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DGP Writing Test Response Sinners ◦ Persuasive Oratory ◦ Sinners column of graphic organizer ◦ Ad for a civil cause Sinners questions
Many students really do not like the contents of their school lunch. Parents pay for it because they feel their child will get healthy food, and it is convenient for the school to provide it. Many students throw much of it out because they do not like the choices presented. Addressing the school board, suggest a specific menu change. In your reasons explain the advantages of change, and in the facts, include the health and financial benefits of your change. Complete TAP on the bottom.
1. Who is the audience? 2. What is the tone? 3. What is the topic? 4. What is the author attempting to do? 5. Does he succeed? 6. In what ways does he try to achieve his goal? Provide evidence that supports your answers.
What is one concern you have about the Writing Test?
1. ____Introduces the subject of your essay 2. ____The stage in which you get ideas down on paper in a rough form 3. ____The stage in which you rework and improve your draft 4. ____Where your topic is explained, described, or argued 5. ____The stage in which you polish your writing and fix errors 6. ____Grabs the reader’s interest 7. ____The final stage, during which you share your writing 8. ____The stage in which you explore possible topics and gather details 9. ____Concludes your paper 10. ____An explanation of the topic or purpose of a research paper a. Prewriting b. Drafting c. Revising d. Proofreading e. Publishing f. Thesis Statement g. Introductory Paragraph h. Body Paragraph(s) i. Concluding Paragraph j. Hook
Writing Test Preparation Your sermon! ◦ Directions ◦ Rubric Prewriting- graphic organizer Drafting- The Process
A litter problem has developed on your school's campus. Students are throwing trash on the ground, leaving empty soda cans and bottles outside on benches, and dropping napkins and other trash on the cafeteria floor rather than carrying them to the trash can. Your principal has asked students to take more care, but the litter problem persists. The principal has reacted by canceling all after-school activities until the problem is taken care of. What is your position on this issue? Be sure to use supporting reasons, and back them up with specific details and statistics. Complete the TAP on the bottom.
DGP Writing Response Annotate your sermon American Rhetoric ◦ Pair Share
Recently, parent groups have argued that certain books should be banned from school libraries because of their potentially harmful effect on children. What do you think? Should certain books be banned, or should children have the right to read what they want? Be sure to use supporting reasons, and back them up with specific details and statistics. Include three rhetorical devices. Complete TAP on the bottom.
Introduction to Debate ◦ Pairs ◦ Topic ◦ Position ◦ Graphic organizer Prepare your speech for debate ◦ Annotate ◦ Present ◦ Discuss What was missing from the argument? What worked in the argument? What could be improved in the argument?
Gun control is a continuing controversy in the United States. Many argue that it is their right to own guns for protection of life, liberty and property, while others feel that guns in the hands of Americans lead to more violence. Which of these viewpoints do you agree with and why? Be sure to use supporting ideas, and back them up with specific reasons and statistics. Include three rhetorical devices. Complete TAP on the bottom.
GHSWT simulation
Discuss essay from simulation. Questions Concerns Fears Desires