Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC GHG Inventory - 2006 AFOLU Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use.


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Presentation transcript:

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC GHG Inventory AFOLU Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC AFOLU – Key Features 1. New approach to inventory from land use and livestock system 2. Merging of Agriculture, Forest & Other Land uses Lack of clarity on agro-forestry and urban forestry in 1996 GL Linking of Biomass and SOC for different land use categories in 2006 GL Confusion in estimation/reporting of CO2 and N2O – between Agri. & LUCF in 1996 GL Addressing emissions from fire from different land categories in 2006 GL 3. Wetland incorporated into the volume as a land use category 4. Settlements and other land categories included in estimation and reporting structure 5. HWP incorporated in to volume & in Reporting Tables : 6. Adoption of GPG 2003 approach for IPCC all land categories in a consistent way; - inclusion of five C-pools and relevant non-CO 2 gases in default approach - Incorporation of key source category analysis - land use categories & sub-categories - C-pools and non-CO 2 gases

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Key Features…  Estimating GHG inventory for all managed land categories To account for emissions and removal for all land categories To achieve consistency over the years; Area and GHG estimates To avoid exclusion or double counting  Livestock and Manure management integrated in to Agric. chapter  Improved default data and use of EFDB  Improved guidance for T-2 and T-3  Improved treatment of uncertainties  Common generic Methodology Chapter  Volume-1; Cross cutting issues  Reporting Tables & Worksheets (for default methods )

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Consistent Representation of Lands/Management Systems  6 land categories: forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements and other land Land (FL) remaining in same category (FL) – default 20 yrs Land (Other) converted to that category (FL) Origin of land converted – sub-divide  Cropland (CL) to forest (FL); grassland (GL) to forest (FL)  Further categorization of each land category desirable Climate (boreal, temperate, tropical forests) Soil type (clay, sandy etc.) Ecological (Evergreen, deciduous, desert etc.) Management (Managed forest / plantations, Improved grassland, unimproved grassland, tillage intensity, irrigation, manuring)  Land use categories: Types 1, 2 & 3  Matching land areas with EF availability

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC AFOLU Volume Outline (IPCC Approved)  Chapter 1 Introduction  Chapter 2 Consistent Representation of Lands/Management Systems  Chapter 3 Overview of Generic Methodologies for Pools and Fluxes  Chapter 4;Agriculture Cropland, Grassland Livestock  Chapter 5 Forest land  Chapter 6 Wetlands  Chapter 7 Settlements  Chapter 8 Other land  Chapter 9 Harvested Wood Products  Annex A Worksheets

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Summary Table – AFOLU

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Reporting Table – Forest Land

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Improvement in Default Emission Factors  Additional emission factors given for different C-pools and non CO 2 gases at disaggregated level  Attempt to link inventory process with EFDB  Attempt to provide and improve the uncertainty estimates for the EF and AD

Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Limitations or outstanding issues ?  User-friendliness?? How to improve?  Implications for data-poor and resource- poor countries ?  Emissions / Sequestration factors needed for a large number of Activity Data Improving the EFDB  Treatment of HWP?  Transfer of Carbon among pools; AGB, Dead wood, litter, SOC  Matching land categories and EF/RF  Limited information on uncertainties; EF, AD