Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC GHG Inventory AFOLU Agriculture, Forests and Other Land Use
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC AFOLU – Key Features 1. New approach to inventory from land use and livestock system 2. Merging of Agriculture, Forest & Other Land uses Lack of clarity on agro-forestry and urban forestry in 1996 GL Linking of Biomass and SOC for different land use categories in 2006 GL Confusion in estimation/reporting of CO2 and N2O – between Agri. & LUCF in 1996 GL Addressing emissions from fire from different land categories in 2006 GL 3. Wetland incorporated into the volume as a land use category 4. Settlements and other land categories included in estimation and reporting structure 5. HWP incorporated in to volume & in Reporting Tables : 6. Adoption of GPG 2003 approach for IPCC all land categories in a consistent way; - inclusion of five C-pools and relevant non-CO 2 gases in default approach - Incorporation of key source category analysis - land use categories & sub-categories - C-pools and non-CO 2 gases
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Key Features… Estimating GHG inventory for all managed land categories To account for emissions and removal for all land categories To achieve consistency over the years; Area and GHG estimates To avoid exclusion or double counting Livestock and Manure management integrated in to Agric. chapter Improved default data and use of EFDB Improved guidance for T-2 and T-3 Improved treatment of uncertainties Common generic Methodology Chapter Volume-1; Cross cutting issues Reporting Tables & Worksheets (for default methods )
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Consistent Representation of Lands/Management Systems 6 land categories: forest land, cropland, grassland, wetlands, settlements and other land Land (FL) remaining in same category (FL) – default 20 yrs Land (Other) converted to that category (FL) Origin of land converted – sub-divide Cropland (CL) to forest (FL); grassland (GL) to forest (FL) Further categorization of each land category desirable Climate (boreal, temperate, tropical forests) Soil type (clay, sandy etc.) Ecological (Evergreen, deciduous, desert etc.) Management (Managed forest / plantations, Improved grassland, unimproved grassland, tillage intensity, irrigation, manuring) Land use categories: Types 1, 2 & 3 Matching land areas with EF availability
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC AFOLU Volume Outline (IPCC Approved) Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 2 Consistent Representation of Lands/Management Systems Chapter 3 Overview of Generic Methodologies for Pools and Fluxes Chapter 4;Agriculture Cropland, Grassland Livestock Chapter 5 Forest land Chapter 6 Wetlands Chapter 7 Settlements Chapter 8 Other land Chapter 9 Harvested Wood Products Annex A Worksheets
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Summary Table – AFOLU
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Reporting Table – Forest Land
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Improvement in Default Emission Factors Additional emission factors given for different C-pools and non CO 2 gases at disaggregated level Attempt to link inventory process with EFDB Attempt to provide and improve the uncertainty estimates for the EF and AD
Technical Support Unit, National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Programme, IPCC Limitations or outstanding issues ? User-friendliness?? How to improve? Implications for data-poor and resource- poor countries ? Emissions / Sequestration factors needed for a large number of Activity Data Improving the EFDB Treatment of HWP? Transfer of Carbon among pools; AGB, Dead wood, litter, SOC Matching land categories and EF/RF Limited information on uncertainties; EF, AD