Chapter 3 LUCF Sector Good Practice Guidance Gert-Jan Nabuurs (The Netherlands), N.H. Ravindranath (India), Annette Freibauer (Germany), Bill Hohenstein (USA), Willy Makundi(Tanzania), Keith Paustian (USA) Harald Aalde (Norway), Abdelazim Yassin Abdelgadir (Sudan), Anwar Sheikhaddin Abdu Khalil (Bahrain), James Barton (New Zealand), Kathryn Bickel (USA), Samsudin Bin-Musa (Malaysia), Dominique Blain (Canada), Rizaldi Boer ( Indonesia), Kenneth Byrne (Ireland), Carlos Cerri (Brazil, Lorenzo Ciccarese (Italy), David-Cruz Choque (Bolivia), Eric Duchemin (Canada), Lucien Dja (Ivory Coast), Justin Ford-Robertson (New Zealand), Jean-Clause Germon (France), Wojciech Galinski (Poland), Hector Ginzo (Argentina), Michael Gytarsky (Russian Federation), Linda Heath (USA), Denis Loustau (France), Tijani Mandouri (Morocco), Josef Mindas (Slovakia), Kim Pingoud (Finland), John Raison (Australia), Vladimir Savchenko (Belarus), Risto Sievanen ( Finland), Kenneth Skog (USA), Keith Smith (United Kingdom), Deying Xu (China)
1 st Govt Review Valuable Comments/Suggestions – Chapter Benefited/Improved Have followed the mandate Ex. Guidance for HWP, reservoir etc. in the Appendix Clarified the tier structure and pool definitions Simplified the BEFs All gaps completed (forest soils) Improved default values Improved linkage with other chapters Prepared Reporting Tables Improved linkages/mapping back to 1996 GL; ensured consistency CHAPTER UNDER SECOND REVIEW
Main set-up ch 3 Goal: provide guidance for UNFCCC reporting of LUCF sector Set up: full land coverage by six main land use types (forest, crop, grass, wetland, settlement, other lands) Consistent with ch 2 (land use type identification), and ch 4 (reporting under KP)
Basic features (1) and how were comments addressed 1.C stock change = area * emission factor (or removal factor). 2.emissions and removals on managed lands 3.Reporting annually: does not mean that measurements have to be carried out annually.
Basic features (2) 5LUC’s have a linear impact on soil carbon for 20 years equilibrium 6Drained peats: considered managed soils, need to be included under respective LU. The non-CO 2 effects: too uncertain (presented in Annex) 7Natural disturbances on managed lands reported. If on unmanaged lands but followed by LUC, then reported as well.
Generic inventory and reporting steps 1.Estimate the land areas and changes in land areas; 2.assess key categories and decide tier 3.Collect additional data (if required by the tier) for improving emission factors, and activity data by the chosen tier; 4.Estimate the uncertainty in each estimate; 5.Use the reporting tables to report emissions and removals estimates 6.Document and archive all information used 7.Implement quality control checks and expert review
pools LIVING BIOMASS DEAD ORGANIC MATTER SOILS Above- ground biomass Below- ground biomass Dead wood Litter Soil organic matter (SOM) All living biomass above the soil; Understorey may be excluded Biomass of live roots. Fine roots are often excluded (see litter and SOM) all non-living woody not contained in the litter, above a chosen diameter all non-living plant mass with woody biomass diameter less than a chosen diameter, in various states of decomposition above the mineral or organic soil in the forest. Live fine roots are included Includes organic carbon in mineral and organic soils (including peat) to a specified depth. Live fine roots are included national circumstances may make it necessary to (slightly) modify the pool definitions
Mapping back to 96GL Forest and grassland conversion
Tier Structure Tier 1 Employs basic method – Based on Workbook – 1996 IPCC GL Improved default values Activity data spatially coarse, global/continental database Tier 2 Same methodological approach as Tier 1 Country-specific activity data/emission or sequestration factors Higher spatial resolution for activity data Tier 3 Higher order methods, models, inventory systems, periodic measurements High resolution activity data at disaggregated levels Uncertainty estimates prepared Linking of biomass and soil carbon dynamics
Forest Land-use Category- OUTLINE 3.2 Forest land Forest land remaining forest land Land converted to Forest land 3.3 Crop land Land converted into crop land 3.4 Grass land Land converted into grass land
Example of Treatment of C-pools & Non-CO2 Gases Forest land remaining forest land Change in Biomass Changes in C-stocks in dead organic matter pools - Dead wood - Litter Changes in carbon stocks of soil organic matter - Mineral Soils, - organic soils Non-CO 2 Gases Completeness Developing a consistent time series Uncertainty Assessment Reporting and documentation Inventory QA/QC Same set up applies to all land use types
3.2.1 Forest land remaining Forest land Changes in Biomass Methodological Issues Choice of method Tier Approach; 1 to Choice of emission / removal factors Tier Approach; 1 to Choice of activity Data Uncertainty assessment
Reporting tables
Worksheets compilation tables summary tables
Reporting tables Worksheets compilation tables summary tables
Future Plan of Work Further harmonise Tiers, decision trees, equations, symbols and units Improve user friendliness Improve defaults, with uncertainty ranges Further clarify key categories assessment (also ch 5), Improve the Worksheets, Reporting tables, Data tables Respond to additional comments and suggestions from Govts. and experts