divemaster should perform. List three recommended procedures for taking roll of divers aboard a boat. Define and briefly explain chartering requirements for commercial boats and small boats. Discuss aspects of small boating safety. Explain the emergency procedures for the emergency operation of a marine radio.
Boat Selection Considerations: Proper licensing –Legally = most important consideration Passenger capacity –rated vs. comfort Accommodations, galley, compressor Operating range –speed and comfort Cost Availability
Chartering a Vessel Select appropriate vessel Reserve with deposit and confirmation letter. Obtain written information regarding: –costs –cancellation policies –refunds –diving rules –gear requirements –pass info on to customers as appropriate
Acting as Operator Definition of a charter Vessel licensing requirements Vessel equipment and inspection Personnel licensing requirements –anything of value changes hands
Planning and Preparing for Boat Dives Visit and inspect boat in advance Dive as passenger on boat if unfamiliar with vessel Obtain and provide to divers: –directions to boat, –parking –boarding instructions, etc. Collect all fees in advance
Pre-Departure Procedures Greet and direct all passengers Explain & supervise proper stowage of gear Ensure all divers sign in –Roll/roster –Waiver –"Cert" card ) Discuss schedule, activities, and procedures with captain and crew –establish chain of command
Pre-Departure Procedures continued Give pre-departure briefing: Vessel orientation –game disposal –head, –guns –tank fills –Gates – storage –dry and wet areas Estimated schedule of activities Nature of planned dives Boat and diving rules and regulations Safety equipment location and operation Etiquette "Zero Tolerance" drug policy
Diving Preparations Site Selection –Depth –Dive Objectives Conditions evaluation –wind for: swing dropped object, entry/return –current –kelp –surface conditions such as waves, swell, chop –boat traffic Rigging and deployment of lines Coordination with crew members (CAPT has final say)
Pre-Dive Briefing Given by both capain and divemaster Site orientation (CAPTAIN) Procedures orientation (DM directs dive activities ) –Expectations –Limits –Entry/Exit and Check-out/check-in procedures –Recall procedures –Assistance procedures –Gear Stowage –Tank filling procedures –Conservation/game laws –Area hazards, precautions
Overseeing Diving Activities Use of safety assistants Equipment checks Record Keeping –Times –Depths –Roll calls Don't dive directly under boat Fly dive flag only while diving
Post-Dive Divemaster Procedures Roll call procedures –see them –answer only once Monitoring of divers –Booze –Food –Rest –Seasick –DCS –POP Vessel inspection after divers have departed –remind divers to do a last check
Boating Safety Take a boating safety class Safety Equipment –fire ex, pfd, bailer, paddles Rules of the road –sailboat may have right of way Boat loading and trim Boat refueling ( –diesel v.s gas –non-essential personnel off Docking procedures –don't jump on or off Anchoring procedures –scope 5-7:1 Coastal Navigation –red right return Night operation –lights for navigation and diving Vessel unattended while diving
Marine Radio Operations VHF –Normal max range 20 miles –channel 16 is the emergency channel Should be monitored continuously SSB –Typically used for offshore cruising –Emergency Operating procedures MAYDAY = grave and immediate danger and requests immediate assistance! "MAYDAY,MAYDAY,MAYDAY" PAN (pronounced PAWN) = indicates a life threatening situation and requests appropriate assistance –(MOB, missing divers, DCI, grounding, loss of steerage, etc. SECURITY (pronounced Saycuritay) = notifies other vessels of hazards to navigation, hazardous weather, or divers in the water
Helicopter Evacuation Boat Handling Monitor radio continuously. Clear, and mark or illuminate pick up area. Lower any antennas, masts, light pole etc. If possible arrange hand signals. Position boat to ride as easily as possible with wind on port bow or as directed by pilot. Maintain steerage way.
Helicopter Evacuation continued Litter management Allow litter to touch deck or water before you touch it. If a tether is attached to litter, once it has touched the boat or water, use it to guide and control the litter. Never attach the tether to the boat. Place victim in litter, and if possible include: – flotation –medical records. Signal hoist operator to hoist. Use tether or trail line to steady basket and to ensure the tether doesn’t become entangled with the boat or any loose items such as dive gear or divers. –Don’t get tangled. Protect the eyes and hearing of rescue personnel. It may be necessary to transfer the victim to the water and then perform the hoist.