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Forests sequester atmospheric CO 2 1 Nitrogen and phosphorus limit this process 2-4 How does net mineralization of N and P vary? 5,6 Fig. 1. Nutrient dynamics during decomposition Forests sequester atmospheric CO 2 1 Nitrogen and phosphorus limit this process 2-4 How does net mineralization of N and P vary? 5,6 Fig. 1. Nutrient dynamics during decomposition Compiled data from 78 separate studies (Fig. 2), 372 litterbag series (170 tropical, 202 temperate) and 1308 total observations of N and P mineralization (691 tropical, 617 temperate) MAT range: ºC; MAP range: 173 – 5050 mm Fig. 4. Locations of compiled leaf litter nutrient mineralization data Calculated mineralization in 2 ways to understand short and long-term controls on mineralization 1. Mineralization from initial = X t -X 0 (longer-term) 2. Incremental mineralization = X t -X t-1 (short-term) X i is the mass of N or P in the litterbag at any time i in the series Compiled data from 78 separate studies (Fig. 2), 372 litterbag series (170 tropical, 202 temperate) and 1308 total observations of N and P mineralization (691 tropical, 617 temperate) MAT range: ºC; MAP range: 173 – 5050 mm Fig. 4. Locations of compiled leaf litter nutrient mineralization data Calculated mineralization in 2 ways to understand short and long-term controls on mineralization 1. Mineralization from initial = X t -X 0 (longer-term) 2. Incremental mineralization = X t -X t-1 (short-term) X i is the mass of N or P in the litterbag at any time i in the series Fig. 2a: Hypothesis 1: Litter substrate regulation of N/P resupply Corollary: Mean N/P of net mineralization matches that of initial substrate Fig 2b: Hypothesis 2: Substrate non-dependence of N/P resupply Corollary: Decoupling between net mineralization N/P and litter substrate N/P min. Tropics > N/P microbes > N/P min. Temperate Litter collected from field site and placed in mesh bags Litterbags installed in field and retrieved at set time points Chemistry measured at multiple time points to determine effects of time on decomposition and mineralization Fig. 3. Typical in situ litterbag experiment (Jughandle State Park) Litter collected from field site and placed in mesh bags Litterbags installed in field and retrieved at set time points Chemistry measured at multiple time points to determine effects of time on decomposition and mineralization Fig. 3. Typical in situ litterbag experiment (Jughandle State Park) Photo Credit: Joy Cookingham Photo Credit: Tiff van Huysen Hypotheses Summary Motivation Fig. 6. Frequency distribution of the anomaly from perfect substrate- dependence Conclusion: Decomposers can alter N/P during decomposition; deviations tend towards a lower N/P of mineralization vs. litter (~70% of data points) Fig. 7. Relationship between N/P of mineralization and decomposers (tropical: R 2 =0.41; n=170; p<0.001; temperate: R 2 =0.41; n=202; p<0.001) Conclusion: Temperate N/P mineralization < decomposer N/P < tropical N/P mineralization Fig. 5. Relationship between mineralization and litter N/P calculated from (a) initial (Slope = 1.2, R 2 =0.31, n=372) and (b) incremental litter (slope = 0.9, R 2 =0.45, n=270) Conclusion: Strong coherence in N/P stoichiometry of leaf litter and mineralization Potential head-to-head competition between plants and microbes (via resorption and immobilization) Similarities between terrestrial and oceanic environments: in general, organism N/P matches resupply N/P ; deviations tend towards lower N/P mineralization than substrate Globally coherent patterns can be incorporated into ecosystem models to improve predictions of global change 18 Potential head-to-head competition between plants and microbes (via resorption and immobilization) Similarities between terrestrial and oceanic environments: in general, organism N/P matches resupply N/P ; deviations tend towards lower N/P mineralization than substrate Globally coherent patterns can be incorporated into ecosystem models to improve predictions of global change 18 Litterbag Experiments Acknowledgements: Joy Cookingham, Sara Enders, David Gonzalez, Tiff van Huysen, Jorge Izquierdo, Derrick Light, Daniel Liptzin, Kimberley Miller, Scott Morford, and Robert Norton for help compiling data and discussions; and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation (to B.Z.H) and the U.C. Davis Graduate Student Research Award in Engineering & Computer Science (to A.R.M.) for funding. Results & Conclusions Implications Nitrogen/phosphorus mineralization ratios across forests worldwide Alison R. Marklein* and Benjamin Z. Houlton (B13B-0491) Ecology Graduate Group at the University of California, Davis Question: Do microbes alter the N/P of mineralization along the litter-decay continuum in forests? Methods: Meta-analysis of litterbag experiments across global forests Results : Net mineralization N/P matches litter N/P; deviations tend to have lower N/P of mineralization than substrates. In the tropics, P is scarce relative to microbial decomposer stoichiometry; the converse is true in temperate forests Implications: Potential head-to-head competition for nutrients between plants and microbes; consistencies between average terrestrial and oceanic environments; potential improvements for nutrient mineralization dynamics in ecosystem models Question: Do microbes alter the N/P of mineralization along the litter-decay continuum in forests? Methods: Meta-analysis of litterbag experiments across global forests Results : Net mineralization N/P matches litter N/P; deviations tend to have lower N/P of mineralization than substrates. In the tropics, P is scarce relative to microbial decomposer stoichiometry; the converse is true in temperate forests Implications: Potential head-to-head competition for nutrients between plants and microbes; consistencies between average terrestrial and oceanic environments; potential improvements for nutrient mineralization dynamics in ecosystem models