Dorset Coast Dorset Coast Case Study Land Use, Conflicts and Solutions
Aims Describe how the physical environment creates opportunities for economic and social land use. Identify the land users in and around Lulworth Cove. Identify land use conflicts between users at Lulworth Cove. Identify how the conflicts have been resolved. Assess their effectiveness.
The Physical Landscape Some rocks, especially the Portland Stone, are very resistant to erosion. The weaker sands and clays, such as the Oxford Clay, are easily eroded and can retreat over one metre annually. Because of this differential erosion, the Dorset coast is characterised by many headlands and bays, with beaches of sand or pebbles.
The Dorset Coast a Landscape of Bays and Headlands
Old Harry Rocks Effects of the sea upon the the coast are especially well illustrated at Ballard Down. Here, well-developed stacks, arches and caves have formed.
Old Harry Rocks
Opportunities for Land use The Dorset Coast from Lyme Regis in the west to Highcliffe in the east. The coastline is not only stunningly beautiful but also displays geological sections of world importance. It boasts both a rich diversity of wildlife and marine archaeological finds and a flourishing coastal economy World Heritage Site Bid Document An ideal opportunity to study the impact of changes in the tertiary sector.
Opportunities for Land Users Tourism and Recreation. Environmentalists - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) National Trust South West Coast Path National Trail. The M.O.D Fisheries and Harbours. Farmers. Local Landowners. Local residents.
Restrictions imposed by the physical environment Landslides. Coastal erosion puts property at risk. Coastal Flooding.
Portland Bill, Christmas 2002, evidence of process and landform.
Lulworth Cove HONEY POT Lulworth Cove is a small bay formed by wave action eroding away the soft chalky rocks that lie behind a band of harder limestones that form the bay mouth.
Durdle Door South West Coastal Path Pasture for Sheep farming.
Where might conflicts arise? Tourism and Recreation. Environmentalists - Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) National Trust South West Coast Path National Trail. The M.O.D Fisheries and Harbours. Farmers. Local Landowners. Local residents.
What attracts people to Lulworth? It is surrounded by outstanding scenery and wildlife habitats. Located on the South West Coastal Path. The nearby fossil forest is an important SSSI. The classic coastal features are of interest to students of geography and geology. West Lulworth is a picturesque village with thatched cottages and rural ambiance. Lulworth Castle – partially restored.
Lulworth Tourism Figures About 75 000 people visit Lulworth in a year. 35% of them come in 6 weeks during July and August. Only 10% come during the four winter months November to February. 95% of Lulworth’s vistors are day visitors. Over 90% of visitors come by car or coach. The Heritage Centre is Dorsets second most visited tourist attraction and its most visited free attraction. The footpath between Lulworth Cove and Durdle Door is the busiest 1 mile stretch of the whole 600 mile SW Coastal Path.
Opportunities created by Tourism Large numbers of visitors bring significant benefits to a rural area which traditionally relied on fishing and farming to sustain the economy. Tourism provides substantial full time and seasonal employment. Tourism brings revenue into the local economy. This results is greater social stability for the local population. Funds generated by tourism provide the Lulworth estate with capital for investment at the Cove and general estate improvements.
Tourists may find themselves in conflict with the following groups:- Local people The M.O.D Environmentalists
Possible Conflicts Congestion – the road to Lulworth Cove is narrow and it is a dead end so this part of the village has to absorb all the traffic. Noise and Litter – The traditional character of the village is spoiled during the summer tourist months by vehicle noise and indiscriminate litter dropping. Inconciderate parking create access problems. General access difficulties when roads are closed. Restrictions which the ranges impose on walkers. Footpath erosion – This is pariculaly obvious on the path between Durdle Door and Lulworth. Litter creates a visual pollution and threat to wildlife. Visual Intrusion Durdle Door holiday park is unsightly and out of keeping with the landscape.
Locals Comments “lots of holiday makers- the queues are bigger” “Sometimes coaches park in the wrong place and no one can get past” “Lots of dog poo on the beach” “lots of people have BBQ’s which can be dangerous and start fires” “The army range is noisy at night when tanks are firing. I don’t like soldiers with machine guns guarding the Army Camp” “The gift shops are expensive – rip off”
soultion? Car Parking…. The car park at Lulworth is surfaced in chalk rubble but This stands out against the green landscape and it creates huge amounts of dust. Car Parking charges are high and visitors may choose to avoid being charged by parking on sides of roads and grass verges.
solution? MOD Permitting access to ranges at weekends and busy holiday periods. Keeping roads open during the busiest holiday periods. Noise levels associated with firing are much reduced at these times.
Solution? Footpath Erosion Footpath maintenance – much work has been carried out to prevent further erosion. This has been done by re routing paths. Building new timber steps on the path at Durdle Door. The existing path has been reinforced with local limestone cobbles and steps.
How effective? Resurfacing encourages more walkers. The whiteness of the path is an unnatural scar on the landscape. Steps are unnatural and walkers often choose to avoid them by walking on the side.
Additional Environmentally friendly policies Durdle Door beach is intentionally uncommercial. Litter bins are not provided. Climbing on the cliffs is banned. Fossil collection is not permitted. There are plans to visually screen the holiday park.
Conflict Issues Coastal Zone Management - Issues The management of the coastal zone is complicated by a number of issues, including: The diverse ownership of coastal land intertidal areas; A ‘hostile’ marine environment; The number of competing activities within a relatively ‘narrow’ area; Conflicting issues and activities i.e. economic vs. environment; Over 80 Acts dealing with the regulation of activities in the coastal zone; No current legislation that explicitly addresses coastal management; The lack of an overview or lead agency ; Coastal issues usually transgress political boundaries. Coastal Zone Management in practice - Dorset: