Diagnostic canopy Prognostic canopy
Offline results: Combined influence of sun/shade and prognostic canopy scheme, compared to CLM3.0. CLM3-CN running in C-only mode (N demand met by supplemental N addition on every time step) CLM3.0 CLM3-CN Sun/shade Prognostic canopy Global sum of annual GPP
Coupled results: Combined Influence of sun/shade and prognostic canopy scheme, compared to CLM3.0. CLM3-CN running in C-only mode (N demand met by supplemental N addition on every time step) CLM3.0 CLM3-CN Sun/shade Prognostic canopy Global sum of annual GPP
Carbon-only dynamics Relative temperature sensitivities typically result in enhanced C source under warming. No direct feedback from decomposition to vegetation growth. P.E. Thornton, NCAR
Coupled Carbon-Nitrogen dynamics Strong feedback between decomposition and plant growth: soil mineral N is the primary source of N for plant growth. Can result in a shift from C source to C sink under warming. P.E. Thornton, NCAR
CLM3.CN: Summary Model Structure and Fluxes Leaf Fine Root Dead Stem Dead Coarse Root Live Stem Live Coarse Root Previous Storage Current Storage Wood Litter (CWD) Litter 1 (Labile) Litter 2 (Cellulose) Litter 3 (Lignin) SOM 1 (fast) SOM 2 (medium) SOM 3 (slow) Plant Pools Litter Pools Soil Organic Matter Pools
The global carbon cycle: fluxes and storage
Land-Atmosphere Nitrogen Cycle P.E. Thornton, NCAR
Retranslocation Litterfall Plant Uptake Immobilization Fire Losses Deposition/ Fixation Nitrification/ Denitrification Leaching Internal N CyclingExternal N Cycling
P.E. Thornton, NCAR
Ndep CO 2 Ndep&CO 2 Ndep+CO 2 Thornton et al., in prep.
NEE response to +1° C step change (temperate deciduous broadleaf forest) C-only model Coupled C-N model sink source P.E.Thornton, in prep.
Accelerated Decomposition Spinup Mechanism Thornton and Rosenbloom, accepted
(historical SST, ocean fluxes, fossil fuel fluxes) C4MIP – Phase 1 Spinup 1. F-run, 50 y 2. I-run, ~500 y 4. I-run, ~500 y (accelerated decomposition) (normal decomposition) 3. F-run, 50 y 5. F-run, 50 y 5 days 8 days C4MIP – Phase 1 Experiment 1850 Start CO 2 forcing 1870 Start landuse forcing 1890 Start N deposition forcing (2000?) F-run: 150 y = 15 days
Potential GPPActual GPP NPPNet C exchange
Ndep = 6.2 Tg N/yr Nfix = 51.6 Tg N/yr N supplement to C-only coupled model (Step 1, F-run)
gN / m 2 / yr N availability index (blue: N avail is low, red: N avail is high) CCSM3-biogeochemistry coupled result N deposition: 2000N deposition: 2100
Treatments Temperature: +1 °C step-change CO 2 : +90 ppmv step-change from pre-industial (from 280 to 370 ppmv) N deposition: 2x pre-industrial Harvest: 50% removal of stem biomass, fine litter and coarse roots stay on site. (Duke Forest, N. Carolina) Integrated effects of climate change, CO 2, nitrogen deposition, and disturbance on components of the carbon cycle
Harvest loss: gC m -2